Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 175 Chapter 175

Shen Qing was so moved, "Brother Hongjun, please bear this in mind, but my body is really fine. I have seen Chinese and Western medicine before, and I have taken a lot of traditional Chinese medicine. I feel that my body has improved a lot."

Shen Qing stayed in Hong Jun's room for a while, and walked with Jin Er when she left.

Along the way, Jin hesitated to speak, as if he wanted to say something to Shen Qing.

However, Shen Qing had things on his mind and was absent-minded along the way, so he didn't see Jin Er's tangled reaction.

The two of them walked silently for a while, when Shen Qing seemed to have remembered something, and suddenly stopped in her footsteps.

"What... what's wrong?"

Jin Er met Shen Qing's dark and condensed eyes, and couldn't help swallowing.

"Well, Shen Qing. If you have something to say, can you just say it directly? It's weird for you to look at me like this."

Shen Qing: "..."

Shen Qing sighed, raised her eyes 45 degrees to the sky, "Jiner, I suddenly want to adopt a child."

Jin Er: "???"

He was bewildered.

Well done, why did Shen Qing suddenly think of adopting a child?
Wouldn't it be better to have a baby with the third master in the future?
Jin Er didn't understand Shen Qing's brain circuit, and couldn't help but said, "I see that you are not very old, why would you suddenly want to adopt a child?"

Shen Qing glanced at him silently, "For someone to take care of me in the future."

"Retirement?" Jin Er stared wide-eyed, and then laughed after a long while, "You think so far."

He said so on the lips, but he said sullenly in his heart, if he marries the third master in the future, he is afraid that no one will take care of him.

Of course, I would never dare to say this in front of Shen Qing.

Shen Qing ignored his strange look, and suddenly said seriously, "Second brother Jin. I know you often go out because of work, and if you go out in the future, can you pay attention to me. If there are such lonely orphans, would you Bring it back for me, can you?"

The corners of Jin Er's mouth twitched, with a look of doubt on his face, "It's nothing to help you bring a child back. It's just that any strangers who come in the Ji mansion must not be hidden from the eyes of the third master. If you want to adopt a child, you still have to ask the third master about it." Lord's opinion."

Shen Qing nodded with a serious expression, "That's a question, then I asked the third master to make a plan."

That's what she said, but she had made up her mind to give up the plan in her heart.

If Ji Yanli really had that kind of thought for her, his plan to adopt a child would probably fail in all likelihood.

How clever is Ji Yanli, how can he not see what he is planning.

Shen Qing was so sad, when she lived next door to the Ji Yanli, her mood became more and more restless, after a few days, her body became thinner and thinner.

Shen Qing knew that going on like this was not an option, so she forced herself to eat more and exercise more.When I am anxious, I go to practice boxing and running, and occasionally find my brothers to practice my hands, which is quite a posture of desperate Saburo.

"What's wrong with Shen Qing? It's like taking stimulant drugs. He has to fight with people every day. I have been beaten to the ground by him several times."

"Who knows. I heard that the third master is worthy of being around him, and his kung fu is based on a one-to-ten existence. Shen Qing practiced so hard, maybe he is afraid of the third master's request."


All the people around were talking about the brother who was called by Shen Qing to fight her.

The brothers in the yard had all fought with Shen Qing before.Knowing that Shen Qing's progress is rapid, and his kung fu is already above them.

In the past few days of sparring, Shen Qing has always used one-to-many, and the fights are also desperate.The brothers were more or less afraid of her.

After all, Shen Qing had blocked bullets for the third master before and was shot, and then he was drugged. Both times, the person involved in the accident was carried back by the third master himself.It can be seen that Shen Qing's favor in the eyes of the third master is no less than that of others.

When the third master left, he specifically asked the doctors and cooks in the Ji mansion to take good care of Shen Qing's body.

Now Shen Qing was fighting with them, if he played well, he might be punished by the third master.

However, Shen Qing came to fight with them every day, and suppressed them with the season banquet with a smile on his face.They had no choice but to grit their teeth and practice as a sparring partner, trying not to hit hard.

If so, Shen Qing also looks bruised and swollen every day.

It was only one day, probably because he felt that his ability to bear was limited, so Shen Qing stopped and rested for a day.

The weather has turned cold in the past few days, and it is rare to meet a sunny and clear day.

Shen Qing didn't practice his hands today, so he moved a stool out to bask in the sun.The main reason is that Ji Yanli is not here, so she can sneak out to catch her breath.

Her body has almost been cultivated, if the season banquet is here, she will have to wait by his side to be on duty.

Anyway, now she has figured it out.

In the past few days, she slowly recalled and analyzed all the things she got along with Ji Yanli, and finally had to admit that Ji Yanli was really good to her.

It is very likely that he has a little affection for himself.To be honest, she would be tempted by a man as outstanding as Ji Yanli.

It's just that I'm tempted to be tempted, and I'm more or less heartbroken when I hear Jin Er's aunt.

There is no way, the current society is like this, even if Ji Yanli really likes herself, Shen Qing can't guarantee that Ji Yanli will have any big wife and second wife in the future.

Left and right, she is doing things under Ji Yanli's hands, and there is no way to escape.It's better to face it openly and openly.

As long as Ji Yanli doesn't pierce the window paper, she will pretend not to know about it.If the season banquet punctures this layer of window paper, then I am not afraid.

People like Ji Yanli don't bother to do things like robbery.

Shen Qing figured this out, and now her heart is no longer anxious, and her head doesn't hurt anymore.It's just harder when training.

The stool was a little uncomfortable, so she simply asked some women to lead some brothers to move out the rattan chair and table.

It was placed in the yard, she was leaning on the chair, her legs were on the table, and she was reclining in the sun.By the way, let someone take the few words in this world to read.

There was another small table next to the chair, and there was a plate of pine nuts and almonds on it, but now only half of the plate was left to be eaten by Shen Qing.

She looked very leisurely, but Shen Qing's bruised nose and swollen face ruined the harmony a bit.

The mother-in-law is quick to do things, and she takes good care of Shen Qing.Now that the rattan chair and table were set up, they brought some ointment to apply to Shen Qing.

Shen Qing didn't want to paint, but he was stared at by a few wives and had no choice but to let them torment him.

"My face is inherently ugly, you have tossed and tossed it, but it's just a different way of being ugly." Shen Qing teased.

It's not that Shen Qingdao doesn't care about his face.I just don't know if I was stimulated by Jin Er's words about my aunt.Suddenly, I feel that the face doesn't seem to be so important.

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