Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 159 Chapter 159

The obstacle in the middle of the road was quickly removed, and Ji Yingli's car was driven in smoothly by Ji Ying.

Only now did Shen Qing finally realize the power of the Season Banquet.

A person who can walk sideways in the special zone, such a person, no wonder the original text said that he is a veritable boss of Yuncheng, who can make Yuncheng tremble three times with a stomp of his feet.

I used to think there was exaggeration in this sentence, but now I feel that this sentence may not be exaggerated.The season banquet originally had such courage and practicality.

Shen Qing admired Ji Yanli so much, she couldn't help but secretly glanced at Ji Yanli.

Ji Yanli was sitting on his seat with his eyes closed.Sensing Shen Qing's gaze, he didn't bother to open it, and just let her look at it leisurely.

Shen Qing thought that Ji Yanli had fallen asleep, so her gaze became more and more wanton.At the beginning, it was sneaky, but in the end, it became blatant.

Ji Ying, who was driving in front, glanced inadvertently, and almost turned the car sideways.

He pursed his lips and drove seriously, just pretending that he didn't see anything.

Shen Qing was looking at it vigorously, and suddenly met the eyes that opened suddenly at the feast of the season.

Shen Qing: "!!!"

Shen Qing blinked, looked at the last season's banquet, and looked away as if nothing had happened.

Ji Yanli raised his eyebrows slightly, and jokingly said, "Why, after watching it for so long, can you see something famous?"

Shen Qing: "..."

Just look at the individual, you can see what is famous.

But she only dared to think about it in her heart, and she didn't dare to make the premise at the season banquet.

Shen Qing smiled, considered her tone, and said slowly, "The subordinates just think that the third master is very wise and mighty, and you are very tall and mighty. With the third master around, the subordinates will feel safe."

Well, this sentence, Shen Qingdu, is not talking nonsense.

Judging from the reaction of those people outside when they saw Ji Yanli's car, you can tell that she is telling the truth.

Anyone who encounters the car of Season Banquet will subconsciously hide to the side to avoid this car, and no one dares to come up to stop it.

It stands to reason that if people who are not in the special zone break into the territory of the special zone, if there is no order from the superior, someone will definitely jump out and stop it forcibly.

However, the off-road vehicle has been driving for so long, but no one dares to stop it.

This is completely different from the imagined scenario.

She thought it would take a little more trouble to come here.I didn't expect the special zone to be so smooth.

After seeing the prestige of Third Master Ji in Yuncheng, Shen Qing felt more and more how wise it was to hug Ji's thigh at the Ji Banquet back then.

The car stopped in one place.

Shen Qing jumped out of the car first, then eagerly opened the door for Ji Yanli, and bowed to wait for Ji Yanli to get off the car.

The season banquet brought not many people, only Ji Ying and Shen Qing.Now that he arrived in the downtown area, he realized that there were fewer people with him.

Because when you are in the downtown area, there are always other people's eyes that will look towards this side frequently.

Shen Qing frowned slightly, touched Ji Ying with his elbow, and couldn't help muttering, "It's strange, why do these people keep staring at us."

Ji Ying glanced at her expressionlessly.

Just when Shen Qing thought that he was too cold to talk to, he suddenly said forcefully, "The third master has never been to such an occasion, and today he came here specially for you, so they are naturally surprised."

The corner of Shen Qing's mouth twitched, and he automatically ignored the sentence that Ji Ying said in Ji Ying's mouth.

"These people, do you know the third master?"

Ji Ying glanced at her again, as if looking at an idiot.

"The third master has always lived in seclusion and never came to such occasions. How could they know each other?"

Shen Qing: "..."

Just talk, what do you mean by that look in your eyes.Don't you think there is a problem with your own expression?

Fortunately, Ji Ying patiently explained later, "The appearance of the third master will attract attention wherever he goes. Now that they don't know the identity of the third master, they will naturally have the courage to take a closer look. If they know, they will naturally not People dare to be so disrespectful to the third master."

Shen Qing understood what Ji Ying said inside and outside the words.

As far as the appearance of Ji Yanli is concerned, isn't it just eye-catching.With just that face, you have to attract a bunch of people when you go out.

Fortunately, although Ji Yanli is good-looking, he is not a good stubble. Just because of his overall demeanor, no one who is not good-looking dares to come up to him blatantly.

Shen Qing was very uncomfortable with the gazes around her, and felt somewhat disgusted.

She smiled and complained, "Third Master's appearance is really eye-catching. But being watched like a monkey like this, the original interest will be in vain. If I knew this, I might as well not come out."

Ji Yanli had been patiently listening to Shen Qing's questioning throughout the whole process. Hearing what she said now, he was instantly annoyed and laughed, "I took you out with good intentions, but I still despise you. What a heartless little thing."

As Ji Yanli said, he snorted softly, "If I hadn't thought that you haven't been out for a stroll since you came to Yuncheng, I wouldn't have brought you here either."

Shen Qing also knew that she didn't know what was good or bad, she smiled with crooked eyebrows, "I am well aware of the kindness that the third master has treated me, and I have definitely remembered it in my heart, so how can I not know what is good and bad."

"The subordinates just feel that the eyes of the people around them will make people feel uncomfortable. It's fine to disturb the interest of the subordinates. If it affects the mood of the third master, the loss outweighs the gain."

"With your mouth, you are used to eloquence." Ji Yanli looked at her sideways, with a smile in his eyes, "I don't care about other people's eyes today, if you enjoy yourself, I will be happy."

Shen Qing was dumbfounded.

The main reason is that Ji Yanli's face is so pretty, especially when he smiles.

She felt that her heartbeat was a little irregular again.

Ji Yanli looked at her with a smile that was not a smile, Shen Qing's face was inexplicably hot, she blinked, and said with a dog-legged smile, "It's so nice for the third master to treat his subordinates."

"Knowing that I treat you well, I only know how to thank you verbally, and don't take any practical actions to thank me."

Shen Qing was dumbfounded, and said in a daze, "What thanks does the third master want?"

Ji Yanli glanced at her and said with a smile, "Think about it yourself."

Shen Qing: "..."

Shen Qing didn't say a word, thinking how it would be more appropriate to return to the season banquet.

Ji Ying glanced at Ji Yanli, then at the dazed Shen Qing, and silently looked down at the road.Treat yourself as an invisible person.

Before Shen Qing could speak, Ji Yanli pinched Shen Qing's face, and said with a low voice, "Let you think about how to thank me. Now I'm so scared that I can't even make a sound. I really love you for nothing."

Shen Qing: "!!!"

Hold the grass!

Can the words of the season banquet be more accurate!

What does it mean to hurt her for nothing?

Saying this, it was as if she had an affair with him.

Shen Qing's face was tense, and he said in a muffled voice, "The third master was joking. The subordinates are not the kind of ungrateful people. The third master treats his subordinates kindly, and the subordinates will be grateful for them, and they will repay them in the future. The kindness of the third master."

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