Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 202 Who called 202

Chapter 202 202. Who Called

Because of the drunken incident that day, Shen Qing behaved well for several days.She always felt a little uncomfortable when she saw the season banquet.

Fortunately, there were many things going on these few days, so Shen Qing deliberately forgot about it.

In addition to dealing with the affairs of the gang, Ji Yanli would also go out every now and then, sometimes to the special area, and sometimes to the Secret Bureau.

As the situation gradually became more serious, Shen Tingli thought of something.


It can't be this matter.

In the original text, the Japanese and the Zhuhe faction planned that they deliberately released the news that they had captured the important anti-war elements of the main station faction to lure the Chinese people to take the bait.

In the news, the personnel information was deliberately blurred, and it was revealed that this person had a list of many underground anti-Japanese fighters.

In this matter, because the Japanese paid a price to instigate several anti-war elements of the main combat faction, and in addition, there were indeed two high-level officials who lost contact with the main station faction, so this strategy went very smoothly.

Also because of this incident, the main station faction suffered a big loss even with the season banquet, and many people fell into the hands of the Japanese.

Shen Qing felt uneasy for no reason.

She had nothing to do, so she inquired with the brothers in the gang about the recent movements of the special zone and the Bureau of Secrecy.It's okay if you don't inquire, but after inquiring, I feel more and more frightened.

It seems to be the one that was highlighted in the original article?
Shen Qingxin hesitated, and hurriedly looked for Ji Yanli, but learned that Ji Yanli had gone out early.

The quarterly banquet usually goes out with Shen Qing, but these days, for the first time, she is given a few more days off.

Shen Qing thought it was Ji Yanli who was concerned about her relationship with him, and blatantly favored her.

Now that I think about it, maybe I just don't want her to participate in this rescue operation?

"When did the third master go out?"

Shen Qing took a serious look at the brother who was guarding the door.

"Go out early in the morning."

Shen Qing frowned, "Who did Third Master go out with, and what clothes did he wear?"

The brother guarding the door was a little confused, but when Shen Qing asked, he replied honestly, "I brought a few brothers from the ANBU. The third master is wearing a suit today with a gray coat and a hat."

Hearing this, Shen Qing put down half of her hanging heart.

She found a few other brothers to inquire about the specific situation, and confirmed that the season banquet would not rob people today, so she let go of her guard.I was thinking about finding a suitable reason to remind him when Ji Yanli came back today.

As a result, I waited until night.

There was no sound outside the room, and there was no sound of a car coming back at all.

It's so late, Ji Yanli hasn't come back yet.Shen Qing's originally determined mind could not help being a little shaken.

Could it be that they are acting tonight?

Shen Qing paced back and forth, a hint of anxiety evident on his face.

"Mr. Shen is waiting for the third master?"

One of the women looked at Shen Qing's obviously anxious look and said with relief, "The third master may have something urgent to attend to. It's normal not to come back every now and then in the past three days."

"It's getting late now, sir, why don't you go to rest first, we'll just stay here and watch over."

Shen Qing shook his head, and glanced at the two women again, "You've been busy all day, go down and rest first. I'll wait a little longer, and if the third master hasn't come back after a while, I'll go to rest."

Where are the two women willing to listen.

"Sir, if you want to wait, we two wives will wait with you. There is no reason for Mr. to rest here while waiting for us."

Shen Qing had no choice but to go to bed and rest, "Okay, I'm going to sleep, you guys go to sleep too."

After sending the two women away, Shen Qing got up from the bed and went to find Hong Jun.

She had already inquired during the day.

I'm sorry that Jiying and the others are not in Ji's mansion.Now there is only one injured Hongjun who can barely call the shots in the Ji mansion.

Hong Jun must know where to call other places.

Season Banquet didn't come back today, either he rested at the pier or Lehuamen or other places, or he went to rescue people tonight.

In either case, she will try her best.

Poor Hong Jun, a patient whose injury has not yet fully recovered, was tormented by Shen Qing in the middle of the night to call everywhere.

The quarterly banquet rested at the pier tonight.They were also lucky that the first place they called was the pier.

In the villa on the pier.

A group of people have already disguised themselves and are on standby, waiting for the leader to give an order.

In the villa at this moment, there are many new faces, including Mr. Qiu who met Shen Qing that day.Everyone looked very serious, preparing for the next fierce battle with the mentality of going to death at any time.

However, at this moment, the phone rang.

The person who received the call looked at Ji Yanli with a strange expression, hesitating to speak.

"What's your expression like?"

As soon as I got there, I couldn't see it, and couldn't help asking, "Who called?"

"It's Shen...sister-in-law."

Everyone paused for a moment and looked at Ji Yanli.

Jin Yi warned, "It's already this time, why is she calling?"

The brother shook his head, "Sister-in-law said she was looking for the third master."

The brother said, his eyes falling on Ji Yanli.Everyone's eyes also fell on Ji Yanli.

Each gossip is full of meaning.

In fact, the main reason is that the mouth of the third master was too obvious a few days ago, which made the brothers feel itchy and always wanted to inquire about something.

The originally tense atmosphere became livelied instantly because of this phone call.

While taking advantage of the season banquet to answer the phone, the brother who had something good to do immediately winked at the others.Look, the third master didn't go back for a day, and this call came.

As a result, in the next second, he was kicked hard on the buttocks.

Looking back, Jin Yi said with a dark face, "Don't make arrangements for the third master's affairs."

The third master is still here, he has no eyesight!

The brother chuckled, and said poorly, "No, the third master has been abstaining from desires for some years, and now he finally met someone with the right appetite. Brothers are all happy for the third master."

Jin glanced at him, "Okay, don't say a few words, be careful that the third master comes in and beats you, and you dare to arrange gossip about the third master."

Another brother joked, "Yeah, Gangzi, you dare to arrange the gossip of the third master. You see that the third master will have a wife soon, and your daughter-in-law has not yet been found. You can find one sometime."

The man named Gangzi chuckled and said, "When the third master gets married, I will let Shen...sister-in-law take the initiative to introduce one to us."

"You think it's beautiful."

Everyone was smiling and talking, and saw Ji Yanli walking in with a dignified expression.


On the other hand, Shen Qing who hung up the phone was also a little apprehensive.

She used her dream to remind Ji Yanli that the news released from the special area this time might be a conspiracy.

In order to convince Ji Yanli, she also detailed a few details.

Believe it or not, it all depends on the season banquet.

(End of this chapter)

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