Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 176 Chapter 176

Chapter 176 176. I miss the third master

It is the most important thing that you have the real ability.

A more open-minded woman smiled and put down the sliced ​​cantaloupe.

"What is Mr. Shen Xiao talking about? I see Mr. Shen's delicate features, which makes people look very comfortable. Mr. Shen looks like this. It's a pity to be born as a boy, but it's great to be born as a girl." Looks great."

Shen Qing glanced at the woman carelessly, and the corners of her eyes twitched slightly.

I don't know whether these women really don't know about her identity as a woman disguised as a man or if they don't know.

Shen Qing lay facelessly on the recliner for a while, feeling uncomfortable, then changed another position and continued to lie down.

A woman looked at her moving around and thought that Shen Qing was not feeling well, "Mr. Shen is not feeling well, do you want to call the doctor to come and see."

In the past few days, Shen Qing had to be checked by the doctor almost every day, the smell of the medicine made her taste buds almost go bad.

At this moment, when the mother-in-law said that she wanted to call a doctor, she hurriedly gave up, "There is no need to call a doctor, I am not uncomfortable. I am tired from lying down for a long time, it will be fine if I get up and sit for a while."

When the mother-in-law heard this, she immediately became nervous, "Tired? Mister, do you want to go to the room to rest?"

"No, no, no. I'm just tired from lying down, and it's not a serious illness. Besides, wouldn't it be more boring to go back to the room."

They looked so nervous that those who didn't know thought she was so fragile.

Shen Qing glanced at the two wives, then covered her eyes with the book.

One of the women looked stunned, and joked, "Does Mr. Xiao miss the third master?"

Before Shen Qing could reply, the other woman said very naturally, "I must have thought about it. The third master has been away for a few days. It's no wonder that Mr. Xiao doesn't miss the third master."

The two women sang together, directly describing Shen Qing as a grieving woman waiting for her husband to come home.

Shen Qing paused slightly with the hand that was holding the fruit, and squinted at the two women. "I am naturally concerned about the safety of the third master."

"But when the third master comes back, I will start to work. Thinking about it this way, I really hope that the third master will come back two days later."

Seeing Shen Qing's heartless look, the two women couldn't help but look at each other.

Come on, they figured it out.The rightful lord in front of him didn't include the third master at all.

It was Ji Sanye who, in a moment of heat, put this dry and skinny fake young man in his heart.

Shen Qing saw the exchange of eyes between the two without any trace, couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and asked casually, "I heard that you were all old people in the Ji mansion before?"

"Yes. I have been in the Ji mansion for many years."

When the mother-in-law mentioned the season banquet, she was full of praise, "The third master is a good man. After my son died on the front line, the third master saw that I was getting old, so he kindly took me in to do some work in the Ji mansion."

Shen Qing was surprised.

It turned out that the mother-in-law's son had already died on the front line.

Another mother-in-law was also full of praise for Ji Yanli, "Speaking of the third master, he is really a good man. My son was also working in the third master's hands. That year he went north to deliver goods, but unfortunately he was shot and killed on the road.

The third master not only avenged us, but also arranged for my little grandson to study, and even arranged for me to be in Ji Mansion Ji, so that my grandson and I would not starve to death on the street.

Now my grandson is also in his teens. A few days ago, he told me that he wanted to do things with the third master, so I went with him.I can rest assured that he can follow the third master. "

Shen Qing sighed.

It's sad that so many people under Ji Yanli are devoted to him, and they are very convinced of him.

Shen Qing restrained the look of foolishness on his face, and sighed, "The third master is a good man. If there were more people like the third master here, the people of the country would not be persecuted to this point by those bandits."

"The third master is indeed a good man."

The two women also agreed, and pointed out, "If any girl can marry the third master in the future, it will be her blessing."

The corners of Shen Qing's mouth twitched, pretending that he didn't understand the woman's suggestion, but followed the woman's words, "Yes, if anyone is as good as the third master, if anyone can marry him, it will be the cultivation of the third life and the third generation." Blessing."

The two women looked at each other again, sighed inwardly, and shook their heads.

This Mr. Shen Xiao is not enlightened.It seems that the third master will suffer a lot in the future.

When Shen Qing was eating, she wiped some ointment on her face, but unfortunately, she was seen by her mother-in-law.

The mother-in-law was heartbroken instantly, "Oh my little Mr. Shen, what are you doing to wipe off this ointment. Look at how swollen your face is now. If you don't apply the ointment properly, you may not know when it will disappear. swell."

Shen Qing didn't care at all and said, "It's okay, let it swell if it doesn't go away, anyway, I don't rely on my face to find a wife, so what are you afraid of."

The mother-in-law almost froze when she heard it.

It's a crime, a good female doll is now nothing more than a male or female, and she still thinks about marrying a wife all day long.

The mother-in-law was too worried, so she got some ointment and carefully applied it on Shen Qing.

"You still need to protect your face. The third master just likes to be delicate and clean. If you ask the third master to see your face later, he will definitely not like it, and maybe he will be angry."

Shen Qing hooked the corners of her lips indifferently, and said with a smile, "You guys underestimate the third master. The third master is generous, so he won't dislike me just because of such a trivial matter."

The mother-in-law moved her mouth, but finally did not speak again.

It has nothing to do with Ji Sanye being stingy or not.They have all heard how much the third master cares about Mr. Shen Xiao in front of him.

If you see Shen Qing with such a face, even if you won't be angry, you won't be very happy either.

Shen Qing hooked the corners of her lips, and said to herself, if you don't like it, you don't like it, which is exactly what she wants.

Shen Qing ate some fruit, but remembered the business.

"By the way, I don't know if the wall of the room I lived in has been repaired. If it is repaired, I can take advantage of today's good weather and move things back directly."

It's best to take advantage of these days when Ji Yanli is away, and move back secretly by yourself.

The two women looked at each other again.

One woman lowered her eyes guiltyly, and the other woman said calmly, "I took a look at it when I passed by today, and it hasn't been repaired yet. It seems that the problem is relatively serious, and it seems that it will be demolished and rebuilt."

Shen Qing's eyes widened immediately, his resting legs got off the table at once, sat up and asked, "Do you want to dismantle and rebuild?"

"seems like it."

Shen Qing: "..."

What happened to the house? Isn't it just a well-behaved house? Why does it need to be demolished and rebuilt?

How much time will it take to disassemble and build?How long will it take for me to move back.

(End of this chapter)

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