Chapter 244 244. You have a baby kiss

When the grassroots soldiers saw Ji Banli coming, they were extremely excited.

This is the famous Third Master Ji. They have never had the chance to meet this Third Master before.

Now that they finally have a chance, how could they not be excited.I heard that Mr. Ji Sanye has become the well-deserved boss of Yuncheng at a young age, and now he is a commander-in-chief, in charge of several provinces.

I heard that all of his soldiers are very powerful, and he himself is also very awesome.In the past, when people came to Ji Sanye, they only had fear in their hearts.Nowadays, when people mention Mr. Ji Sanye, all they have left is admiration.

Who could have such courage to seize the Japanese stronghold in Yuncheng overnight and kill those Japanese who bullied the country in a rage?

Although a group of grass-roots soldiers have never seen the world, the name of Ji Yanli has been well-known after being exaggerated by major newspapers. No one has heard of him.

At this moment, the people I see are here. They are all looking here, and some of them are even a little perfunctory during training.

"That one over there, you, yes, that's you. Are you training or playing?"

Shen Qing shouted sharply, which frightened all the hot-headed soldiers into a panic, and they quickly looked away and started training.

After Shen Qing scolded the soldier with a cold face, she turned around with a smile and said, "Third Master, do you want to watch their training?"

Looking at her expectant look, Ji Yanli nodded casually and said, "Let's take a look."

Shen Qing took the quarterly banquet ceremony to various places where these grassroots soldiers were training.

"Third Master, I see that these bastards seem to like you. After they finish training, can I invite them to come over and meet you?"

"No need."

I don't like to do these formal things in the quarterly banquet ceremony.

"Hehe, Third Master finally came here, just to meet him. Later when you see someone who is training more seriously, just praise him casually. You praise him a few times, but it will be much better than me yelling here for a long time. "

After hearing what she said, Ji Yanli nodded slightly and said, "Then let's meet."


Shen Qing smiled brightly, "I'll call them over in a moment."

Shen Qing led the quarterly banquet around and clearly felt that the training of these grassroots soldiers was much harder than usual.

Shen Qing was speechless.

She has been with them here for so long, and she has never seen them train so hard after seeing her. Now that the quarterly banquet is coming, they know that they are working hard.

Shen Qing was a little funny.

After their round of training was over, they invited a group of people to come over to meet Ji Banyan.

"This is the third master, you all come to meet him."

Many recruits were so excited that their faces turned red when they saw the quarterly banquet ceremony as if they were their idols.

There are also some grassroots soldiers with decent family backgrounds. They have seen the world since they were young, and they are not in a hurry when they see Ji Banli. They respectfully call him, "Third Master."

When the other recruits saw this, they followed his example and respectfully called Ji Yanli Third Master.

Each of them looked at the well-behaved girl, completely different from the one who was unconvinced and contradicted her when they met for the first time.

Shen Qing touched his chin and looked at them with a smile. It seemed that he didn't train enough on weekdays.There are also thoughts on showing off in front of the quarterly banquet.

Somehow, when these young soldiers saw Shen Qing looking like this, they immediately felt chills running down their spines.

After seeing everyone at the banquet, he called Shen Qing over, "Come in with me. I have something to tell you."

"it is good."

As soon as Shen Qing heard that Ji Yanli had something to say to her, she followed him in a hurry, "Third Master, those idiots..."

"Let Jinyi watch first."

Jin immediately took over Shen Qing's job and went to watch the training of these new recruits.

Shen Qing had completely different faces in front of these grassroots soldiers and in front of Ji Yanli.The new recruits were so shocked that their jaws almost dropped.

They were first surprised by Shen Qing's attitude in front of Ji Yanli, and secondly, they were surprised by the rumored Third Master Ji's attitude towards Shen Qing.

Didn't it mean that Master Ji's expressionless expression on weekdays made people feel oppressive? Why didn't the Third Master they saw look like this?
Oh, not right either.

The famous Mr. Ji Sanye was indeed as expressionless and oppressive in front of them as rumored.But in front of Instructor Shen, he had another gentle expression, without any sense of oppression at all.

Among those grassroots soldiers, one of them secretly stared at the backs of Ji Yanli and Shen Qing, with a strange and thoughtful look on his face.

But after a moment, Jin Yi looked over, and he quickly lowered his eyes and trained hard without looking away.

"Before coming to Cloud City, did you have any friends you knew or played well with?"


Shen Qing was stunned.

The banquet suddenly asked what this meant?
Is it possible...

Are you probing?
Shen Qing thought for a moment and said, "When I was a child, I seemed to have a neighbor who was better at playing. It's just that my neighbor didn't see him again when he grew up."

Shen Qing paused.

"Because I was too young at that time, I didn't have a deep impression of that neighbor. I only have some memories of Yi Xi. If the third master had to ask about someone he was close to, it seemed like this was the only one he was close to."

When Shen Qing said this, he had been observing Ji Yanli's expression.

However, there was no movement on Ji Yanli's face at all. It seemed that what he just said was just a casual question.

The banquet ceremony asked again, "Then do you still remember Shen Yuan?"

"Shen Yuan?"

Shen Qing frowned slightly.

The name sounded familiar.

Shen wish...

Shen Yuan?

The original owner's childhood playmate seemed to be named Shen Yuan.

"My childhood playmate seemed to be named Shen Yuan."

Shen Qing was not sure, "But when we were young, we all called him by his nickname. I don't know if his given name is Shen Yuan."

The original owner was very young at that time, and Shen Yuan was older than her.

Ji Yanli saw that she really didn't remember Shen Yuan very much, and then explained, "Shen Yuan is from the resistance faction and also from Longmen. He used to work with the Japanese, but later it was revealed and he was hunted down. . When I sent him north, he knew you."


Shen Qing didn't know why, "Why did the third master suddenly mention this matter?"

Ji Yanli slowly raised his eyes and said, "I heard that you had a baby wedding when you were young."

Shen Qing's eyes widened in shock, as if a big pot suddenly hit her head, making her dizzy.

It’s such an evil custom, why is there such a thing as baby kissing?

Shen Qing had a headache.

But seeing the appearance of the quarterly banquet, she quickly explained, "I didn't know about this myself. If I had known, I would have returned it long ago."

She spread her hands and said, "Third Master, you also know that I have been dressing up as a boy since I was a child, and I never thought that I could have a baby marriage. Logically speaking, if our family wants to get engaged, they should also get me a wife."

(End of this chapter)

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