Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 237 Chapter 237 Just have a good fight

Chapter 237 237. Just have a good fight

Because of Shen Qing's status as Mr. Zijin, Mr. Qiu attached great importance to Shen Qing's proposal. After thinking about it, he felt that what Shen Qing said was reasonable.

But when I think about it carefully, I feel that there is a huge disparity in strength between the enemy and ourselves, so it is still a bit risky.

"Mr. Qiu, let's get started. I've tolerated those grandsons for a long time. In this way, I can also pay homage to the heroic spirits of those brothers who died."

"Yes, let's just do it, kill all the Japs, and avenge our dead brothers."

As soon as they heard that there was going to be a war, the brothers in the room became excited.

They have endured those Japanese Japs for long enough. If they can kill a few Japs to vent their anger, they can die without regrets in this life.

Mr. Qiu is a sensible person, and he did not settle the matter just because of the brothers' heckles.

"This matter needs to be considered in the long term. If we fight, how and how we should fight is a question. We also need to think clearly in advance about leading troops and employing people."

"Whatever, I'll destroy the Japanese Japs' stronghold in Yuncheng first and see how arrogant they can be."

"That is, chop Zuo Tian into pieces first, and then stretch out those scoundrels from the Special Zone and the Secrecy Bureau. I have tolerated them for a long time."


The crowd's anger seemed to have infected Mr. Qiu.After a while, Mr. Qiu also relaxed and said, "It's okay, if you want to beat us, just beat us hard."

Mr. Qiu made the decision directly.

"I will go back and send a message to the comrades over there. We will also need to agree on specific strategic guidelines and countermeasures to deal with the enemy."

Mr. Qiu didn't know what he thought of. His eyes were slightly moist. He looked up at the sky and sighed, "They have been waiting for a day, and they have been waiting for a long time."

I can finally take revenge on those little devils.There are so many people who have been waiting for this day for a long time.

Some of them are lying in ambush among the enemies, fighting wits and courage with the jackals, tigers and leopards every day, while some of them insist on staying on the front line of the war to provide assistance to the people of the country.

There are also some people who secretly help the anti-Japanese fighters and contribute their own strength silently.

The rebels acted quickly. They made a decision here, and reacted quickly and made a decision there. They immediately handed over the list of underground comrades lurking in Yuncheng to Ji Yanli.

"Comrade Ji Yanli, thank you very much for everything you have done for our faction. I would like to thank you on behalf of our faction."

This time the people who came were not only Comrade Qiu, but also Comrade Qiu's immediate superior, a comrade named Zhao.

Comrade Zhao handed the list in his hand to Ji Yanli and said solemnly.

"This is the list of underground staff I sent lurking in Yuncheng and several surrounding provinces. Now I will hand them all over to you. For this operation, we have decided to make you the commander-in-chief, with Mr. Qiu assisting you. . I hope you will lead them to defeat the Japanese and drive all these invaders out of our country."

The eyes of the quarterly banquet moved slightly.

Shen Qing was also surprised and handed the list of all underground workers to Ji Yanli?
How much trust does this place in the seasonal banquet ceremony?With such a list in hand, if the quarterly banquet is unreliable, it may become their biggest disaster.

I have to say that the leader this time is courageous.How can normal people dare to hand over such an important thing to someone who is not from their party?

Fortunately, the rebels were the ones who won in the end. Otherwise, when the rebels were wiped out in the later stages, the list in Ji Yanli's hands would have become an invisible weapon that could kill people.

Ji Yanli took the list in his hand and said seriously, "Don't worry, Mr. Zhao, since you have given it to me, I will do my best to live up to your trust."

Mr. Zhao came and left quickly.

He wanted to stay for a few more days, but Mr. Qiu was worried that the situation in Yuncheng would be unstable and involve Mr. Zhao again.As soon as Mr. Zhao left, the people from Longmen began to intensively contact these underground workers lurking in several provinces of Yuncheng to prepare for the war.

The first step they took was to capture the special zones and secrecy bureaus in various places, and then instigate some of the Chinese people who still had some conscience.

The Japanese resisted fiercely, and some Japanese saw that the situation was one-sided and refused to do anything. They killed everyone on sight before dying. Countless people were killed.

It's a pity that that beast Zuo Tianyize escaped.

It was also the first time that Shen Qing participated in such a small-scale mission, and it was also the first time that he used a gun to kill people, and the ones he killed were Japanese devils.

The ferocious Japanese devils, the angry Chinese people, those brothers who bravely killed the enemy with hatred and a mentality of death...

She decisively drew her gun and shot the Japanese.

The first time she killed someone, she was afraid and hesitant, but this time, she killed with bloodthirsty intent.

These hateful Japanese used Chinese people for live experiments and massacred them. Their crimes were too numerous to describe.

She was fortunate enough to come to this era and witness with her own eyes how the ancestors of China sacrificed their flesh and blood to exchange for a stable life for contemporary people.

She was a beneficiary before, but now she is a participant and pioneer.

When the setting sun set, the battle in Yuncheng was completely over. The special area had been uprooted, and the Japanese flag that had been planted high up had also been pulled up and thrown to the ground and trampled on a few times.

As for those who collaborated with the enemy and treason and worked as Japanese dog-lickers, they were thrown directly into the prison of the Security Department.

All the things that the Japanese ordered them to do were clearly explained and kept in files with their signatures and paintings.

Dark red blood was everywhere on Shen Qing's body, and the sticky blood stains were shocking.

This is Shen Qing's first murder.Human life is like a piece of grass, and in the blink of an eye, a fresh fruit's life ended abruptly before her eyes.

Shen Qing even witnessed several grown-up children being shot dead by Japanese guns.

They were only a few years old, and before they had time to start the journey of life, they were forced to stop halfway because of these invaders.

Shen Qing did not follow Ji Yanli. She was assigned to other tasks.So when she returned to Ji Mansion with a bloody aura, she saw the figure of Madao standing there.

Seeing him looking in her direction, she put the gun away from her waist and greeted him with curved eyebrows, "Third Master, are you back already?"

From far away from the quarterly banquet, I saw her coming back covered in blood, with blood on her face. The stiff little military uniform she wore on her body gave her a somewhat heroic look.

When she looked over with crooked eyebrows, for a moment, the world became dim, as if all the darkness could not enter her eyes.

Her eyes were firm and bright, a little more determined than before.

He was in a trance, watching her approach step by step.

"Third Master?"

Shen Qing raised her eyes to look at him, with a bit of warmth in her brows.

The war was cruel, but fortunately, she met someone in this world who was willing to wait for her when she needed him.

(End of this chapter)

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