Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 177 Chapter 177

Chapter 177. Chapter 177.
Shen Qing couldn't sit still after hearing this, and went to the place where she used to live.

After going there, I found that the room where she used to live and the house next door had been almost demolished.

The ground was full of mess, and what came into my ears were noisy clanging sounds.

Shen Qing's face was dark, and he caught a brother and asked in a bad tone, "Why is it dismantled here?"

"If it is dismantled, it will be dismantled. There is no reason."

The brother was suddenly grabbed by the cuff, and his face suddenly showed a bit of displeasure. When he turned his head, he saw that Shen Qing's face was darker than his.

He realized with belated awareness that this house was originally where Shen Qing lived.

No wonder his complexion is so bad.

The brother laughed awkwardly, and his tone softened a bit, "So it's brother Shen Qing. That's right, there's something wrong with these two houses.

There were cracks on the wall before, but after it was dismantled, it was discovered that there were still many problems, large and small.After the problem was reported, Mr. Jin meant to dismantle and rebuild. "

Shen Qing stared into his eyes, and asked mysteriously, "Apart from the crack, is there any other problem?"

"Yes, there are still many problems."

The brother faced Shen Qing with a surprisingly good attitude, "Except for the cracks on the wall, someone has infiltrated the inside of the roof. To be honest, if this house is not rebuilt, it will be cool to live in in summer, and it will definitely freeze to death in winter." of."

Shen Qing looked at the mess on the ground, and some of the soil clods on the roof were indeed a little wet.

Shen Qing nodded, and brought the brother over, with curved eyes, "I'm sorry brother, the clothes are not torn by you."

"It's okay, my clothes are strong."

Shen Qing smiled, apologized to the brother and left.

Are you really thinking too much?

That's right, why would you demolish her house during the good-for-nothing season banquet? If he really wanted to trick himself into living next door to him, he could just let him move there directly on the grounds that it would be better for him, so why bother.

Shen Qing smiled, and secretly scolded herself for being neurotic.

Could it be that the result was really influenced by Jin Er's aunt and lost her sense of proportion.

Shen Qing sighed quietly, and ran into Ji Fan as he was walking towards him.

"Ji Fan?"

Shen Qingxian was fine, his eyes lit up when he met Ji Fan now, "Did you go out with the third master?"

Ji Fan can be regarded as the most tempered of all the Anbu.Compared with other people in Anbu, Shen Qing likes getting along with Ji Fan the most.

"No." Ji Fan said calmly, "Third Master took the brothers next to him when he went out this time, not many people from Anbu."

"So it is."

Suddenly, Shen Qing looked him up and down, saw that he was dressed casually, and asked again, "Are you resting today?"


Ji Fan doesn't talk much, he looks upright, and treats people politely.

Shen Qing didn't know who had said that Ji Fan was originally the young master of everyone, his father was from a famous family, and his mother was his father's original wife.

His father was a careless person. After marrying Ji Fan's mother, he brought several concubines into the mansion one after another.There are more than a dozen of Jiying's brothers and sisters alone.

His mother couldn't bear the blow, and was depressed all day long, and it didn't take long before she passed away from the lingering sick bed.

Once Ji Fan's mother died, Ji Fan became a poor little boy who had neither father nor mother love.Not only that, there are many sisters and brothers in their family, and it is very embarrassing to fight for the family property.Later Ji Fan got into a fight with his father for some reason.

Ji Fan unilaterally severed ties with his family, and since then he has been with Ji Banyan.

From Jinlongmen to Anbu, and from Anbu to the top leader next to Ji Yanli.

I heard that when Ji Fan's mother died, she held his hand tightly, saying that she wanted to watch him marry a wife and have children.And told him again and again that it is enough to find a girl he likes and live happily in this life, don't be like his father, aunt carried one house after another.

If you want Shen Qing to say, Ji Fan's mother is really sober in the world.I just don't know if Ji Fan will obey her mother's last wish and marry only one wife.

Shen Qing sighed, causing Ji Fan to give her a strange look.

Shen Qing pretended not to see Ji Fan's strange gaze, and only asked, "I'm resting today too, but seeing you, I suddenly became interested in boxing again. How about it, would you like to fight with me?"

When Shen Qing said this, his eyes shone with excitement.

It's not easy to catch a person from Anbu to practice boxing kung fu. After finally catching one, Shen Qing naturally couldn't give up.

The corner of Ji Fan's mouth twitched.

His gaze stayed on her bruised and swollen face for a moment before he pointed out, "I saw that you were seriously injured, are you sure you want to fight me?"

After finally seizing Ji Fan's free time, Shen Qing would never let this opportunity go, Dang even patted his chest and assured, "It's just a little skin trauma, it's not a serious injury."

Ji Fan silently glanced at her so-called "skin trauma" again, silently thinking how much effort he would have to spend so as not to break the person's appearance.

He is now like this, it is already a disfigurement.

Ji Fan raised his eyes and stared at her face secretly.

Shen Qing: "..."

If you fight, you will fight, if you don't fight, you won't fight.Keep staring at her face to see what she is doing.

Shen Qing touched her face subconsciously, "Is there something wrong with my face?"

Ji Fan shook his head, "There's nothing wrong with it, it just looks a little ugly."

Shen Qing: "!!!"

Shen Qing was dumbfounded, and then heard Ji Fan say again calmly, "I'm joking, don't take it seriously."

Shen Qing: "..."

Ji Fan asked again, "My martial arts are considered top-notch in Anbu. I heard that when you sparred with Ji Ying, you actually managed to make him have a nosebleed. If you really want to fight, I will spar with you." Let’s be honest. I also want to test your strength for a while.”

The time Ji Fan mentioned was the time Ji Ying gave her a woman, and the time she was so angry that she directly tried to force him to do it.

That time, it was Ji Ying who deliberately kept her hand, which made her accidentally get it.When Ji Fan suddenly mentioned it at this moment, Shen Qing's face became quite hot.

She rubbed her nose in embarrassment, "That time was just a fluke, I was able to succeed because Ji Ying kept his hand. In a real fight, Ji Ying and I are far behind in strength."

Ji Fan said seriously, "He keeps his hand because he underestimates the enemy. You can hurt him, and you will not be weak after all. I actually admire you for being able to make the third master look at you differently in such a short time in Ji's mansion. There must be something extraordinary, that will make the third master look at him differently."

Shen Qing was a little embarrassed by the praise, and couldn't help but smile, "Hearing what you said, I suddenly felt that I was pretty good."

Ji Fan said seriously, "You're already pretty good."

(End of this chapter)

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