Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 241 Chapter 241 How to plan

Chapter 241 241. How to plan

Shen Qing took a deep breath and said, "Jinji, I know you feel the same as me. How about we all calm down? Now that something like this has happened, I have to see him."

Shen Qing always found it a bit unbelievable that Hongjun was a traitor.

Jinji glanced at him and finally said, "That's all, I won't say any more. In short, if you plead for him, don't treat me as your brother in the future."

"He can betray his brothers. I don't think he is a good person, no matter what the reason is."

Shen Qing frowned.

"No matter what, I don't want to doubt my brother until the matter is decided."

She felt that something was wrong with what Jinji said.

"What if there is something hidden here? What if Hongjun is framed? I don't want to doubt him easily, as we have been together for such a long time."

"The more times like this, the more calm we must be. If it is the enemy's conspiracy, then our irrationality is causing us to mess up. If this is true, then..."

Shen Qing closed his eyes and said with difficulty, "If Hongjun is really a spy, then I will think that the Hongjun who picked me up from the street has died on the ship transporting supplies north."

Jinji's expression was complicated, and he moved his mouth, "It's best if you think so."

Shen Qing smiled bitterly and said nothing.

Because of Hongjun's incident, Shen Qing almost never stopped, searching for information and doubts in order to find clues that could prove that Hongjun was not a spy. Unfortunately, the results were not satisfactory.

Shen Qing knew about Ji Banli, and if there was no conclusive evidence, he might not arrest the person directly.If we arrest people directly now, we must have conclusive evidence.

Shen Qing kept struggling until dark before returning to his room with a disappointed face.

As a result, when I walked to the door, I saw two women waiting at the door politely.

Shen Qing: "..."

Needless to say, the seasonal banquet must be inside.

Shen Qing's guess was absolutely correct. As soon as she walked in, she saw Ji Yanli sitting beside her bed.

"Third Master."

Shen Qing was not in a very good mood, and his tone did not reveal much, but his voice was very shallow.

Ji Yanli raised his eyes to look at her, and there was no emotion or anger in his voice, "I'm back."


Sensing that she was not in a good mood, Ji Yanli paused slightly and asked casually, "How is the investigation going?"

Shen Qing was surprised.

She couldn't help but pursed her lips, "Don't you, Third Master, know everything? Why are you still asking me what I am doing?"

The banquet ceremony frowned slightly, "When did I know?"

Shen Qing choked.

She said, "Since Third Master knows that I'm inquiring about things, he must know the result. Why do you come to ask me?"

Ji Yanli looked at her with deep eyes, "Do you care about him?"

Shen Qing was noncommittal and said, "We have been together for so long, and he is like a brother in my heart. How could I not care."

The banquet pursed its lips and stopped talking, looking a little unhappy.

It was obvious that he didn't like hearing what Shen Qing said.

Shen Qing didn't care whether he liked to hear it or not. She was in a bad mood today, so she spoke rudely, which seemed like a broken jar.

Ji Yanli paused and said, "You don't have to look around for Hongjun's matter anymore, and you don't have to worry about it in the future."

"What do you mean, Third Master?"

Shen Qing looked at the banquet ceremony for a moment.

"It's not interesting, I just don't want you to be too tired." Ji Yanli said lightly, "If you want to ask anything in the future, just ask me directly." Ji Yanli's words were exactly what Shen Qing wanted.She did have many questions to ask about the quarterly feast.

So as soon as Ji Yanli finished speaking, Shen Qing asked, "Third Master, is Hongjun really betraying us and is he a Japanese spy?"

Ji Yanli did not answer, but looked at her deeply, "What do you think?"

"I don't think he is."

Shen Qing frowned slightly, "Having been with him for so long, I don't want to believe that he is a spy."

How can someone who has been with him for so long be a spy?

Ji Yanli said calmly, "His name is in the list provided by the Japanese. Do you think he is a spy?"

Shen Qing hesitated for a moment, "Could it be that the Japanese made a scheme and deliberately wrote his name just to make us doubt him?"

"It's also possible that his identity as a Japanese is true, and that he was adopted by a Chinese couple. But because his behavior toward the Chinese angered the Japanese, they might deliberately frame him."

Ji Yanli added, "He also revealed the false news."

Shen Qing racked his brains and said, "He is so smart. What if he knew that the news was false and was deliberately used by you to steal false news to the Japanese?"


Ji Yanli looked at her stubborn look and nodded slightly, "What you said makes some sense."


"Because of this, I just locked him up instead of shooting him directly. You have seen the fate of the betrayer in Ji Mansion."

Shen Qing had indeed seen it.

Not long after arriving in Ji's mansion, Ji Yanli dealt with the traitors and shot them directly in the yard.That day frightened her, and also frightened Dahuang.

Shen Qing fell silent immediately.

She thought for a while and then asked, "Does Third Master believe that Hongjun is a spy?"

The banquet looked indifferent, "I only believe in evidence."


Ji Yanli is not an emotional person at all. He is unusually calm.

Shen Qing thought for a while, then suddenly asked again on a whim, "If I become the object of Third Master's suspicion one day, will Third Master lock me up?"

The eyes of the quarterly banquet moved slightly, "Why do you ask that?"

Shen Qing smiled and said, "Nothing else, I'm just curious."

The quarterly banquet ceremony was somewhat confusing to Shen Qing's mind, "What are you curious about?"

"I'm curious if you will lock me up." Shen Qing smiled with crooked eyebrows. "The third master is indifferent to everything, but the third master treats me differently. I want to know if I become the object of the third master's suspicion. , Will Third Master lock me up?"

The banquet looked at her with an inexplicable expression, "I don't know."

"It's good."

Shen Qing suddenly felt a little bored, and then thought of Hongjun who was being imprisoned, "Third Master, um...can I ask where Hongjun is being imprisoned? Can I go see him tomorrow?"


This time, Ji Yanli answered without any hesitation, which surprised Shen Qing.

But after a moment, she said with a crooked smile, "Thank you, Third Master."

The next day, Shen Qing was taken to the place where Hongjun was imprisoned.

Mr. Qiu heard about this and was very worried.As soon as the front leg got the news, the back leg hurried to Ji Mansion.

He didn't come here to ask questions, he just did things in a measured manner at Ji Yanli, and he wanted to know what his plan was.

(End of this chapter)

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