Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 243 Master 2433 is very young

Chapter 243 243. The third master is very young

Shen Qing has been in a bad mood recently, which is something that all the brothers in Ji Mansion know.

If nothing else, just look at her cold-blooded and cold-eyed energy in training newcomers.You know how bad her mood has been these days.

Because when the war is approaching, Yuncheng is also preparing for the war.

At the beginning, the Japanese stronghold was taken away by the Japanese banquet. Major newspapers publicized the matter and won the favor of many people.

Many people clapped and praised Ji Yanli's behavior. There were also many people who had been persecuted by the Japanese. When they learned about Ji Yanli's people who used guns to hold back the Japanese Japanese who persecuted them, they immediately became grateful for Ji Yanli.

As soon as they heard that they were going to fight the Japanese Japs, and were encouraged by major newspapers, many people came to the quarterly banquet, hoping to contribute to the fight against the Japanese Japs in the future.

Even women and children came forward one after another and said they were willing to do whatever they could.

What the people want, what everyone expects.

The position of the commander of the Quarterly Banquet Ceremony has been completely secured.

Originally, Cheng Yunting could compete with Ji Yanli for the position of commander-in-chief if he wanted to.It's just that I don't know what agreement the two secretly reached. In the end, Ji Yanli became the commander-in-chief, and Cheng Yunting was willing to take the lower position.

Several provinces in Yuncheng are in a state of intensive preparation for war. Many of the surrounding forces, large and small, have heard of the Ji Banyan Ceremony and are willing to come and join them.

The more people there are, the more things will be arranged.Because the staff is limited, everyone is assigned their own tasks.

And Shen Qing's task is to train the group of new recruits who came to join the seasonal banquet ceremony without any experience in killing enemies.

Yuncheng's temporary training ground.

Before the quarterly banquet got off the bus, I heard a sharp scolding coming from outside——

"If you can't even endure the most basic long-distance running with weights, what are you going to use to kill the enemy? What are you using your limp hands and feet?"

"And you guys, why are you laughing? This action is very funny. The force of the fist swing is weak. Can you hold the gun steady?"

"I asked you to aim and aim, but your arms are shaking like soft noodles. Look what I do, go and do fifty push-ups!"

"You, do thirty pull-ups for me right now. With your strength, do you want to kill the Japanese or give someone a head!"

Needless to say, Shen Qing is quite good at training new recruits.A group of local soldiers were so disgraced by her training that they didn't even say a word and just did whatever they were asked to do.

Shen Qing was very satisfied with this, and walked around in a circle with some relief, and then walked up to a boy who looked quite strong.

Seeing him sweating profusely, Shen Qing couldn't help but smile with the corners of her lips raised, "Are you tired?"

The boy saw Shen Qing's smiling face.Subconsciously, my body trembled, and I shouted in a very loud voice, "Tell the instructor, I'm not tired."

"Hmm. Not tired..."

Shen Qing touched his chin and thought for a moment, "Well, since you're not tired, let's add twenty more."

The sturdy young man was immediately dumbfounded, as if he didn't believe his ears.


Shen Qing raised his eyebrows slightly, "What, too few? Then thirty."

The sturdy young man: "..."

How can he be too little?

The sturdy young man heard the words of suffering and could only say angrily, "Then... well, I can only add twenty, no more."

Shen Qing smiled. The next moment, she looked solemn and scolded, "Smiling playfully during training, bargaining, and twenty more."

When the sturdy young man heard this, he rolled his eyes and almost fainted, secretly scolding her as a female devil.When the other brothers heard this, they immediately felt happy.However, a few of them were extremely happy and sad, and were caught by Shen Qinghei on the spot.

"Why, are you happy to see others increase their training volume? Well, I won't be unfair to others. If I add twenty to him, I will add twenty to you."


Seeing the man's face suddenly fall, Shen Qing was satisfied.

She glanced at everyone with a smile, and then said patiently, "Train well. Only by working harder and sweating more now can you bleed less when you go to the battlefield to kill the Japanese."

"Think about our brothers and sisters who died in the hands of the Japs, and think about our family and friends who were bullied. Only if we train seriously will we be able to kill more Japs in the future, and then will we be able to protect our family and friends. Only then can we have a chance to avenge our dead brothers."

What she said was impassioned and inspiring.

I have to say that Shen Qing's trick is very effective.Those who had already been training very hard, because of Shen Qing's words, were instantly stimulated and trained very hard.

For brothers who are overtrained or who are really exhausted, there are Chinese and Western medicine doctors waiting in the rooms set up nearby.

Shen Qing originally proposed this training ground, and later discussed it with other people, and finally came up with such a training base.

I used to think that setting up a training ground was unnecessary, but now I see that it is quite decent, and it really looks like that.

Jinyi, who came with the quarterly banquet ceremony, couldn't help but look at it for a while.She had never seen Shen Qing's training methods before.

For example, the hanging wooden pillars and the high wooden wall across the middle of the road look very novel and interesting.

Jin Yi still had some impression of what this group of people looked like before, but now that these grassroots soldiers had been trained by Shen Qing, it was as if they had been reborn, and they had changed a lot.

Jin was speechless and said with emotion, "The third master really made the right choice by asking Shen Qing to train these grassroots soldiers."

Shen Qing was very involved in training the new recruits, but did not notice their arrival at the Ji Banquet.

However, there were a few grassroots soldiers who glanced in the direction of Ji Yanli and Jinyi from time to time.

After a while, Shen Qing found Ji Yanli and Jinyi standing not far away.

I don't know how long they stood there watching.

Shen Qing put away the serious and serious expression when facing these soldiers, and walked towards the quarterly banquet with a smile.

"Third Master."

Her voice was not loud, but it was just enough for the soldiers to hear.

Everyone has never seen the Quarterly Banquet Ceremony, but they have heard of its name.At this moment, Shen Qing called Third Master, and all the soldiers raised their heads and looked in the direction of the quarterly banquet.

However, when they saw the quarterly banquet, all the grass soldiers suddenly opened their mouths in surprise.

The person called Third Master is actually so young?
Everyone was surprised!

Among the famous aristocrats in Yuncheng, none of the Yin Gui young masters are more handsome than the third master in front of them.

Shen Qing looked up at Ji Yanli with a smile, "Now that Third Master is here, would you like to take a look at the training of these grassroots soldiers?"


Ji Yanli nodded slightly.

Shen Qing took him to see the training of new recruits.

(End of this chapter)

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