Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 240 240 Hongjun is a spy

Chapter 240 240. Hongjun is a spy

Jinji's expression changed.

Shen Qing didn't care what his expression was, she just stared at his face and asked with a smile, "Tell me, what exactly happened?"

Shen Qing touched his nose and wondered, "Why did I sleep for a while and everyone's expressions looked wrong. What happened?"

Jinji turned pale, looked around, and then told her in a low voice, "Something serious has happened."

"What's the big deal?"

Shen Qing thought for a while, and realized that the Japanese stronghold in Yuncheng was cut off just yesterday. It should be impossible for the Japanese reinforcements to arrive in several provinces of Yuncheng so quickly.

The big thing that Jinji mentioned...

Shen Qing didn't have time to think too much when she heard Jin Er say in a panic, "Brother Hongjun has been arrested."


Shen Qing's head exploded with one blow.

Hongjun was arrested, by whom, a Japanese?
Shen Qing grabbed Jin Er's collar and said, "Brother Hongjun was arrested by someone, a Japanese? Does Third Master know about this?"

"Cough cough cough."

Poor Jinji was almost strangled to death by the collar of his own clothes.

"Well, Shen Qing, don't get excited."

Jinji waved his hands and tugged at the collar of his clothes with his hands, "Ahem... let me go first."

Shen Qing let him go as she was told.

Jin Ercai said, "Brother Hongjun was not captured by the Japanese, but by our people."

Shen Qing's face suddenly turned pale.

Being arrested by one of his own people, what this means is self-evident.


It's a spy!
Shen Qing's body swayed a little unsteadily. She managed to stand still, and then she pretended to be calm and said, "Jinji, please explain to me clearly what's going on. Why was Brother Hongjun arrested? Did he betray Third Master?"

"That's it."

Jinji hesitated for a long time before he spoke clearly.

It turns out that Hongjun is really a spy sent by others.

He is a Japanese, and his real name is Zhiha Li.When he was a child, he contracted smallpox. Seeing that he was hopeless, the Japanese soldiers threw him into the fire and prepared to burn him to death.

Later, a Chinese couple rescued the man from the fire and named him Hongjun.

Hongjun originally lived a good life in China. Unfortunately, the Japanese kidnapped his adoptive father and adoptive mother and forced him to work for them.

Jin Ershen said, "The resistance faction captured a few Japanese traitors, and Brother Hongjun was among the list they provided."

Shen Qing still held on to a glimmer of hope, "I remember Brother Hongjun fought against the Japanese when he went north to deliver goods. Could it be that the Japanese came back and deliberately handed over such a wrong list so that we could kill each other?" "

Jinji shook his head, "It's impossible. The third master personally sent someone to verify it."

Shen Qing's heart instantly went cold.

Jinji continued, "And in this operation, Third Master also guarded against Hongjun and deliberately made false news. As expected, the enemy got that tomboy and fell into our ambush."

Shen Qing's heart suddenly sank to the bottom.

Is Hongjun really a spy?

He really went to deliver news to the Japanese. Even for the batch of goods he once transported north, most of the brothers he brought with him died, and only a few of them came back.

Will it be...

Shen Qing's eyes turned red and she closed her eyes slightly.

She would rather Hongjun died in the cargo ship that time than hear the news that he was a spy.

In this world, Hongjun is different to her.

He was the first person she met in this world, and it was he who brought her from the strange streets of Yuncheng to Ji Mansion, giving her a place to live in this strange era.There are many brothers in Ji Mansion who are close to her, but her relationship with Hongjun is the best.

"Um, Shen Qing, are you okay?"

Jinji looked at Shen Qing's appearance, feeling quite worried.This was also the reason why they were unwilling to tell Shen Qing.

Among the brothers, who has the best relationship with Shen Qing, it must be Hongjun.

"I'm fine."

Shen Qing shook his head, raised his eyes and asked, "Where is Hongjun being held?"

Jinji was immediately alert, "What are you going to do?"

Before Shen Qing could speak, Jin Er said again, "I'm telling you, don't do anything stupid. The third master can decide for himself what is right and wrong. If you do something irrational, let me How does the third master miss you?"

"I know the severity."

Shen Qing nodded, "I just want to see him."

As he said this, Shen Qing couldn't help but blush.

She had always regarded Hongjun as her own brother, but now that she knew he was a spy, it felt like a thorn had been stabbed in her heart, making her feel extremely uncomfortable.

Shen Qing was silent for a moment and then asked, "Besides Hongjun, is there anyone else?"

Jinji was a little worried about Shen Qing, and he hesitated, "There are also a few brothers he brought back when he went north. They are good friends with Hongjun, and they usually listen to Hongjun."

Shen Qing was stunned.

So, those brothers who died on the way north also had Hongjun's handiwork?
If not, how come these people survived while all the other brothers died.

Shen Qing asked again, "What did the Third Master say?"

"Third Master didn't say anything."

Jinji frowned and said, "It is only right to kill someone to pay for your life. The third master cannot tolerate betrayers, and the brothers will not forgive him."

Shen listened and felt extremely uncomfortable.

"Then...where are Brother Hongjun's adoptive parents?"

"do not know."

Jinji shook his head, "Maybe he's dead, maybe he's not dead, who knows."

Listening to Jin Er's indifferent tone, he probably hated Hong Jun in his heart.

I heard that Jin Yi and Jin Er's parents died at the hands of the Japanese. It is normal for them to hate the Japanese.

Shen Qing didn't want to mention this to Jin Er anymore. She thought about it and decided to ask about Ji Yanli.

Ji Yanli knows the truth of the matter best.

Shen Qing was about to leave, but was stopped by Jin Er.

Jinji stared at her and suddenly asked, "Are you going to find the Third Master to plead for Hongjun?"

Shen Qing was taken aback.

To beg for mercy or not to beg for mercy, she hadn't thought about it yet.What she wants most right now is to ask Ji Yanli about the situation.

Hongjun is a spy.

But the Hongjun she knew should not be a bad person. Shen Qing was unwilling to believe that Hongjun killed his brothers who went north with him, so she wanted to ask clearly.

At least it would make her feel better.

Jinji looked at her with some disappointment, "You really want to plead for him. Do you know that he killed his brothers who were with him through life and death? He sent information to the Japanese. Just the day before our operation, He also sent information to the enemy, he also wanted to kill us, and you still want to plead for him..."

Shen listened with confusion.

She was originally in a depressed mood, but now listening to Jinji's crackling words, she just felt her brain hurt.

(End of this chapter)

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