Dressed as the hero's dog leg

221 Chapter 221 I Never Help People

Chapter 221 221. I never help others

Gu Linglong looked at the banquet ceremony eagerly and said again, "Third Master, please help me as a fellow countryman. I don't want to marry those bandits who invade the country and harm my compatriots."

"I never help people."

Ji Yanli raised his eyes and looked at her indifferently, "Unless it's profitable."

Gu Linglong understood the meaning of Ji Yanli in seconds, and she asked, "What does the third master want?"

"I don't want the three provinces of Yuncheng to fall into the hands of the Japanese."

The corner of Ji Yanli's lips curled up, and he played with the jade ring in his hand, "I heard that the commander-in-chief had a quarrel with several of his brothers who had been through life and death because of his defection to the Japanese?"

"At this time, with Miss Gu's ability, it will be easy to escape from Marshal Gu."

Gu Linglong was heartbroken.

She lowered her eyes, "The handsome man is my father after all, and I don't want to turn against him."

The banquet was expressionless, indifferent to Gu Linglong's pretending to be sad.

After a while, he said indifferently, "Whether you want it or not is up to you, Miss Gu, please go back, I can't help you."

"Let's go."

As Ji Yanli spoke, he took Shen Qing's hand and left in the opposite direction.

Gu Linglong watched the tall and cold man take Shen Qing away, and an inexplicable emotion surged in her heart.

She gritted her teeth and raised her voice and said, "Third Master, my father is very fond of you. If you agree to marry me, I will be sure to persuade my father to fight against the Japanese. By then, if the Third Master wants to get the three provinces of Yuncheng, it will be like picking something out of a bag. ."

She spoke loudly, and both Ji Yanli and Shen Qing heard it.

The expression of the banquet ceremony did not change, and his steps did not stop for a moment.

Shen Qing looked back at Gu Linglong and paused slightly.

Ji Yanli glanced at her lightly.

Shen Qing blinked, "Third Master, I have a few words to say to Miss Gu."

Ji Yanli raised his eyebrows and said nonchalantly, "It's up to you."

With Ji Yanli's consent, Shen Qing turned back. When she heard the footsteps, Gu Linglong raised her eyes happily, but only saw Shen Qing.

There was an obvious look of disappointment on her face, then she looked at her with her chin raised, raised her eyebrows slightly and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"It's nothing."

Shen Qing's voice was calm. I came here to tell you the truth, "Your mother did not die of illness, but was injected with drugs by people from country M."

When Gu Linglong heard this, her pupils shrank and her expression changed slightly.

She concealed the vigilance in her eyes and said with a forced smile, "I don't know what you are talking about."

Shen Qing didn't care about her attitude, "It doesn't matter whether you know it or not. I just want to tell you that no matter where the killing tools go, no emotional fetters are allowed."

"You are the person they have trained with all their efforts. You should know what they have trained you to do."

"Your mother is different from you. You have been dependent on your mother since you were a child. It can be said that your mother is everything to you. Your mother has a profound influence on you, and they will never allow such a person to exist."

Gu Linglong's face was a little ugly, and her gaze changed when she saw Shen Qing, "Who are you?"

"Like your mother, I am a true Chinese. Your mother had to go abroad to save you. It's a pity that your mother died because of you."

Gu Linglong was stunned. She suddenly grabbed Shen Qing's hand, as if grasping a life-saving straw, "What do you know?"

Shen Qing lowered his eyes and shook her hand away, "I don't know anything, and even if I knew I wouldn't tell you. When you become a true Chinese, I will tell you all the truth. But before that, I won’t reveal anything to you.”

"Actually, you like Ji Yanli a little bit. But I can tell you clearly that Ji Yanli will not like someone who is ungrateful and forgets his roots."

Gu Linglong couldn't care about the quarterly banquet now. All she could think about now was Shen Qing's words, your mother didn't die of illness but they killed her with drugs.She knew who they were in Shen Qing's mouth.

Gu Linglong staggered to her feet, her heart already in a mess.

If everything he said was true, then she...

Gu Linglong clenched her fists.

No matter what, she must try her best to find out the truth.If all this is true, then she will definitely not let them go.

Shen Qing walked towards the quarterly banquet.

Ji Yanli stood there waiting for her. Shen Qing jogged for two steps. When she arrived in front of him, she raised her head and said nervously, "I'm sorry, Third Master, my subordinate has taken matters into his own hands again."

Ji Yanli stared at her expression for a second and asked casually, "What did you say to her?"

Shen Qing did not hide anything, "My subordinates told her about the cause of her mother's death."

The banquet ceremony paused after hearing this, and only raised his eyebrows to look at her, "You know what?"

Shen Qing's expression did not change, and he said with a smile, "I don't know much, and what I know is only a few things from my dreams."

Hearing what Shen Qing Youshun had dreamed about, Ji Yanli pursed his lips and stopped asking.

Shen Qing looked at him a little unhappy.

She thought for a while and then added, "My subordinate also said something else to her."


Interest in the quarterly banquet is not very high.

Shen Qing said, "My subordinates saw that Miss Gu had some admiration for the third master, so I gave him a simple warning."

This time, Ji Yanli finally had an expression.

He was slightly startled, and stared at her with his lips curled up, "Since I have decided to marry you, I will naturally not marry anyone else, so why bother?"

Shen Qing shook his head, "This is not unnecessary."

Ji Yan raised his eyebrows, "You don't believe me?"

When Shen heard that the tone was wrong, he immediately said, "I don't believe anyone and it's impossible not to believe the third master. Who in Yuncheng doesn't know that the third master always sticks to his word and never breaks his word."

"What I said is necessary, I just don't want her to keep trying to get close to the third master. Although the flies are not fatal, it will make people feel uncomfortable if they bite too many."

The banquet ceremony laughed when he heard this.

Shen Qing muttered next to her again, "Besides, she keeps getting close to her, which makes me feel uncomfortable."

The banquet ceremony paused and said, "If she comes to see me, will you feel uncomfortable?"


Shen Qing nodded calmly, "The Third Master is mine now. Naturally, I don't want other women to covet the Third Master."

Ji Yanli smiled and said, "There are many people who covet me in the entire Cloud City. If you say something to everyone, wouldn't it be exhausting your body?"

Shen Qing shook his head, "She is different."

"It's different."

Shen Qing said without thinking, "She is a woman——"

When Shen Qing said this, her tone suddenly stopped and she said, "It's nothing. Among the noble girls of Yuncheng, even if someone covets you, they will hold it in their hearts. At least there are very few people who will do whatever it takes, but Gu Linglong is different. "

(End of this chapter)

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