Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 219 219 All wrapped up

Chapter 219 219. Wrap it all up

Call ~
It was so scary that I almost fell.

If it really fell, she would have to find a crack in the ground to get in.

Shen Qing stood up again on her high heels, patted her chest and exhaled in shock.

The moment the owner of the shop saw Shen Qing coming out, there was an incredible expression on his face.

He never expected that the thin and frail man just now was really a little girl, and a girl with delicate features.

The shop owner paused for a moment, then praised him again and again after he came to his senses.

"This little girl is so handsome. She looks really good with this dress."

"When I came in just now, I thought she was a boy, but I didn't expect that she would be such a beautiful girl."

Shen Qing was a little embarrassed by the praise, and her cheeks turned slightly red.

She looked up at the quarterly banquet with some anticipation.

Ji Yanli's eyes fell on her and never left, and there was no expression on his face, staring straight at Shen Qing's hairs all over his body.

Shen Qing blinked and took a few steps forward on high heels.

"How is it, does it look good?"

Shen Qing raised his hand and waved it in front of Ji Yanli's eyes.

Ji Yanli's eyes deepened slightly, and he replied without thinking, "It looks good. It looks much better than I expected."

Shen Qing curled up her lips when she heard this, and replied with a smile, "The third master is also good-looking. He is the most handsome person I have ever seen, bar none."


The mood of the quarterly banquet is joyful.Seeing that she was having difficulty wearing high heels, he helped her sit down beside her.

He turned around and told the shop owner, "Wrap up these clothes. Get a few more pieces that are suitable for her. The size should be similar to this one."

The shop owner was very happy when he heard this.He nodded in agreement hurriedly, turned around and took out all the cheongsams in the store.

He finally figured out that the two people who came today must be from some big family.The clothes on one of the two people are all of high quality, and he looks like he is rich or noble at first glance.

Although the other woman was dressed in men's clothing, her overall style made her look like she was no ordinary person.

He didn't care what their background was, as long as he could sell a few more clothes today, he would be satisfied.The streets have not been peaceful recently, there are not many pedestrians coming and going, and even the business is much worse than before.

The shop owner soon took out many more exquisite cheongsams.The size is similar to Shen Qing's one.

"Sir, please take a look. This is the latest cheongsam in our store. It is also the favorite style of the ladies and ladies in Yuncheng."

The expression on the shop owner's face turned into a flower.

Shen Qing was dazzled by the sight and couldn't put it down for these cheongsams.

This is purely hand-made, and the embroidery on the cheongsam is also purely hand-embroidered, which is very realistic.

Ji Yanli saw that she liked it, so he smiled and said, "Pick out the ones you like, and buy them back for you."

Shen Qing touched each piece. Some cheongsams were not necessarily suitable for her to wear, but each time they were well-made clothes. They looked like a work of art on display, which was very amazing.

"like it all?"

The banquet raised his eyebrows and said to the shop owner, "Wrap everything up."


So proud!

Although Shen Qing also likes these cheongsams, she still has some sense. "These cheongsams are all beautiful, but some of them are not suitable for me to wear. I can't wear them even if I take them back. I might as well leave them to someone who really suits them."

Ji Yanli raised his eyebrows and said in a joking tone, "If you really like it, even if you don't wear it, you can just put it at home and touch it every day. It's rare to see you like something so much." It was obvious that she just looked coveted. I noticed the behavior of touching clothes.

Shen Qing shook his head, insisted on picking out several pieces that suited him, and said to the cheongsam boss, "I want these."

The boss also helped, "Miss, I think your boyfriend is right. If you really like it, it will be pleasing to the eye even if you buy it back."

The word boyfriend is a new term for those who are highly educated and pursue the freedom of marriage and love.During the relationship, the man and woman were boyfriend and girlfriend, equivalent to today's unmarried couples.


The word boyfriend rolled around on the tip of his tongue, and Ji Yanli felt a little different in his heart.

"Wrap up all these clothes."

The quarterly banquet ceremony opened its mouth, and the owner of the shop suddenly became a flower with joy.

He smiled and said, "Okay, sir, just wait, I will wrap up your clothes right now. Haha, you and your girlfriend are a perfect match."

There was a slight smile on Ji Yanli's brows and eyes.

Wearing high heels is really inconvenient. The owner of the shop looked at Ji Yanli and Shen Qing as if he were looking at the God of Wealth.

Seeing that Shen Qing's shoes didn't fit well, he hurriedly said, "Sir, there is a shoe seller not far from here. Look at the size of the shoes your girlfriend wears. I'll ask the clerk in our store to run an errand and ask him to give it to her. Bring me a pair of shoes that fit.”


Ji Yanli nodded slightly, and then slowly reported a shoe size.

Shen Qing was shocked again.

Even she herself didn't know her size, how did the quarterly banquet know?
Because the shoes didn't fit, Shen Qing was restrained and sat down again.

"Third Master, how about I change my clothes?"

She hadn't worn women's clothes for a long time, and suddenly she was asked to wear a cheongsam, which made her feel a little uncomfortable.

"No, I'm just going to wear this outfit today. There's no need to change again." Ji Yanli paused and said, "You look good in this outfit."

It looks good, but it's not very convenient.

The owner of the shop also smiled and said, "The lady herself is good-looking. This dress makes the lady's complexion fairer and looks good in her clothes."

The banquet ceremony also carefully looked at Shen Qing's outfit, and felt that it was very different from what he saw on weekdays.

He looked carefully and simply stretched out his hand to pinch her face.

Shen Qing: "..."

Is there something wrong?
Shen Qing's mouth bulged due to his pinching, and she said vaguely, "Let go."

However, Ji Yanli squeezed harder and harder until Shen Qing frowned in discomfort, then he reluctantly let go and looked at her eyes carefully.

"But the eyebrows were drawn, and gouache and rouge were added?"

Shen Qing raised his eyebrows in surprise, "Can you see it?"

She wore light makeup and only used a light layer of rouge and gouache.

"It's not obvious." Ji Yanli tapped her forehead with his finger, "It's very beautiful."

Shen Qing remained silent and his face turned slightly red.

"Shopkeeper, I bought the shoes. Please see if they fit."

The clerk in the store carried the newly bought shoes and handed them to the boss, who then brought the shoes to Shen Qing.

There are all kinds of shoes, just right to match with the cheongsam in the store.The size of each pair is suitable for Shen Qing, but the styles are different.

(End of this chapter)

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