Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 203 Chapter 203 Ask Hongjun to borrow someone

Chapter 203 203. Ask Hongjun to Borrow Someone
However, she doesn't intend to sit still.

It would be best if the season banquet believed her words.If Ji Yanli doesn't believe it, she can understand.After all, she used dreaming as an excuse, as long as she is a normal person, it is difficult to believe her own words.

After Shen Qing finished calling Ji Yanli, she begged Hong Jun to lend her some of his staff.

"In the middle of the night, I was calling again, and I was borrowing someone again. What happened?"

Hong Jun frowned slightly, very puzzled, "Manpower can be borrowed from you, but you can't explain the reason, and if the third master comes back, I can't explain it either."

In the middle of the night, if Shen Qing was allowed to go out alone with others, not to mention that the third master would blame him, as a friend, he would not be at ease.

"Brother Hongjun, I'm asking you to borrow people just to ask them to do a favor. It's not convenient for me to tell you the specific reasons, but I can assure you that I will bring them back intact."

Hong Jun's eyelids twitched, "What exactly happened that made you so anxious, calling and borrowing people in the middle of the night."

Shen Qing had no choice, his eyes moved and he thought of an excuse, "Brother, you also know that the third master has promised to marry me as his wife. But I got the news today that Cheng Yunting intends to marry the third master and the third master, and wants to marry his daughter Give it to the third master."

"The third master kept this matter from me. They held a banquet at the pier today. Cheng Yunting's daughter still provoked me. I couldn't swallow this breath. I wanted to ask it myself. But I am weak alone. How much do I need?" Personal support."

Hong Jun was dumbfounded, and said after a while, "You go to make trouble, and I can't lend you someone, the third master will take my skin off."

"Don't worry, I won't make trouble. I'll go and ask. If the third master's promise to me is true, he and others will definitely not be able to get along. If the third master's promise to me is false, I will So let go of your thoughts and just be a qualified subordinate."

Fearing that Hongjun would refuse, Shen Qing blinked again, "If the third master asks, elder brother, you can tell the third master that I lied to you that he was in danger, and you were fooled by me before lending him to me."

If Shen Qing tells Hong Jun the excuse of dreaming, he will definitely feel that he is a psychopath.

It's kind of unreasonable to go to war just because of a dream.Maybe I'll have to ask again.

Hong Jun looked complicated, and finally sighed, "Forget it, I will lend you a few people."

Shen Qingxin was overjoyed, and hurriedly said, "Thank you, brother."

Hong Jun glanced at her, "Don't be too happy too soon. You are my brother. If the third master marries you, I am naturally happy to see it happen. If the third master marries someone else, we can't stop it. Everything will be Fight for it yourself."

Shen Qing fell silent.

Sorry brother, I didn’t mean to lie to you.

Shen Qing changed into black clothes, and used rouge and gouache that he found out from nowhere to make up for himself. Looking at the men and women, they were so ugly that even their parents would not recognize them.

Several brothers who were traveling with him silently turned their heads when they saw Shen Qing's makeup.

Oh my god, I'm so scared to death at night.

I don't know what's wrong with Shen Qing. She doesn't know who she's going to scare to death when she wears such makeup at night.

Shen Qing didn't care about the expressions of several people, but only explained a few words with a serious expression.

"Tonight's matter is very important, and the matter is of great importance. I need the full cooperation and help of a few brothers."

I don't know if Shen Qing's expression and tone were too serious, and the expressions of several brothers who were traveling with him gradually became serious.

When going out, Shen Qing asked several brothers to prepare a lot of guns and ammunition, and searched for a handful of smoke bombs in the warehouse.

After preparing everything, a few people drove out.

Shen Qing was not prepared to ask Da to go head-to-head with the people from the Secrecy Bureau. She knew the plot. As long as they solved a few key points after the Ji Banquet and the others took action, they would ensure that they would not be surrounded by the people from the Special Zone. That’s it.

In the dark night, Shen Qing slammed on the accelerator, and the car flew out like a cannonball.

Shen Qing and the others left, and Hong Jun felt a little worried for a while, so he was going to call again to the pier to find out.


"Brother, don't let sister-in-law come over."

"The group of people in the special zone seem to have arrested some important people... The people over there have also come, and the third master complied... The third master gave an order to rob people tonight."

Hong Jun listened to the urgent nagging voices over there, and was silent for a moment. After a long time, he sighed leisurely, "You are late, Shen Qing asked me how many people I borrowed, and drove out."


The brother couldn't hold it back and swore.

On the other side, before Hong Jun hung up the phone, he glanced at it, and unexpectedly found a piece of paper on the corner of the table where the phone was placed.

When I unfolded it, I saw that it was written by Shen Qing, "Brother, I'm sorry that I lied to you tonight. The third master is going to save someone tonight. I was suspicious of fraud, and I was afraid that the third master would not allow it, so I decided to go outside to help you. You Don't worry, I regret my life, if things change, I will leave early."

Hong Jun held the paper and smiled wryly.

I don't know if the third master knows, will he spare him this time because his body has not recovered yet.

"Big brother?"

There was a voice on the phone, and Hong Jun finally realized it, and hurriedly asked, "Go and tell the third master that Shen Qing left a message when she went out, saying that she was waiting for you outside. If things change, she will inform you in advance." leave."

Hongjun hung up the phone, his mind filled with news about Master San and his companions' mission.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

I don't know how long it took, but the sound of a car came from outside the yard, but it was Shen Qing who came back with a few brothers.

Hongjun didn't sleep.

He ran out when he heard the sound of the car.

Suddenly facing Shen Qing's extremely ugly face, he was startled.I thought Shen Qing was out pretending to be a ghost in the middle of the night to scare people.

Seeing Hong Jun who suddenly appeared, Shen Qing was also taken aback, and touched his nose inexplicably guilty, "Brother Hong Jun, you haven't rested yet."

Hong Jun was still a little angry at first, but seeing her return safely, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.He said angrily, "Don't you look at what you are doing, can I fall asleep.

He even made up a drama about the Third Master getting married to someone else to trick him!
Shen Qing lowered her eyes silently, "Brother Hongjun, I was wrong."

Hongjun was still a little angry at first, but with Shen Qing's pitiful attitude of admitting his mistake, his attitude was completely gone.

Hong Jun sighed, and then said, "Since you are going to meet the third master, why don't you tell me clearly, but you want to make up a story to lie to me."

Shen Qing also knew that he was wrong, and couldn't help being weak, "I told you, but you wouldn't agree. You will definitely ask the third master for instructions, and the third master will not allow me to go out."

(End of this chapter)

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