Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 158 Chapter 158

Chapter 158.

Facing Ji Ying's strange eyes, Shen Qing smiled dryly, "The third master was drunk yesterday, and my subordinates also happened to have learned a little bit of Chinese medicine techniques, and it's just a mistake."

Shen Qing explained without a trace, and said doglegly, "Besides, as a subordinate, the subordinate should solve the worries and problems for the third master."

Ji Yanli smiled, and did not expose her deliberate explanation, but said with a warm smile, "You are a sensible person."

Shen Qing frowned, and said with a smile, "My subordinates, thank you for your compliment."

Ji Yanli pursed his lips and smiled, and reminded, "The weather is getting colder now, remember to come here early to warm the bed."

When Shen Qing heard the word warming the bed, her eyebrows frowned, the corners of her mouth twitched indistinctly, and she subconsciously looked at the reactions of the people around her.


With just a glance, Shen Qing saw Ji Ying's strange and complicated eyes sweeping over.

Ji Yanli raised his eyes slightly, and glanced at Ji Ying with his light eyes.

Ji Ying closed her eyes for a moment, put her fist against the corner of her lips and coughed lightly, and said subtly, "Master, get down and drive."

When Shen Qing heard that Ji Ying was going to drive, she didn't have any thoughts to worry about it, so she took three steps and two steps to block Ji Ying, "Hey, Brother Ji Ying, you have been tired all day, let me drive this car." All right. I'm driving steadily."

Ji Ying paused, and took a step back without a trace. He ignored Shen Qing and went to see Ji Yanli's reaction instead.

Shen Qing pursed her lips immediately, and followed his gaze to look at Ji Yanli, "Third Master, can I let my subordinate drive today? It's been a long time since my subordinate has touched this car."

Shen Qing had an eager expression on his face, as if he loved the off-road vehicle for the Season Banquet very much.

Season Banquet looked weird, "You seem to like this car very much?"

"Of course I like it."

This is an off-road vehicle from the Republic of China period.In contemporary times, they are all stored in museums.

Ji Yanli raised his eyelids, seeing Shen Qing's love for the car, let alone carrying it home, he sneered, "But a car is worth your rarity."

The season banquet is inexplicably delicious.

I have been here for a long time as a living person, and I have never seen her so cared about. Instead, there is a rare broken car there.

Shen Qing couldn't hold back, and retorted, "Third Master, this is not an ordinary car."

If this is left to the present, it is a priceless treasure.


Season Banquet looked indifferent.

Ji Yanli's voice was slightly dull, and Shen Qing raised her eyes secretly.

Well, this master is not happy again.

Shen Qing was inexplicable, licked his face and added silently, "This is the third master's car, only the subordinates are rare."

"You can speak."

Ji Yanli glanced at her, and stepped straight into the car with his long legs.

Shen Qing was about to open the door of the cab, but Ji Ying stepped into the car before he knew it.

"Shen Qing, you can take the back seat with the third master."

When Ji Ying got into the car, she still did not forget to ask Shen Qing earnestly, "You are now the third master's personal subordinate, and it is your bounden duty to protect the third master."

Shen Qing: "..."

I believe in your evil!

Shen Qing pursed her lips, and got into the car in the back seat with an unhappy face.

As soon as he got in the car, Ji Yanli looked over, saw Shen Qing's unhappy appearance, immediately raised his eyebrows, and snorted lightly, "Why, such a reluctant appearance, sit with me and feel wronged is you?"

When Shen Qing heard this, the alarm bells rang in his heart.

This is what it says...

Wronged or not is the second thing, even if you really dare to think so in your heart, you can't show it blatantly.

Shen Qing is not stupid.

Facing the season banquet, Shen Qing's small expression of grievance disappeared in an instant, "What did the third master say? It is my honor to be able to get so close to the third master and sit in the same car. Would you be unhappy."

Seasonal banquets are neither salty nor light, "Is that so?"

Shen Qing swore firmly, "Every sentence my subordinates say speaks from the bottom of my heart."

Ji Yanli raised his lips and smiled, not knowing how much he believed Shen Qing's words.

The off-road vehicle galloped all the way to the boundary of Yuncheng Special Zone. Ji Ying wanted to stop the car, but Ji Yanli ordered, "Don't stop, keep going."

Shen Qing was a little surprised, but also a little worried, "Isn't the territory of the special zone the territory of secret agents? Will they take the opportunity to make things difficult for us to drive past so carelessly?"

The special zone is actually an area for the foreign invaders to live on our own territory.

The jurisdiction inside is very strict, especially guarding against Chinese people.

Season Banquet remained unmoved, "Go ahead."

Hearing what Ji Yanli said, Ji Ying drove in directly, regardless of whether it was a special area in Laoshizide or not.

Going a little further, you will meet people from the special zone.The off-road vehicle of Ji Yanli and his party was forced to get off.

The road ahead was blocked by several obstacles aimed at driving.

In the center of the obstacles on the road, stood a few people with guns.It doesn't look like an enemy countryman, but a native countryman.

One of the more burly people stepped forward and reprimanded fiercely, "Who are you, why are you trespassing on the special zone?"

What kind of shit special area!

It's just a dog showing off its power in the territory of its own country.

Shen Qing was so annoyed by their attitude that she took several deep breaths before suppressing her rising anger.

These people don't seem to be good at first glance.There are only a few of them coming out this time, if they forcefully confront the people here, they will only be caught in the urn.

The car window was opened a little by Shen Qing.She slowed down, suppressed the anger in her heart, and was about to say a few nice words, when she heard the season banquet next to her chuckle, "Why, I haven't been to this administrative area for a long time, you don't even come to me Don’t you recognize the car?”

The tone of his speech was obviously smiling, but for no reason, it made people's scalp tingle and cold sweat broke out.

The other person outside seemed to have heard Ji Yanli's voice, and was shocked for a moment, and hurried towards this side, "You, you are Ji Banli?"

Seeing their frightened expressions, Shen Qing was very surprised.Looking at this situation, these people are actually afraid of the season banquet?

In this way, this matter is much easier to handle.

Seeing the expression of the man outside who couldn't bear to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead, Shen Qing was instantly reassured, and she wasn't afraid anymore, so she probably put on a straight face and sternly reprimanded, "Nonsense, you can also use Mr. Ji's car." Dare to stop, I think you really don't want to mess around."

The strong man blocking the car was terrified, and hurriedly begged for mercy, "Forgive me, sir, I was blind and didn't recognize this is your car. If you know it's your car, just lend me a hundred courage, I dare not stop you."

Shen Qing snorted coldly, taking advantage of the momentum of the season banquet.

The man was so frightened that he nearly fell to his knees.

Shen Qing looked at their soft-boned appearance, and felt slightly relieved.

These people are used to being domineering. Once they meet someone stronger than them, they can only kneel down and beg for mercy. Such people are disgusting.

(End of this chapter)

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