Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 220 Chapter 220

The clerk in the store has a good taste, and the shoes he bought are very suitable for Shen Qing. All the shoes and clothes were included in the quarterly banquet.

When he returned to Ji's Mansion, he was surrounded by a crowd of brothers.

At first, they thought that the third master had brought back a daughter from a famous family, and they were still thinking about whether they should hide this from Shen Qing.

Brothers with good deeds should even get closer, but because of the presence of the season banquet, they didn't dare to get too close.Yixi only saw a gentle woman in a cheongsam, who was very delicate and pleasant.

Compared to Shen Qing, who was rough and rough all day long, this woman could be regarded as a real woman.

Everyone coveted her for a while, and some brothers who were close to Shen Qing were still worried about what Shen Qing would think after the third master brought this woman back.

As a result, before I had been worried for long, I saw that the woman seemed to have tripped over something, staggered, and fell forward.

Everyone exclaimed and couldn't bear to see the beauty fall, but they saw the beauty react very quickly and stabilized her body with a carp kick.

Everyone's expressions were stunned, and they had some concerns in their hearts.

This beauty is not simple.

Thinking of this, the beauty patted her chest in fear, "It's dangerous, I almost lost face."

Ji Yanli came over from behind. Seeing her frightened appearance, her eyebrows wrinkled slightly, "But the shoes don't fit?"


Shen Qing shook his head and glanced at the culprit on the ground.

It was a small stone. I don't know where it came from. Shen Qing's high heel stepped directly on the small stone. It was a good result that he didn't sprain his foot.

The banquet ceremony nodded slightly, "If you are not used to wearing it, just wear what you wear on weekdays. As for women's clothing... you can wear it in the room in the future."

Wear it for him to see alone.

Shen Qing's eyebrows arched and she immediately agreed, "What the third master said is true. I also think it's more convenient to wear men's clothes."

The brothers who were watching in the dark opened their mouths in shock, as if they had seen a ghost for most of the day.

How come this tone of voice and dog-legged appearance are so similar to Shen Qing?
Everyone looked at her with some disbelief.

As Shen Qing walked along, she was surrounded by countless brothers.As she walked over, she calmly said hello to the brother she knew.

The brother who was greeted was stunned, and he slapped himself in the face at random, thinking that he was dreaming.


Is this Shen Qing?
However, seeing the expressionless Ji Banli on one side, he quickly looked back and did his own thing.

Niubi ah.

The third master is still very powerful and has a sharp eye for picking up pearls. He can spot such a beautiful one at a glance.

Shen Qing faced the warm gazes of all the brothers. On the surface, he looked calm, but in fact, he was almost dying of embarrassment in his heart.

She felt a little regretful and thought that she would never wear women's clothes again.

Sure enough, she didn't wear women's clothes anymore.

It's not because of this reason, but because the situation in Yuncheng is getting more and more tense.

The war in the north is getting more and more intense, and here, several major provinces centered on Yuncheng are in turmoil.In order to stabilize the situation, the commander-in-chief took refuge with the Japanese.

Ji Banli leaves early and comes back late every day. Shen Qing and the brothers in Ji Mansion responded to the request of Ji Banli and began to prepare for the worst.

In the twelfth lunar month of winter, near the end of the year, the first snow fell in Yuncheng.

Shen Qing drove the off-road vehicle and looked at the falling snowflakes outside, and couldn't help but feel excited.

In her previous life, she grew up in the south, where it rarely snowed all year round. Even if it did snow, it would fall a little symbolically and melt quickly.The place where she is now also belongs to the south, where it rarely snows all year round. This is the first time Shen Qing has encountered snow here.

Seeing the snowflakes flying outside the car and falling in front of the car window, Shen Qing was extremely excited. She said in surprise and joy, "Third Master, it's snowing outside."

Jinyi smiled and said, "It's snowing. What's there to be surprised about?"

Although it rarely snows in Yuncheng, people who grew up here are not so rare about snow.

In fact, the main reason is that they were born in such an era. Most people were poor. The issue they cared about every day was whether they could have enough food and clothing. As for whether it would snow or not, for them, apart from whether it would affect the crops, there seemed to be nothing else. Concerned.

Shen Qing was poured cold water on Jin Yi, but she was not annoyed at all. She just smiled and said, "The auspicious snow heralds a good year. The snow is just right."

Ji Yanli raised his eyes slightly and asked casually, "Have you never seen snow before?"

"I've seen it, but I've seen it less. I like snowy days." Shen Qing looked excited.

Otherwise, she would want to go out and run around for a few times without worrying about driving.

In her previous life, it rarely snowed where she grew up, but as long as it snowed, even just a little bit, she would be excited for a long time.

In order to watch a snowfall, she deliberately chose the Imperial Capital where it had snowed during her vacation. As a result, she had already arrived here before she even enjoyed it.

Shen Qing's eyes couldn't help but darken as she thought about it, and she said in a disappointed tone, "In the past, whenever it snowed, I would always be happy for a long time. I would deliberately stand in the snow, watching the snowflakes falling down, feeling like the whole world It’s all mine.”

Her tone sounded a little inexplicably lost, and she felt a little homesick.

The banquet ceremony didn't show any expression, but his eyes moved.

Jinyi on the side smiled and said, "Shen Qing came to Yuncheng. She hasn't been home for a long time."


She changed her attitude and added, "Fortunately, I met Third Master, who kept me from living on the streets and gave me a place to live in Yuncheng. I am very grateful to Third Master."

The car stopped at Leroy Gate.

Everyone thought Ji Yanli was going to go in, but Ji Yanli got out of the car, but only ordered Jinyi to wait for others to go in.Turning to Shen Qing again, "Let's go, I'll take you out for a walk."

Shen Qing originally wanted to go out while it was snowing, but now that he heard the invitation to the season banquet, he was naturally very happy to go out.

Not long after he walked out, he met the hostess Gu Linglong.

Gu Linglong was dressed very casually today. When she saw Ji Yanli, her eyes suddenly lit up and she walked over.

It looks like he came here specially for the seasonal feast.

"Third Master."

Gu Linglong took a few steps closer and stopped not far away.

"Third Master."

She called again.

Ji Yanli frowned and felt unhappy.

Gu Linglong also knew that Ji Yanli was impatient at this moment, so she got straight to the point, "I came here today specifically to find the third master."

The face of the quarterly banquet was expressionless, and Shen Qing raised his eyebrows.

Gu Linglong said, "My father wants to give me to the Japanese. Now he wants to rely on the Japanese to calm the situation, but I don't want to. Please help me."

Shen Qing looked at her with a smile that was not a smile, "How do you want the third master to help you?"

She didn't believe that spies from country M could let others influence their lives.

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