Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 227 227 I’m not angry at all.

Chapter 227 227. Not angry at all

As the days passed and the New Year approached, the situation in Yuncheng stabilized slightly.But anyone who understands will know that this is just the calm before the storm.

As the war in the north became more and more intense, the original situation in which the rebels were weak gradually changed. The Japanese suffered several defeats in a row, and the war stopped a little.

On New Year's Eve, there was no big party at Ji's Mansion, so the brothers gathered around for a simple meal.In addition to basic expenses, almost all the money earned by Longmen was invested in the north.

All the money was exchanged for medical supplies, clothes, bedding, and food and given to the soldiers on the front line.

Everyone knows that there will be a tough battle to be fought once the New Year is over, so there is no intention of being lively.However, the atmosphere that should be present during the Chinese New Year is still there.

Shen Qing left the room early in the morning and helped the brothers in the yard to hang red lanterns. After hanging the lanterns, she had to write couplets.

In the past, the couplets were written by famous calligraphy masters hired by Ji Mansion. However, after Shen Qing learned how to write calligraphy, the important task of writing couplets fell on Shen Qing.

Shen Qing once wondered if Ji Yanli had cut off three pots of his flowers in revenge for himself, so he secretly avenged himself.

She really doesn't like writing calligraphy.She didn't know if it was because she was used to writing with other pens in modern times. Every time she wrote calligraphy with calligraphy, she felt uncomfortable.

Only by concentrating her energy and calming her heart can she enjoy the feeling of tranquility while writing calligraphy.

Shen Qing spent a lot of effort to write several couplets.When some brothers who were illiterate saw Shen Qing writing couplets, they came over curiously to watch her write, and even praised her for her good writing.

Shen Qing fell silent.

A few days ago, Ji Yanli said that her writing was like peeling rhubarb. To be honest, she really couldn't tell where the writing was.
After Shen Qing finished writing the couplet, he handed it over to others to pick up and dry.Every time she finished writing the chapter, the previous piece of paper would also dry.

Such continuous rotation saved Shen Qing a lot of time, and she quickly wrote several couplets.

After finishing the last stroke, Shen Qing blew the wet ink on it and handed the couplet to the brother responsible for drying the ink.

After writing the couplet, she put down her pen and went to her room, where she changed into women's clothes and came out.

She has not worn women's clothing for a year. This is the first time she has taken the initiative to wear women's clothing in this different time and space.

Shen Qing changed her clothes and went to look for Ji Yanli.In the past, Ji Yanli was reading the couplet she wrote.

I don’t know whether I am reading the words or the content above.

"Third Master."

Shen Qing walked over quickly, and the sound of high heels reached Ji Yanli's ears.

Ji Yanli raised her eyes slightly, and then her eyes fell on her shoes, "Your feet?"

The quarterly banquet ceremony asked about Shen Qing's injury when he went out to do errands half a month ago.She went out on a mission before and encountered a Japanese bullying a Chinese girl.

She went up to save people and beat the bullying Japanese to death. Her foot was also injured and she had to recover for a while.

During the quarterly banquet, I didn't know where to find a foreign doctor who said that drinking pork ribs is good for recovery, so he ordered the people in the kitchen to make pork rib soup for Shen Qing to drink.

Spare ribs soup is delicious, but you can’t bear to drink it every day. If you drink too much, it will always taste boring.

Shen Qing was afraid that Ji Yanli would force her to drink pork rib soup again, so she immediately patted her chest and promised, "It's okay. It should be fine long ago."

If it goes badly, she will have to vomit after drinking the pork rib soup every day.

The banquet ceremony said "hmm" and didn't ask any more questions.Instead, his eyes fell on the couplet she wrote, "Shen Qing, come here."

As soon as Shen Qing saw him laying out the rice paper and taking the calligraphy brush, she knew that he was going to teach her how to write calligraphy with calligraphy again.

Shen Qing's steps as he originally wanted to go over paused slightly, his face contorted.


too frightening.

I won't have to force her to write calligraphy again.

She is too miserable, can't she let them go during the Chinese New Year?

Ji Yanli looked at Shen Qing stunned and raised his eyebrows, "What are you doing? Come here."

Shen Qing's words swirled in her mouth, "Third Master, I suddenly remembered that I haven't finished the work in my hands..."

The banquet ceremony calmed down and said in a deep voice with silent eyes, "Come here."

She didn't have any unfinished work. She just wanted to gossip with the brothers in the yard and pretended that he didn't know.When Shen Qing saw Ji Yanli like this, he immediately became scared.She blinked and said, "Third Master, I suddenly remembered that I'm not busy anymore."

With that said, he quickly walked over.

Quarterly Banquet Ceremony: "..."

He immediately laughed in anger.

He finally saw that Shen Qing was a typical bully in front of him.

If he indulges her more, she will be bolder.If he showed any displeasure, she would immediately get scared.

This ability to adapt to the wind has been perfected by her.

Shen Qing walked over, tried his best to control his facial expression, and asked with a smile, "Third Master, what did you call me for?"

Ji Yanli pointed to the couplets she had written and picked out a few, "You can rewrite these."

Shen Qing's face fell, "Why?"

This is what she tried her best to write.

Ji Yanli pointed at her handwriting, "The strokes here are too heavy, there is an extra horizontal line here, the hook here is wrong..."

By the time the banquet was finished, Shen Qing was already numb.

She was in pain and speechless, and simply said, "Third Master, how about you write the rest?"


Ji Yanli glanced at her and refused outright.

She knows it!

Shen Qing was so angry that she wanted to die.

I don't know where Ji Yanli took the wrong medicine today, and he insisted on tormenting people like this.

Shen Qing: "Third Master, my hand hurts."

Seasonal Banquet Ceremony: "Bear it."

Shen Qing: "Third Master, my eyes hurt."

Seasonal Banquet Ceremony: "Bear it."

When Shen Qing saw that this move was ineffective, he was immediately discouraged.

She was a little depressed, why did she still have to stay here to practice calligraphy during the Chinese New Year?

Shen Qing couldn't sit still and write calligraphy at this moment.She took the bored brush and poked it with her left hand and drew with her right hand, and there was no mention of her at the banquet.

Shen Qing was depressed. Looking at Ji Banli's appearance, it was obvious that he didn't want to constrain himself in writing the couplet.

What is he doing keeping her here?
Shen Qing was so depressed that she drew two big tortoises on the rice paper, and wrote the characters "Ji Ban Li" in front of the tortoises.

The banquet ceremony glanced casually: "..."

Shen Qing raised her eyes and glanced at him secretly.


Are you not angry?
Shen Qing thought for a while, and suddenly asked in a surprising way, "Third Master, can I kiss you?"

Ji Yanli's expression moved slightly, but he pursed his lips and said nothing.He looked at her meaningfully with his eyes and said jokingly, "I asked you to practice calligraphy. Is this what you are thinking about?"

Shen Qing glanced at the corners of his raised lips, and suddenly felt something funny in her heart.


He was obviously very happy in his heart, but he had to pretend to be serious.

(End of this chapter)

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