Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 236 No chance in the future 236

Zuo Tianyize repeatedly proposed to sign a treaty of peaceful coexistence and joint governance of Yuncheng, but was ruthlessly rejected by Ji Yanli.

The behavior of the quarterly banquet ceremony completely angered Zuo Tian Yize.Zuo Tianyize directly ordered Lingchi to kill the rebels who had been captured alive.

This is showing off to the quarterly banquet ceremony.

On the day of the execution, a group of patriots watched with eyes wide open as several anti-Japanese fighters were hung on the wall and executed by the Japanese.

"Why should they execute these Japanese Japanese devils!"

"There is no reason."

Someone's eyes were red, "The Japanese devils killed a few Chinese people. There is no need for any reason. These bandits will kill people if they want to."

"They said they were killing some anti-war elements, but two of them were still teenagers. They were clearly killing innocent people indiscriminately under the pretext of killing anti-war elements!"

"Indiscriminate killing of innocents?"

One of them smiled bitterly and said, "How many innocent people have these Japanese devils killed indiscriminately?"

In the crowd, someone was hiding in the crowd, looking at his comrade who was hanging upside down with tears in his eyes, gritting his teeth and holding back.

He subconsciously wanted to touch the gun on his waist, but another person held his hand tightly.

"You're crazy, you forgot what the team told you."

The man's eyes were red and he lowered his voice to warn, "I know you are sad, and I am sad too, but look at the people watching here. If you act rashly, not only our teammates will die."

Finally, the man held back his tears and let go.

Another person patted him on the shoulder and said, "Let's send them off for the last time. Let's remember this grudge first and avenge them in the future."

I don't know when a small amount of rain started to fall from the sky.But none of the onlookers left.

Those anti-war fighters who were hung upside down on the wall may have felt the rain, and some faintly woke up from their coma.

There were people surrounding it, and looking at it from a distance was shocking.

The soldier who woke up first looked at the people in the rain, his eyes slowly getting wet. He licked the rainwater on his lips and said with difficulty, "Folks, go back."

Don't stand in the rain as you may catch a cold or have a fever.

His voice was so low that people who were close could only see his lips moving, but they had no idea what he said.

There were faint sobs from the crowd, playing a tragic song in response to the sound of rain.

Zuo Tian Yize, that lunatic, deliberately published the incident in the newspaper to make people come to watch, and he also planted explosives around it.If anyone goes to rescue people, everyone on the scene will be killed by the explosives, including the Japanese devils guarding here.

When it comes to ruthlessness, who can be ruthless than Zuo Tian Yize.Even his subordinates can give up at the drop of a hat.

They threatened the Ji Banquet with hostages, but the Ji Banquet could not target them in the same despicable way.

It's not that Ji Yanli is kind-hearted, but because Zuo Tian Yize is too cruel, this trick is useless to him.

Watching the passage of time every minute and second.

The Japanese adjutant looked at the time, then stood up and said to the crowd hypocritically, "Folks, today, we don't want to cause a situation like this. Your new commander-in-chief is still to blame for all this. .”

"We proposed to use peaceful methods to solve the problem, to live in friendship and cooperate together. But your new commander-in-chief did not agree to use this peaceful method. We have no way to negotiate, so we can only use this method." The Japanese adjutant laughed. Very arrogantly, he took out his gun, pointed it at one of the hanging men with a grim smile, and laughed, "Since your commander is determined to have his own way and refuses to cooperate with our Japanese empire, then we can only kill these people. "

He shot decisively and blood spattered on the spot.There was an uproar in the audience.The pupils of the anti-war elements hidden in the crowd suddenly shrank.

the other side

Several brothers from Longmen went straight to Ji's Mansion, which is now the Marshal's Mansion.

"Third Master, the brothers have checked again. Explosives are not only buried in that area, but also in many other places, covering almost half of Yuncheng. The brothers have dug out more, but there is still a part that has not been finished. .”

He ran in and found that there were many strangers in the handsome man's house. They all had heavy faces and red eyes.

There were a few normal strangers, including Mr. Qiu, whom Shen Qing knew.

Mr. Qiu was shocked when he heard this and took a deep breath.

A few people with red eyes couldn't hold it back and cursed directly, "These beasts!"

Mr. Qiu patted the man on the shoulder and then looked at Ji Yanli, "Mr. Ji, what do you think of this matter?"

Ji Yanli's face was cold, and he said in a cold voice without expression, "Since the explosives were planted by the Japanese, let them reap the consequences and return the original amount."

Ji Yanli stood up and said, "Inform the brothers to speed up and dig out all the explosives buried in Yuncheng before the Japanese reinforcements arrive. When their army arrives, they will return the explosives in full and sacrifice the dead with blood." brother."

Mr. Qiu was shocked again when he heard this, "Mr. Ji, please don't be hasty. This matter" needs to be considered in the long run.Today our equipment is not as sophisticated as the other side.It would be difficult to fight against the Japanese with only the current military and material resources. "

Ji Ban Li currently controls several provinces, but there is still a big gap between them and the Japanese army.

Mr. Qiu suggested, "If we can convince the forces in other places, we can compete with them."

Everyone present was silent.

The forces surrounding several provinces in Yuncheng all work on their own and are on guard against each other.

It would be nice if these people had some conscience, but if they were as greedy as the previous commander, they would just not help. I was afraid that they would add insult to injury and help the Japanese fight against the banquet ceremony.

After all, the several provinces in Yuncheng are a hotbed, and anyone who owns this area can make a lot of money.

If they can take this opportunity to overthrow the Ji Ban Li, then several provinces in Yuncheng will be carved up by the forces around them.

Ji Yanli knocked on the table casually with his fingers, "That's what I said. But now the Japanese are rushing back from the north to support them. They are running around on the way, and their mental state may not be as good as ours."

"We can take this opportunity to wipe out all the Japanese entrenched in Yuncheng. In this way, it can be regarded as reducing the burden on the north."

Mr. Qiu disapproved, "This is too risky."

In this situation, Shen Qing actually supported the Ji Yanli's adventure.Not to mention that the quarterly banquet has the halo of being the protagonist, and there is a high probability that things will be successful. As far as the current situation is concerned, a quick decision is the best choice.

So Shen Qing interjected in a strange way, "If we don't take risks, once the Japanese reinforcements arrive, Yuncheng will still be under the rule and governance of the Japanese in a short time."

"The common people are in dire straits, and the brothers are unwilling. Those people will definitely interfere in Yuncheng's affairs. If we look for opportunities in the future, I'm afraid there won't be such a good opportunity."

"If we make preparations now, we will be the active party and will not be led by the other party."

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