Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 235 Lord 2353, don’t worry

The meaning of the quarterly banquet ceremony is self-evident. He really wants Shen Qing to go abroad.

The situation is now unstable and the outcome is uncertain.The cruelty and tragedy of the war, he really didn't want Shen Qing to be involved in it.

Jinyi is silent.

The third master finally felt the spring spirit and the iron tree blossomed once.Now my daughter-in-law has to encounter all these messy things before she gets married and comes home.

Now, in order to protect her, the third master actually wants to send her abroad.

It was only now that Jinyi truly felt that the Third Master was also an ordinary person of flesh and blood.

He will also be afraid, and he will also plan every step to protect the people he cares about from harm.

Jinyi didn't think about it for too long, because——

"I don't know if Third Master has arranged for me to go abroad in advance, but have you ever thought about asking me if I am willing?"

A voice came from the door, startling Jinyi.He turned around and saw Shen Qing standing straight at the door, looking at them expressionlessly.

No, it should be said to be watching the quarterly banquet.

Shen Qing pursed her lips and looked a little unhappy.

Jinyi quickly glanced at Ji Yanli and then at Shen Qing, who looked calm, and secretly thought something bad was going on.

On the other hand, Ji Banli was much calmer than him.

Seeing Shen Qing come in, he followed her words and asked, "Then are you willing to go abroad?"

Jinyi looked at Ji Yanli with a numb face, but the third master was still very powerful and could hold his nerve.

Shen Qing curled up the corners of her lips and suddenly smiled with a curved eyebrow, "Of course I want to stay with the third master all the time. No matter whether the third master plans to go up the sword mountain or get off the frying pan, I will always stay by the third master's side. "

Ji Yanli's eyes paused slightly and looked at him intently.

Not to be outdone, Shen Qing still looked up at him with curved eyebrows.

There was a smile on her lips, "Third Master, do you think that if you send me abroad, I will be safe? As long as I want to, if Third Master has the ability to send me out, I will have the ability to come back. Third Master might as well think about it and send me abroad." It’s better to keep me by your side, or let me go abroad,”

The corner of Jinyi's mouth twitched and he silently wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.Shen Qing is definitely the number one person who dares to talk to Third Master like this.

Ji Yanli's expression was unpredictable. He looked at her smiling face with a cold face, and finally said, "Okay, it's up to you. But you have to stay by my side all the time in the future,"

"no problem."

Shen Qing patted her chest in assurance, and said with a crooked smile, "Don't worry, Third Master, I will definitely protect myself."

She paused, and then added in an awkward tone, "Even if you don't believe me, Third Master should still believe in yourself. Third Master will definitely be able to protect me."

Ji Yanli glanced at her and responded lightly, "Yeah."

Shen Qingyue's eyes curled up in a smile, her lips curled up into a smile, and she held Ji Yanli's arm and shook it, "Third Master is the best."

Jinyi silently looked away, barely even noticing.

Dog-legged and flattering!
However, the third master seemed to be eating her just for this purpose. The corners of his lips were slightly raised into a slight smile, and he seemed to be in a good mood.

Jinyi looked at the two of them and felt that it was not appropriate for him to stay here, so he casually found an excuse and left.

After entering the room, Ji Yanli restrained her and sat down on the chair. He frowned and said in a deep voice, "Don't act alone in the future. The Japanese can't get any benefits, so there's no guarantee that they won't jump over the wall."

"Zuo Tian is checking on you these days. Remember to pay close attention and stay with me on weekdays. Don't fall into their hands."

Shen Qing frowned, frowning and said, "Why did they suddenly investigate me? Could it be that Zijin's identity has been exposed?"

"That's not it."

"That's..." Shen Qing reacted in the blink of an eye, "They want to threaten you with me?"

The season banquet is non-committal.

Shen Qing smiled and said, "Do they think too highly of me?"

Who is the person in the banquet ceremony? That person is the one who decides and kills.When it comes time for him to make a choice, he might just give up on himself for the sake of national justice.

Those Japanese who wanted to use her to threaten the seasonal banquet were simply talking in their dreams.

Ji Yanli looked unpredictable and gave her a cold look.

Shen Qing blinked and realized that he had said the wrong thing. He quickly changed his words and said, "What I mean is that the third master is a righteous man and will not indulge those Japanese without any bottom line for the sake of his children's personal affairs."

Ji Yanli took a deep look at her, moved her mouth but did not speak.

Shen Qing looked at him like this, sighed slightly, and said half-jokingly, "If it comes to the time when the third master needs to make a choice, the third master will definitely take action without hesitation. I think it is better to die calmly than to live in peace." It would be easier to be at the mercy of animals in this world."

"You are very righteous."

Ji Yanli sneered coldly and looked at her coldly, "In your eyes, am I that kind of cold-blooded and ruthless person?"

Shen Qing was confused: "Huh?"

"I will not give up on anyone easily, nor will I watch my people die in front of me."

Shen Qing smiled so hard that her eyebrows arched, "What the third master said is, I know that the third master will not give up. It is precisely because I know that the third master is such a person that I am willing to follow the third master all my life. Moreover, the third master's heart If you please me, you will definitely protect me."

The banquet was amused by her shameless way of saying whatever the wind meant.His face was finally not as cold as before.

He couldn't help but stretched out his hand and pinched her face, "How can you be so shameless?"

"The third master gave it to me."

Shen Qing's cheeks were pinched so much that they puffed up, and she responded vaguely.

Ji Yanli raised his eyebrows and looked at her, "You can talk a lot with your mouth."

Shen Qing smiled and said, "Third Master took care of me well."

Ji Yanli couldn't hold back, smiled with his lips raised, and let go of her face.

"After today, you will eat, live and walk with me. You cannot leave me alone."

Shen Qing nodded in agreement, very well-behaved.

"I'll stay with Third Master and won't go anywhere these days. I'm waiting for those Japanese Japs to be beaten out."

The northern war broke out in the past few days, and the situation in Yuncheng was extremely tense.

A few days ago, Zuo Tianyize came to see Ji Yanli, but was declined by Ji Yanli.What will happen next, no one knows.

Seeing her being so well-behaved, Ji Yanli felt moved and said, "I know you don't like to stay all day, but the situation is tense now. When the matter is settled, I will take you to play all day."

Shen Qing smiled and said, "Don't worry, Third Master, I can bear it."

As the war in the north became more intense, the conflicts in the south also began to intensify.

Resistance elements moved frequently, and seasonal banquets were frequently held in secret.There were Japanese devils who hated the Chinese and caused trouble in various places. Ji Banli directly asked people to wash the Japanese with blood.

The methods are outrageously cruel.

However, Shen Qing is very much in favor of the quarterly banquet ceremony. Only by making them pay the price of blood can they learn a bloody lesson.

Trampling on and bullying the people of the country is a crime that cannot be punished.What's more, in this war, they are the aggressor and their sin is unpardonable.

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