Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 178 Chapter 178 just fell in love with her

Chapter 178 178. I just fell in love with her

Shen Qing chatted with Ji Fan for a few words, and felt more and more that Ji Ying looked no different from the group of people in Anbu on the surface, all of them had a serious expression, but inside, he was actually a warm man.

Shen Qing didn't have any feelings for the people in Anbu before, and he always felt that they were as boring as a facial paralysis without being cold all day long.

But today she changed her mind.

She felt that his misunderstanding of Brother Anbe was really too deep.Brother Anbu is actually very good, at least not everyone is like Jiying, boring and indifferent.

Shen Qing chatted softly with Ji Fan, and Ji Fan agreed to fight him.

During the sparring, Ji Fan was concerned about Shen Qing's bruised nose and swollen face, so he kept his hand deliberately.However, he did not underestimate the enemy.

Where he should do his best, he will still do his best.

Shen Qing told him early in the morning before the sparring.If it's really for her own good, don't hold back. He fights with others to check for gaps and fill in gaps. He wants to improve his strength through this way of fighting.

When sparring, it is because he is their brother, but the enemy on the battlefield will not let you go, and will not let you go because of your lack of strength.

Ji Fan felt that what Shen Qing said was right, so when fighting, he was very desperate, and sometimes he would deliberately guide Shen Qing's deficiencies.

After the fight, both of them were sweating from exhaustion.

Ji Fan didn't have many scars on his body, but Shen Qing had many.The same is true for that face, which was originally ugly with a bruised nose and swollen face, but now that the post is over, that face is even worse.

However, Shen Qing was overjoyed at this moment.

"Brother Ji Fan, thank you very much today."

Shen Qing thanked Ji Fan earnestly, and couldn't help saying with emotion, "If I had fought with you earlier, maybe I would have improved faster."

When they were fighting, Ji Fan would mention a few things about her shortcomings intentionally or unintentionally, and she wrote them down.

And Shen Qing's comprehension is not bad, almost in the second round of fighting, he can use the essentials mentioned by Ji Fan in the first round.

Shen Qing felt that he gained a lot from fighting Ji Fan today, so he was naturally grateful to Ji Fan in his heart.

Ji Fan gave a rare smile, "You don't have to thank me, it's all about my brothers, who don't talk about it. It's because you have a good understanding that you think what I say is useful. If you have a poor understanding, I will What you said is a bunch of nonsense."

"That's what I said, but the words you pointed out, Brother Ji, really helped me and made me make obvious progress."

Shen Qing thinks that Ji Fan is a very nice person.

Humble and polite, martial arts is strong, and he is an invisible warm man.

If he really intends to follow his mother's wishes and only marry one wife in his life.If she wants to marry, Ji Fan is a good choice.

The wishful thinking in Shen Qing's heart was well planned, the more she looked at it, the more she felt that Ji Fan was good.

But this kind of thing, she thought about it and passed.What she cares most now is the issue of her own strength.

Opponents like Ji Fan are hard to find, and Shen Qing managed to pluck a sheep in Anbu, but he had to pluck the wool hard.

Shen Qing smiled mischievously, deliberately getting close to Ji Fan.

"Well, Brother Ji Fan. Can I still fight with you in the future?"

Shen Qing was afraid that Ji Fan would not agree, so he made a fool of himself on purpose, "You have also seen that, whether it is Jin Yi Jin Er, Ji Ying, Ji Wu Ji Fei, or you, all of you are better at martial arts than me."

"I want to work hard to make myself better, but I always fail to find the right method, and I have to take many detours in practicing kung fu."

"You reminded me today, and I felt enlightened in an instant. If you can give me more advice, I believe I can improve rapidly. I just don't know, would Brother Ji Fan spare some time to work with me? Fight more times."

The corner of Ji Fan's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help but look at Shen Qing again.

He has seen thick-skinned people before, but he has never seen thick-skinned people than Shen Qing.

This is him, blackmailing him?

Ji Fan thought about it, and deliberately teased him, "It's okay to give me advice, but you have to pay me for my hard work."

Shen Qing was stunned.

Money is worth money in this day and age.Whoever asks her for money is plucking out her heart.

Seeing Ji Fan staring at her with great interest, Shen Qing blinked his eyes and said with a smile, "It is necessary to pay for hard work. Brother Ji Fan, you also know that my monthly money is only so little, Brother Ji Look, how much should I give you?"

When Shen Qing said this, Ji Fan saw that his flesh hurt obviously.

Ji Fan found it interesting, so he pretended to think about it, "You can give it to me, I don't want your money, as long as you want it."

The corner of Shen Qing's mouth twitched.

When she went back, her face was swollen and thick, and she looked excited for a while and ached for a while.

When the two women saw her coming back and saw her face, they were scared out of their wits.

Damn it, is Mr. Shen going to find someone to beat him up again?

The two women were in a hurry.

If the third master came back and saw this, wouldn't he feel bad?
Such a good girl, why does she like to be beaten up all day long? I don't know what's going on in her head.

The two women hurriedly went to ask for a doctor, and Shen Qing felt that they were making a fuss over a molehill.

But looking at the appearance of the two women anxiously digging her family's ancestral grave with someone, at least Shen Qing didn't say the words that there is no need to make such a fuss.

The doctor was no stranger to Shen Qing's calling for doctors every day in his room.

Hey, there is no way, who let this girl fall into the eyes of the third master.

As a result, when the doctor came in, he saw Shen Qing's face, which almost scared her to death.

"How did you make yourself look like this?"

The doctor stared at Shen Qing's bruised and swollen face, almost spurting out a mouthful of old blood.

The two women couldn't hold back and said, "Mr. Shen is looking for someone to fight again. In the past few days, she has been desperately looking for someone to fight, saying that she is competing with others, but every time she comes back with a bruised nose and a swollen face."

A woman looked anxious, "A few days ago, the swelling on this face just subsided a little, but it swelled up again today. If the third master suddenly came back and saw this, he would not be able to ask the teacher to blame him."

Mr. Shen Xiao is someone whom the third master cares about.

The doctor was much calmer than the two wives, he said, "I've heard about Mr. Shen. It is said that Mr. Shen fell into the eyes of the third master in less than half a year, and was promoted to the third master's side as an exception. , there is a reason for this.”

The two women thought to themselves, there must be a reason.There are so many noble ladies in this huge cloud city, who made Ji Sanye fall in love with Mr. Shen in front of him.

Doctors think differently than they do.

Compared with the two wives, the doctor obviously understands the season banquet better.

(End of this chapter)

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