Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 212 212 I will teach you how to draw

Shen Qing glanced at her strangely, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Jinji was taken aback.

Who knows why he inexplicably had a crush on Shen Qing before, and then sneakily hid her portrait.

But he absolutely dare not admit this.

If the third master found out, he would have to take his skin off.

Jin Er looked flustered, and explained in a flustered tone, "I, I..."

In a panic, in a flash, he thought of a perfect excuse.

"No, the picture drawn by the third master himself, I think it's very good. So I hid it. "


Shen Qing was dubious, with a secretive expression on his face.

Jin Er felt inexplicably relieved, "Of course it's true, otherwise there could be some other reason."


Shen Qing raised his eyebrows with a half-smile, "Why don't I know when you started to like paintings?"

Nine out of ten people in Ji's mansion are illiterate, and even reading and writing is a special thing that Ji Banquet invited Mr. to teach later, not to mention things such as piano, chess, calligraphy, and painting that cultivate sentiment.

Jin Er's eyes flashed, "Anyway, I hid that painting because I like it."

Shen Qing smiled meaningfully, stretched out her hand and patted Jin Er's shoulder, and said half-jokingly, "Jin Er, I don't care what kind of thoughts you have about the third master, in short, the third master is now my man , if you really have any thoughts, you should restrain yourself, or you must be the one who gets hurt in the end."

Jinji looked confused.

No, what does Shen Qing mean by this? What can he think about the third master.

Wasn't it just hiding the painting he painted? It wasn't like he was disloyal to the third master by hiding some gold and silver treasures.

Jin Er frowned, "What do you mean, I don't understand."

Shen Qing winked at her, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Okay, okay, you don't need to explain. Actually, I understand everything. I also understand you very much. In fact, liking someone has nothing to do with gender. You like men and women It doesn't matter."

Jin Er was stunned.

Shen Qing continued to pat him on the shoulder and said, "For a good-looking person like the third master, both men and women will like him when they meet. Brother, it's normal for you to like him."

I would like to stay in place as if struck by lightning.

What the hell?

Say he likes the third master?

Jin Er finally came back to his senses, and wanted to justify a few words, but saw that Shen Qing had already walked away slowly.

Shen Qing strolled around outside and felt bored, so she went back to her room.

On a whim, she asked her mother-in-law to prepare a pen and paper, and began to scribble on it by herself.

In fact, Shen also likes painting, but in the past, his heavy schoolwork consumed his energy and he hardly learned to paint. If he had some free time on weekdays, he would spend it all playing with high-tech things. This painting thing was completely out of the question. give up.

Shen Qing was particularly unaccustomed to painting with a brush.

After drawing for a while, he put down the pen in his hand a little discouraged and put it aside.Ink was accidentally smeared all over his hands and face.

At this moment, the mother-in-law just brought up a bowl of soup, and when she saw the papers placed on Shen Qing's table, she was immediately happy, "The crow drawn by Mr. Xiao is so beautiful, it looks real."

The corners of Shen Qing's eyes twitched, she was silent, and said, "I didn't draw a crow, I just wanted to draw a duck."

How to become a crow.

The mother-in-law smiled and changed her words, "Mr., this duck painting is quite nice."

Shen Qing: "..."

The painting is quite nice, but it looks a bit like a crow, right?

Shen Qing was a little frustrated.

The mother-in-law took the opportunity and said, "Mr. Xiao, why don't you drink the soup first before painting. This soup tastes good when it's hot, and it won't taste good if it's cold."

Shen Qing also wanted to drink, but he looked at the ink that was accidentally stained all over his body, and couldn't help frowning and sighing, "Go and help me get some water, I'll wash it and drink it."

The time when the women went to serve the water, the season banquet came over somehow.Seeing the ink all over Shen Qing's body, he couldn't help but frowned, "How did it happen?"

He glanced at the writing brush on the table, paused, and said with a strange expression, "You don't know how to use a writing brush?"

"Hey, not too bad."

Shen Qing was too embarrassed.

There are very few places where brushes can be used in later generations, and Shen Qing is not a great calligrapher, so it is normal for him not to be able to write with a brush.

The season banquet was unexpected.

A person who can write articles and use idioms can't write calligraphy?

While he was talking, two women brought water in.While Shen Qing was washing her hands, Ji Yanli sat down and looked at the paintings she drew randomly on the paper.

"Did you draw it?"

Ji Yanli picked up the words and looked at them, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

"I drew it."

Shen Qing touched his nose.I also remembered what Jin Er said, that Ji Yanli is very good at painting.

Fortunately, Ji Yanli just took a brief look, put down the pen in his hand, and asked, "Why do you suddenly think of drawing?"

"I heard that the third master is good at painting, and it happened that I was also interested, so I thought about painting casually, but I didn't expect to get ink all over my body."

Ji Yanli looked up at her, "Do you want to learn to paint?"

Originally wanted to learn, but drawing with a brush was too difficult, so Shen Qing decided to give up.

As a result, before she had time to speak, she heard Ji Yanli say, "If you want to learn, I will teach you."

Shen Qing: "I..."

"Painting with a brush is not easy. If you want to learn it, you must first learn to write with a brush."

As Ji Yanli said, he said, "Starting tonight, I will teach you how to write with a brush."

Shen Qing: "..."

Can you give me a chance to speak?
Shen Qing was silent before saying, "Third Master, I suddenly don't want to learn to draw anymore."


Ji Yanli looked up at her strangely, "Why?"

Shen Qing said honestly, "It's too difficult, I can't learn it."

The season banquet was silent for a rare moment.Then he said seriously, "It's okay to draw without learning, but you must know how to write with a brush."

Shen Qing hurriedly said, "Third Master, I can write with a pen."

Writing with a brush is too difficult.

"You also need to be able to write with a brush."

The tone of the banquet ceremony was unambiguous, "I will start arranging for you to practice calligraphy tonight."

Ji Yanli seemed to be particularly concerned about Shen Qing's inability to write with a brush, and he came over early just after dinner in the evening.

Shen Qing wondered for a while whether he just used this as an excuse to rest in her room, and that's why he insisted so firmly that she must be able to write with a brush.

Shen Qing finally understood what it was like when all the brothers in the Ji Mansion were forced to read and write by him.

Shen Qing wanted to cry but had no tears.

That night.

The voices of Season Banquet and Shen Qing could be heard from Shen Qing's room from time to time.

Shen Qing's voice sounded aggrieved, "Third Master, I can't do it anymore, I'm really too tired."


Shen Qing's aggrieved voice came from the room again, "Third Master, please be gentle."

His hands are too strong, but he didn't practice calligraphy well, so he knocked on the head.

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