Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 210 Chapter 210

Ji Yanli smiled nonchalantly, "I heard that Ms. Gu provided the evidence of Xue Yu's collusion with the rebels to the Japanese. Since the evidence is solid, what you said is a bit ridiculous."

When encountering Ji Yanli, a stickler who doesn't want to be soft and hard, even if Gu Linglong is interested in him, he will be frustrated at the moment, and his face suddenly turns ugly.

She was always at a disadvantage in front of the man next to her, but she stumbled on Ji Yanli, how could she swallow this breath.

Ji Yanli's words clearly locked up Xue Yu's crime.

In fact, she doesn't care whether Xue Yu is wronged or not.She only cares that the position of head of the special district is suitable for her, and Xue Yu and Ji Yanli are not against each other.

Before this incident happened, Xue Yu had been staring at Ji Yanli.

He once suspected that Ji Yanli had something to do with the Anti-Japanese War elements, and even suspected that Ji Yanli himself was an Anti-Japanese War element, but because there was no evidence, he could only investigate secretly.

Gu Linglong personally provided evidence to label Xue Yu as an anti-Japanese war element, so the season banquet that he suspected did not exist as an anti-Japanese war element.

Gu Linglong's move was a big help to Ji Yanli.However, looking at it now, the quarterly banquet doesn't seem to appreciate it very much?

Li Yang on the side was frightened to death by Gu Linglong's words.

No doubt that Xue Yu was wronged.At this time, even if Xue Yu was wronged, it should be treated as if he was not wronged.

After all, Zuo Tianyize hated Xue Yu's betrayal very much now.

If you say something like this now, if someone reports it again, people may think that you and Xue Yu are in the same group and are rebels.

And who is the Ji Yanli, that is, the Japanese people have to be courteous when they see it, and they are called by the people of Yuncheng as the existence of the king of Hades.

Miss Gu dared to say such a thing in front of him, which was clearly a provocation.

A small newly appointed director of the special district dares to provoke in front of the season banquet, is he tired of working?
He hurried forward to smooth things over, "What the third master said is that there is no doubt that Xue Yu is a rebel. What we should do now is to interrogate Xue Yu strictly and ask the party behind the scenes."

Ji Yanli snorted coldly, "Since that's the case, I won't bother Deputy Director Li's interrogator."

Li Yang quickly bowed his head and said with a smile, "Third Master, please go slowly."

Gu Linglong stared at Ji Yanli's back, pursed her lips and watched him leave without saying a word, not knowing what she was thinking.

On the way back, Ji Yanli was very silent.

Shen Qing couldn't guess what he was thinking, so he felt that his expression was very solemn.

Could it be related to the Gu Linglong I saw just now?

Shen Qing was very clear about the purpose of Gu Linglong's return to China, but she didn't know if Ji Yanli knew it too.

Shen Qing was deeply inquisitive, so she couldn't help but secretly looked at the Ji Banquet all the way.I want to see clues from his expressionless face.

In the end, he only took a few glances before he was caught by the season banquet.

Ji Yanli raised his eyebrows, "What are you looking at?"

"Nothing to see."

Shen Qing was a little embarrassed to peek at the captured bag.She thought for a while, and then asked tentatively, "I see that the third master has been silent all the way, what seems to be on his mind?"

The banquet raised his eyebrows slightly, "Did you see it again?"

Shen Qing smiled, "So, the third master really has something on his mind?"


Season Banquet did not deny it.

Shen Qing felt slightly happy and asked again, "What's on your mind, Third Master?"

Ji Yanli raised his eyebrows and glanced at her, "Guess for yourself."

Shen Qing was quite bored.

However, the season banquet asked her to guess, and she really mustered up some energy to guess, "The third master's concern is about Xue Yu's matter this time. If not, the third master will not go to the secrecy bureau on purpose today."

The season banquet raised eyebrows, noncommittal.

Shen Qing said again, "But about Xue Yu's matter, it was because Gu Linglong provided evidence to Zuotian Yize that he became a so-called rebel. Therefore, the third master's concern is actually related to Gu Linglong. Maybe , it might also have something to do with Li Yang?"

Shen Qing stared at him, "I guess right?"

Season Banquet smiled, "Seventy to eighty percent."

What he meant was that she only guessed seven or eight right.

Shen Qing blinked, "So, the third master is really about Gu Linglong's business?"

There was something inexplicably tasteful in his tone.

Ji Yanli was unclear, so he frowned slightly and said, "I want to do something about her."

Seeing that the season banquet didn't take Gu Linglong seriously, Shen Qing felt better. She paused, "I think that Gu Linglong's intentions are not pure, and he intends to get close to your thoughts. The third master is in the secrecy bureau At that time, the man's eyes were almost glued to the third master."

Thinking of this, Shen Qing ground his teeth.

She also dares to covet her. If you have the opportunity, you must teach this woman a lesson.

In the final analysis, I still can't see her betraying the country.

The banquet ceremony frowned and thought for a moment, "Huh?"

He was not impressed at all.

Shen Qing looked at his slightly confused expression and almost laughed.


Gu Linglong deliberately brushed up her feelings in front of the Ji Banquet today. Seeing the appearance of the Ji Banquet, the result might disappoint her.

Shen Qing was in a happy mood, with the corners of her lips raised slightly.

Seeing her like this, Ji Yanli couldn't help but startled, and said, "Are you jealous just now?"


Shen Qing denied it repeatedly, and was afraid that Ji Yanli would misunderstand, so she patiently explained, "The third master treated Gu Linglong without any pretense and ignored him. I am very happy, so there is no need to be jealous. If the third master really likes him I will only be jealous if I get rid of other people."


The corners of Ji Yanli's lips curled up slightly.

Shen Qing's words obviously pleased him.

Shen Qing looked at Ji Yanli's happiness and took the opportunity to say, "Third Master, Gu Linglong is not a good person. She studied abroad in country M before and suddenly returned to China midway. I'm afraid she has some ulterior motives."

Ji Yanli looked at her with a smile that was not a smile, raised his eyebrows and said, "Did you dream of this again?"

Shen Qing: "!!!"

She broke out in a cold sweat instantly, Ji Yanli was suspicious of her.

Shen Qing's eyes dimmed for a moment, and she could no longer bring out the slightest interest in speaking, so she just lowered her eyes and remained silent.

She reminded him wholeheartedly, but he was suspicious of her.


After a while, a big hand touched the top of her head, "Are you angry?"

Shen Qing was stunned.

Just when she didn't know how to react, Ji Yanli said again, "I'm not doubting you. If you have any secrets, if you don't want to tell them, then don't tell them."

Shen Qing froze in astonishment.

It's not that she doesn't want to say it, the key is such a nonsensical thing, it needs others to believe it.

People in this era don't even understand the concept of traveling through books. If you hope to make them believe this, it would be more convincing to make them believe that they are daydreaming.

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