Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 228 228 Are you drunk?

Shen Qing simply put down the pen and kissed Ji Yanli directly on the mouth when he wasn't paying attention. Ji Yanli reacted and she sat back down.

Quarterly Banquet Ceremony: "..."

Shen Qing smiled like a cat that had stolen something. Her eyebrows were crooked and she said pitifully, "Third Master, you are such a big living person staying here. How can I find the time to practice calligraphy?"


The banquet was expressionless, as if he couldn't hear the teasing in his tone.

But Shen Qingduan listened to his voice and secretly looked at his expression, and knew that he was in a happy mood now.

Shen Qing took the opportunity and said pitifully, "Third Master, I'm really tired and don't want to write calligraphy. Can I not practice calligraphy and write these couplets?"


This time, the banquet ceremony did not refuse, but instead responded lightly.

Shen Tingting was overjoyed and said, "Then can I go for a walk and see what the brothers are doing?"

This time, Ji Yanli didn't even think about it and said, "No."

Shen Qing's face collapsed.

So cool, she probably knows why Ji Yanli detained her here.

Shen Qing walked over, hugged and kissed Ji Yanli again, "Although you won't let me go out for a walk, I still want to thank you."

Saying that, kissed again.

Quarterly Banquet's eyes moved slightly.

He raised his eyes and looked at her, "Do you really want to go out?"


Shen Qing nodded, "Today is the Chinese New Year, so I just want to go out for a walk and join in the fun with my brothers."

Ji Yanli pursed his lips and said nothing. Shen Qing couldn't tell whether he was happy or unhappy, so he tentatively asked, "Third Master, how about you go out for a walk with me?"

"it is good."

Shen Qing: "..."

I really didn't realize that Ji Yanli was actually a hidden slut.

Shen Qing pursed her lips, covered her mouth and snickered.

Ji Yanli glanced at her lightly, "Why are you laughing?"

Shen Qing grinned and said seriously, "I'm not laughing at anything, I just think you are a bit cute, Third Master."


Quarterly Banquet's eyebrows wrinkled.He really couldn't figure out how he had anything to do with the word cute.

There were brothers playing cards in the yard, and some were busy working around, but it wasn't much fun.

When Shen Qing came out with Ji Yanli, all the brothers winked and looked at Shen Qing and Ji Yanli frequently.

Look, Third Master and Shen Qing came out together.

During the Chinese New Year, Third Master never came out much.On the one hand, it was because he was busy, and on the other hand, it was because he didn't want to join in the fun.

Now that he and Shen Qing are out together, this is really the first time.

Shen Qing really couldn't stand the lewd looks from his brothers.

Then she took the banquet to the clearing of the grove where she often exercised, and dug out some wine from under a tree.

During the banquet, she was not allowed to drink more. When she got the good wine, she buried it under the tree and dug it out whenever she wanted to drink.

The banquet ceremony didn't understand what she was doing, but he patiently waited for her to dig out the wine.

"Third Master, let's go have a drink."

Shen Qing shook the bottle of wine in his hand. I had buried the wine for a long time, and I couldn't bear to take it out on weekdays. Today is the Chinese New Year, so I shouldn't be drunk until I get home.

Ji Yanli pondered for a moment on the words she said about not returning until drunk, and suddenly smiled and said, "Okay, you will never return until you are drunk. However, you can only drink this wine after eating."

After all, the expression of Ji Yanli was concerned about her poor health and only allowed her to drink after the meal.

The food cooked in the kitchen today was very rich. When it was time to eat, there was no need to call for the banquet. Shen Qing took the initiative to go to the banquet.When Shen Qing passed by, Ji Banli would prepare the dishes in person.

Shen Qing raised her eyebrows and suddenly felt a little strange. After staying for so long, this was the first time she saw such a down-to-earth side of Ji Yanli.

Shen Qing subconsciously said, "Third Master, just sit down and let me do it."

She rolled up her sleeves in the past and helped arrange the dishes for the seasonal banquet.The food smelled delicious, and Shen Qing was a little hungry.

Ji Yanli sat down and asked Shen Qing to sit down too. Then he gave her a chopstick of food and said, "Try it."


Shen Qing put the food given to her at the banquet in her mouth, and her eyes suddenly lit up, "Not bad. It's quite delicious."

She raised her eyes and asked again, "Did the kitchen change? The taste this time is different from the previous one, but it is still delicious."

She didn't know if she had eaten too much of the previous flavor, but Shen Qing felt that this flavor was more delicious than the previous one.

"You can eat more if it's delicious."

Shen Qing nodded and said with emotion, "The craftsmanship today is really good."

Then he raised his eyes and asked casually, "Is there a new chef in the kitchen?"

The eyes of the banquet were filled with smiles, "I did it."

Shen Qing was immediately surprised and looked up at Ji Yanli, "The third master can actually cook?"

After she asked, she felt that what she said was a bit stupid.

The Quarterly Banquet Ceremony also came from a person who was at the bottom of the gang step by step. With his intelligence, it seems that it is not surprising that he can cook.

There was a smile on the face of the banquet, "I can do more than just cooking."

Shen Qing sincerely praised, "Third Master, you are really amazing."

With that said, Shen Qing poured him a glass of wine and said, "Third Master, I'd like to propose a toast to you."

Ji Yanli raised his eyebrows, looked at her thoughtfully, and drank all the wine in the cup.

Shen Qing's face was filled with joy. While pouring wine for the quarterly banquet, he was pouring out his kind words as if they were free of charge.

She had only one purpose, and that was to get drunk at the quarterly banquet.

The drunken scene at the banquet that day was still vivid in her mind. Shen Qing felt itchy when she thought of his drunken look and his well-behaved look.

She dug out this wine today to hide her intention of getting drunk at the seasonal banquet.

She wasn't just saying that she wouldn't come home until she was drunk.Shen Qing pursed her lips and smiled, and continued to pour the wine.

He didn't refuse the banquet. When Shen poured the wine, he drank, and she drank too, but she drank very little each time.

In the end, Shen Qingwei got drunk at the banquet, but he was quite drunk himself.

She was drunk, and she still kept mumbling, saying that she would never return until she was drunk. After a while, she began to mutter about when she could get drunk at the quarterly banquet.

Thinking of this, Shen Qing propped up her chin and looked at Ji Yanli eagerly and asked, "Ji Yanli, are you drunk?"

The banquet ceremony was dumbfounded, he said, "I'm drunk."


Shen Qing turned his head for a long time before he reacted.

At this moment, she smiled and shook her head, "No, you lied to me, you are not drunk!"

So Ji Yanli followed her words and said, "Well, I'm not drunk."

Unexpectedly, Shen Qing suddenly frowned and muttered dissatisfiedly, "You are drunk and not drunk for a while, so are you drunk or not?"

How obsessed is she with getting her drunk?

The banquet ceremony followed her words and said, "I'm drunk."

Shen Qing's eyebrows were knotted, and she shook her head and said, "I don't believe it."

Quarterly Banquet Ceremony: "..."

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