Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 246 246 Hours Special Group

The quarterly banquet is not here today just to see Shen Qing. He has other things to arrange.

As soon as the recruits were arranged by Youjin, Shen Qing was here to concentrate on the work of the quarterly banquet.

In fact, since Shen Qing came here, it has been several days since she saw the quarterly banquet.She was quite happy to see him today.

While working on the quarterly banquet, Shen Qing sat aside and stared at him. The more she looked at him, the more beautiful she found him.Seeing that the tea in front of his table was empty, I would occasionally bring him tea and pour some water.

Seeing that she was happy at the banquet, the corners of her lips were slightly raised, revealing a subtle smile.

While Ji Yanli was busy with the work at hand, he raised his eyes to see her holding the brush between her fingers and turning it around in boredom.

Seeing that she was bored, Ji Yanli asked her casually, "By the way, when you were in the countryside, what did you do on weekdays and what did you do for entertainment?"

What do you do, what do you do for fun?
Shen Qing tilted her head and thought for a while.

In the memory of the original owner, it seems that there was only endless land to plant and endless work to do every day.Either feeding chickens or ducks, cutting grass to feed pigs, or working in the fields.

As for recreation, I occasionally go down to the river to touch duck eggs, or go up to the tree to dig out bird's nests.Occasionally, I would play house with my friends in the village.

Nothing seems to happen anymore.

Ji Yanli looked at her racking her brains and couldn't help but raised her eyebrows, "No?"


Shen Qing thought for a while, "I just work in the fields, sneak around, feed chickens, dogs and pigs. It seems like there is nothing else."

The Quarterly Banquet was stunned for a moment, "No more?"

He really didn't expect that this was what Shen Qing did every day.

In fact, there is nothing unreasonable about this.This is where most rural children do these jobs.It's just that Shen Qing is very different from other rural children.

Shen Qing tilted his head and thought again, "Yes. I remember that on my birthday, my parents would indulge me for a day, and I would go to the mountains to dig traps and catch wild rabbits. Sometimes I was lucky and could catch several rabbits in a row. .”

In fact, these were not Shen Qing's life originally, these were the memories of the original owner.

When Shen Qing talked about these, it was as if he was telling other people's stories.

The season banquet laughed.

He raised his eyes again and asked, "When is your birthday?"

"Early May."

Shen Qing realized later, "It seems the time is almost up."

Just over a month.

The birthday of the original owner is also her original birthday.

Ji Yanli raised his eyes and looked at her, "Do you have anything in particular that you want? I will give it to you on your birthday."

Shen Qing's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Anything is fine?"


Shen Qing immediately grinned, "I don't want anything except money. If Third Master is serious, just give me a bunch of banknotes."

Ji Yanli raised his eyebrows and deliberately teased her, "A pile of banknotes, this is not a small amount."

He glanced at her and said with a smile, "You are really good at opening your mouth like a lion."

Shen Qing muttered unhappily, "Whoever said just now can do whatever they say, and it doesn't mean what they say!"

The banquet ceremony was immediately happy when he heard this.

Shen Qing said tentatively with a crooked look, "If Third Master thinks the pile is too much, then give it to him at your own discretion. In short, the more the better, the more the better."

The season banquet smiled angrily.

I co-wrote it just to get a few more banknotes.How short of money she is.

The banquet raised an eyebrow and asked her, "Do you like banknotes that much?"

Shen Qing immediately rolled his eyes, "Money can make all the difference. Who in this world doesn't like banknotes? Even if he doesn't like it, how can he live without that thing? He would probably have starved to death." ”

Shen Qing thought for a while, "I remember that when I was very young, my family was very poor. My mother...my mother almost knelt down and kowtowed for a little money in order for me to study and become literate."

"From that moment on, I made up my mind to make a lot of money in the future."

Yes, Shen Qing had a miserable life as a child.

She was a female doll stolen by human traffickers. Later, for some unknown reason, the traffickers found her next to a trash can.It was her mother who picked her up from the garbage and raised her.

When she was seven or eight years old, her biological father came to visit her, and she became a child of a senior official.

Her biological father is not that kind of weirdo. He knows that his adopted daughter has raised her, and he is grateful to you for buying a house in the imperial capital and providing her with a job.

When Shen Qing grows up, he sometimes goes to his biological parents and sometimes to his adoptive mother.

"When I was a kid, I didn't have anything for fun. I saw people playing with fun toys, but I didn't have any. I really liked it, so I made it myself. But every time the things I made were unsatisfactory."

"Later, when things got better, I started learning to do it myself again."

The banquet ceremony listened patiently, and his smile faded a bit.

There were actually many unrealistic and contradictory things in Shen Qing's words, but Ji Yanli did not ask why.

In fact, she has always revealed that this is not the only thing that makes her unique.He is as smart as a seasonal banquet, so how can he not doubt it.

However, it depends on how he got suspicious.

Shen Qing thought for a moment and her eyes lit up, "Oh, by the way, I have actually made something successfully. It was a wooden doll. Although it was ugly when it was made, I liked it very much at the time. Because it was The only thing I succeed at.”

"I don't know why when I was a kid, I really liked that kind of doll. Unfortunately, the doll was very expensive, so I had to make it myself. I didn't expect it to succeed."

Shen Qing's eyes were sparkling.After she finished speaking, she realized that Ji Yanli's eyes were falling on her, and there was an unknown feeling in her eyes.

Shen Qing paused, then blinked and looked at Ji Yanli, hiding his embarrassment in his eyes, "Um, Third Master, did I talk too much?"

"not much."

The banquet ceremony calmly looked away, and then continued the work at hand.

After finishing the work at hand, Ji Yanli looked at Shen Qing with stern eyes and said, "In May, the war will probably have already started. Once the war starts with the Japanese, I won't have time to accompany you. The weather is fine today, so I will accompany you." When I go out for a walk, I will celebrate your birthday in advance."

The corner of Shen Qing's mouth twitched.

So perfunctory?

Where is the banknote that I agreed on?

"you are not happy?"

Ji Yanli looked over, and Shen Qing hurriedly denied, "No, no, I can't be unhappy if the Third Master can take time out of his busy schedule to accompany me. I'm so happy."

Shen Qing smiled so hard that his eyes narrowed slightly and he spread his hands, "Since it's my birthday in advance, shouldn't the third master's birthday gift be given in advance?"

Quarterly Banquet Ceremony: "..."

He pursed his lips, and then said calmly, "I will celebrate your birthday with you in advance, and I will give you your birthday gift on your birthday."

It's so easy.

Shen Qing's face suddenly fell.

For some reason, looking at Shen Qing's depressed look, Ji Yanli found it interesting.

That angry look that dared not speak out made him look like an angry Dahuang.

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