Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 239 Chapter 239 I will accompany you

Chapter 239 239. I will accompany you

Ji Yanli's eyebrows are tightly knitted, you are not in a good state either.

The implication was that she also needed to see a doctor.

Shen Qing's face tightened, "I know my body well. If I really need to see a doctor, I will ask for it myself. I will not be so stupid that I still resist when my body can't bear it."

Shen Qing said, gently tugging on Ji Yanli's sleeve, "It's enough for me to have the third master with me."

Ji Yanli felt slightly startled and said in a low voice, "There is no need to call the doctor over there, I will stay with you."

Shen Qing pursed her lips and smiled secretly.

Ji Yanli looked at her snickering and asked casually, "Why are you laughing?"

"I'm just happy."

Shen Qing curled her lips, "It's great to have Third Master here."

Seasonal banquet ceremony's eyes are full of warmth.

Shen Qing's forehead felt a little hot, so he personally fetched cold water, soaked the towel and put it on Shen Qing's forehead.

Seeing Ji Yanli busy with herself, Shen Qing felt complicated. She called out again, "Third Master."


"You are so kind to me."

Ji Yanli was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "You know I'm good to you, so you'll get better soon."

Shen Qing pursed his lips and said with a smile, "Third Master is really good at joking. I don't like this cold, and I can't make it stop if it doesn't have a fever."

Ji Yanli said, "Then have a good rest and cooperate with taking medicine. I will go to the doctor to prescribe some fever-reducing medicine."


Shen Qing felt a little tired, so she closed her eyes and went to sleep.

Ji Yanli waited until she fell asleep and then touched her hot forehead.I found that I still had a fever, so I went out to see a doctor myself.

The doctor was really busy. The uninjured brothers helped clean the wounds of the injured brothers. After learning some first aid knowledge, they rushed to the shelves.

Fortunately, not many of the brothers were seriously injured. Most of them suffered skin injuries, and some were shot by bullets. Doctors were performing operations to remove the bullets.

After searching around for the quarterly banquet, he found a doctor who had a little free time at the moment and asked him to get some antipyretic medicine.

After returning to the room, Ji Yanli woke Shen Qing up again.She fell asleep in a daze, and obediently took the antipyretic medicine and fell asleep.

Shen Qing slept deeply, and when she woke up, it was already late.

The banquet ceremony is not around.

She felt that she was almost ready, so she put on a coat and went out.

I walked around and didn't see the quarterly banquet ceremony.

She asked a brother and found out that it was Mr. Qiu who came to see Ji Yanli early in the morning, and the two of them went to the meeting hall.

"Mr. Qiu is here?"

Shen Qing frowned.

Logically speaking, Yuncheng has just cleaned up the Secrecy Bureau and Special Area at this moment. If there is nothing particularly urgent, Mr. Qiu would not be able to come here at this time.

The brother said, "I saw that Mr. Qiu didn't look well when he came. It seemed that something had happened. The third master looked at it with no expression. Mr. Qiu said a few words, and then Mr. Qiu and the third master went to the meeting hall. .”

Shen Qing's frown deepened, what could be happening?
With her heart scratching and scratching her lungs, Shen Qing wished she could go to the meeting hall and ask about the situation.But now that I have passed by, it obviously seems a bit out of place.

Shen Qing waited all morning, and it was almost time to eat, but Ji Yanli and the others still did not come out of the meeting hall.

Looking at it this way, the matter is quite serious.

Shen Qing was worried and went to the meeting hall in person.Before he could enter, he was blocked by Ji Ying. "Third Master and Mr. Qiu are discussing something, you can't go in."

Besides Ji Ying, there were several other brothers outside the meeting hall.Several people looked bad, which further confirmed Shen Qing's guess.

Shen Qing couldn't help being curious and asked quietly, "What big thing happened?"

"I don't know. Don't ask around for things you shouldn't know." Ji Ying gave Shen Qing a serious look, "It's nothing to ask around here. Go back to the room first."

Shen Qing always felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't figure out what was wrong.

She nodded, but she didn't dare to get close to him, and quickly turned around and left.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Shen Qing walked away with his front foot, the door opened with his back foot.Ji Yanli and Mr. Qiu walked out from inside.

Mr. Qiu's expression was still not good. Ji Yanli's face was expressionless, but it was hard to tell whether his mood was good or bad.

Ji Yanli glanced at Ji Ying indifferently and asked, "Who was here just now?"

"Back to Third Master, Shen Qing came here just now. She was curious and asked, but was stopped by her subordinates and then left."

Ji Yanli nodded slightly, thinking of Shen Qing, his brows and eyes softened again.

Mr. Qiu didn't know what he was thinking of, and suddenly asked, "I heard someone said that Shen Qing next to the third master is a distant relative of the third master?"


Ji Yanli responded lightly, and then heard Mr. Qiu say, "I heard that Shen Qing was brought back by Hongjun when she first came to Yuncheng."

Ji Yanli raised his eyes and said, "Mr. Qiu might as well say it directly if he has any doubts."

His eyes were cold, "Shen Qing is the person I promoted. If she really has a problem, I will not let her work by my side."

This kind of reaction from the banquet ceremony really shocked Mr. Qiu.

Mr. Qiu gave a bitter smile and then said, "Mr. Ji, don't blame me. Our people suffered too much at the hands of those people back then, so I didn't dare to be careless."

"If possible, who would want to believe that the person they spend time with day and night will be the person who betrays them in the end."

Here, Shen Qing returned to the room, always feeling like her eyelids were twitching, as if something was about to happen.

After much deliberation, she decided to go find Hongjun, who was close to her, to ask about the situation.

As a result, after going there, I discovered that Hongjun was not there.

This is really weird. We just cleared out the Japanese stronghold yesterday. Logically speaking, all the brothers should be there, so why is Hongjun the only one missing?

Shen Qing refused to give up.

Unable to find Hongjun, she looked for Jinji again.

When Jinji saw her, he looked a little anxious and uneasy, his eyes were evasive and he wanted to run away.


With quick eyes and quick hands, Shen Qing grabbed Jinji's shoulders.

Jinji subconsciously wanted to throw him over his shoulder, but Shen Qing was able to avoid it.

"Fuck you! Jinji, you really are serious about this."

Shen Qing ducked over, and seeing Jinji coming to fight again, she simply rolled up her sleeves and started fighting.There was a fight, and both of them were panting.

Shen Qing took the opportunity to ask, "Why did you run when you saw me? Are you afraid that I will eat you or that I will kill you?"


Jinji shook his head honestly, "I'm afraid you'll ask me all sorts of questions."

Shen Qing smiled, then grinned, "Then you are so unlucky. I came to you today just to ask questions."

(End of this chapter)

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