Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 211 211 is in the hands of Master 3

Shen Qing was grateful, and couldn't help but burst into tears, "My subordinates thank the third master for his trust."

"Third Master, if you believe in me, you won't be at a disadvantage. Then Gu Linglong is really not a good person. Third Master must be careful to guard against her in the future, let alone develop a friendship like admiration for her..."

Shen Qing spoke plausibly.

Seeing that her words were getting more and more outrageous, Ji Yanli couldn't help but touch her forehead, and interrupted, "Okay, I'll listen to you. Except for you, I will not show friendship to other people."

Shen Qing's heartbeat slowed down by half a beat, her face flushed slightly, and she finally calmed down for a while.

But after a while, she started to move again.

"By the way, third master."

Shen Qing looked up at her cautiously, "I have a personal question for you."


The banquet ceremony raised his eyes slightly.

Shen Qing blinked her eyes and said, "That's... If the subordinates marry you, will the monthly money of the subordinates still be paid?"

Hearing the words of the season banquet, she couldn't laugh or cry. Why did she pay attention to it? Why is it so strange.

"What do you think?" Ji Yanli said with a smile in his eyes, "After you get married, you can get as much monthly money as you want."

After he finished speaking, Shen Qing's eyes suddenly lit up.

She arched her eyebrows and did not conceal her inner excitement, "Thank you, Third Master."

There was a bit of obvious joy in Lian's voice.

The season banquet laughed.

He just likes to see her shining eyes, like stars.

After returning, Shen Qing was not idle.I inquired about Gu Linglong's situation with the brothers in the courtyard.

According to the news I heard today, Gu Linglong seemed to have entered Ji's Mansion very early.

"Ask Gu Linglong? She did stay in the Ji Mansion before, and she also had a relationship with the third master..."

There have been rumors!

In the middle of what I said, I knew something was wrong, so I silently closed my mouth.

The next few words were left unsaid.

Shen listened halfway, then scratched his heart and lungs even more.

What did you say?Could it be that there was adultery?
"What happened between her and the third master? Is there still a period?"

Shen Qing frowned and said in a low mood, "If you say so, I have to ask the Third Master. He also knows my character. If he has had other women, I will not join his pirate ship. "

Jin Er was shocked when he heard this.He hurriedly said, "No, no, Shen Qing, you have misunderstood. Gu Linglong and the third master have no past, they just passed through rumors."

At that time, Gu Linglong returned from studying abroad and all her money was robbed.Brother Hongjun took pity on the person and picked him up.

The third master originally wanted to drive people out.It's just that at that time, the teacher at the Ji Mansion was mad at the brothers, so Gu Linglong said that she could teach the brothers how to read and write instead of her husband.

She was so true to her word that the third master kept her here.

From the very beginning, she taught her brothers how to read and write in a steady manner. Seeing that she was pretty, the brothers also put in all their efforts to learn her, and the effect was good.

Moreover, Gu Linglong is very talented and is deeply liked by the brothers.It would be fine if she had been a teacher in peace and stability.

But she was not satisfied with being a husband, and acted recklessly, and then the third master sent her away.

Jinji looked around.

Lowering his voice again, he said, "To be honest, from the moment Gu Linglong entered Ji's Mansion, Third Master suspected that her motives were impure. He specially sent people to keep an eye on her, and almost every move she made was under Third Master's control. "Jin Er paused, "Even after she left the Ji Mansion, the Third Master still sent people to keep an eye on her. It is said that after Gu Linglong left the Ji Mansion, she fell into the eyes of Xue Yu in the special area and became Xue Yu's concubine."

"However, I heard that she is a concubine in name, but she is actually advising Xue Yu behind the scenes. We once suspected that she was a lackey of the Japanese."

"However, I heard that she has bitten Xue Yu back now, and she provided the evidence that Xue Yu colluded with the rebels. What she did is a bit confusing."

"Did she suspect the wrong person at first? Looking at her current behavior, it doesn't look like she is going towards the Japanese."

After listening to Jin Er's words, Shen Qing understood.

The ultimate goal of the heroine is to win the trust of the season banquet.

Xue Yu had always suspected that Ji Yanli was a rebel, and now that Gu Linglong personally labeled him a reactionary, it could be regarded as a solution to Ji Yanli's major problem.

Even though Shen Qing was well-informed, he had to admire the heroine's good strategy.

This is really a slippery slope.First, people suspected that she was the lackey of the Japanese people, and then dealt with the biggest lackey of the Japanese people with a backhand.Let all the people who doubt her completely dispel their doubts about her...

Shen Qing sighed, and patted Jin Er's shoulder, "Brother, think about it. Our brains can only think so much. Then whether Gu Linglong is a good person or not, you have to see what the third master thinks about it." You know her attitude."

What is the attitude of the quarterly banquet towards her?Naturally, he doesn't have a good look on his face.

Jinji is right when he thinks about it.

He smiled with emotion, "Actually, the Third Master also doubted your identity at the beginning. At that time, he sent brothers from the ANBU to keep an eye on you, and even sent brothers to visit your hometown."

Afraid that Shen Qingxin might have a grudge, he hurriedly explained, "There's nothing I can do about it. From the time Mr. San took over Longmen to where he is now, he has been assassinated many times. The enemy had so many methods that he couldn't stop them. At that time, People from other forces often sneak in in Ji Mansion."

"If we hadn't gone to your hometown to check your identity, I'm afraid we still don't know that you came here disguised as a man."

The corners of Shen Qing's mouth twitched, "So, when you came back from Shangyang, you already knew that I was a woman disguised as a man?"

Jin Er nodded, "I know."

Shen Qing was silent for a while.

She thought she was pretending well.result……

The clown was herself.

Jin Er looked at her frustrated face, and said a few words of comfort, "Don't be discouraged, in fact, you have successfully pretended. If I didn't investigate this matter myself, I wouldn't believe that you are actually a woman .”

"Besides, after finding out about you, the third master ordered that this matter should not be spread. So at that time, no one knew that you were a woman except us. "

Shen Qing felt better.

But there was still one question in her mind, and that was - "By the way, when you checked on me, did you bring my portrait with you?"


It was exactly as she expected.

Shen Qing asked again, "Where did the portrait come from?"

Jin Er said, "The third master drew it by himself."

Hearing that it was drawn by Ji Yanli himself, Shen Qing suddenly became a little interested. "Is that painting still there? Can you let me see it?"

"Not anymore."

When this matter was mentioned, Jin Er looked ashamed, "I originally hid the painting, but the third master asked him to leave later."

Shen Qing: "..."

Wait, why are you hiding my painting?

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