Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 247 Chapter 247 When I first came to Yuncheng

The Quarterly Banquet took Shen Qing to the western suburbs. There were more alleys in the corners and there were more people staying here. It could be called the slums of Yuncheng.

However, the alley where Ji Yanli brought her was different from what she had imagined.

The small alley you entered was very wide, and the tall and short houses inside were obviously a little dilapidated, but they provided enough shelter from the wind and rain, and the streets were also very clean.

Occasionally, women, children and children who meet here will greet Ji Yanli with a smile. These people seem to know Ji Yanli.

It can be seen that although the people living here are poor, they do not appear to be in a sorry state. Moreover, everyone is very motivated and seems to be very satisfied with their current life.

Shen Qing was very touched.

People in this era seem to have a very happy life as long as their families are safe, have a shelter from the wind and rain, and can fill their stomachs.

Ji Yanli seemed to be very familiar with this place. He led Shen Qing to a courtyard in a small alley and directly opened the door of the courtyard.

Whose courtyard is this?

Shen Qing was quite surprised by Ji Yanli's actions and asked, "What is the third master doing?"

"Go in and have a look."

Ji Yanli glanced at her lightly and motioned for her to follow.

She carefully shrank her neck and saw that Ji Yanli had already stepped in. She hesitated and followed quickly.

The courtyard here is very dilapidated and the courtyard is small and pitiful.Shen Qing opened the door and saw two dilapidated small houses at a glance.

The house looked as if no one had lived in it for a long time, and the door bolts were all loose.

There is a big tree growing in the corner of the yard, and its branches are already higher than the top of the wall.

Shen Qing looked around curiously, "Third Master, where is this place?"

Looking at the quarterly banquet, this place seems very familiar.

Ji Yanli wrote lightly, "This is the place where I lived before.

Shen Qing was surprised for a moment.After a moment, he realized that this should be where Ji Yanli lived when he first came to Yuncheng.


Ji Yanli said in a calm voice, "When I first came to Yuncheng, I had nowhere to go. Fortunately, I met a lonely old man who took me in. Later, the old man passed away, and this place became empty."

Shen Qing sighed.

In fact, in the novel, there is a description of the situation when Ji Yanli first came to Yuncheng.

The security of this small alley was very poor. All kinds of gangsters gathered here and committed all kinds of crimes.

The small quarterly banquet ceremony was crawling and rolling in such an environment, and finally grew into the current quarterly banquet ceremony.

Shen Qing looked at the palm-sized small courtyard in front of him in a daze.What kind of mood did that little boy have back then, to be able to crawl all the way to where he is now?

"Don't come in yet?"

Shen Qing raised his eyes and glanced at the small wooden door, not noticing when Ji Yanli entered.

The door of this room is a little low, so lean in so you don't hit your head.Ji Yanli is much taller than her. If she doesn't bend down when she goes in, she will definitely bump her head.

To be honest, this dilapidated place looks very inconsistent with the current quarterly banquet.I don’t know how that little quarterly banquet lived here.

Shen Qing entered the room and saw Ji Yanli at a glance.

The room was quite spacious and was cleaned very cleanly.The bedding placed inside is all new, and the furniture displayed in the room is also new.

There is also a pile of wood blocks in the corner, and there are many tools for making wood.The light in the room is relatively dark, and through the open window, you can see a small patch of grass and trees at the back.

Shen Qing looked around curiously, "Third Master, this place has a unique scenery."


The banquet ceremony said casually, "It was briefly repaired before." This was expected.

In fact, Shen Qing could guess it even if he didn't mention the quarterly banquet.

Shen Qing knew what the small alley described in the novel looked like, but the small alley that Shen Qing saw looked completely different.

The quarterly banquet ceremony should have not only renovated the courtyard, but also renovated the entire alley. At least now, ruffians are rarely seen in this alley.

Shen Qingdong looked east and west.Finally, we came to the pile of wooden blocks.The block has many formed and unformed items, and there is a dedicated shelf for tools in the front.

Shen Qing was more interested in these. He picked up the things on the ground and studied them. When he was a little excited, he turned around and said, "Third Master, these are--"

Her next words stopped suddenly, stuck in her throat.

Just because Ji Yanli didn't know when he came behind her, she turned her head just in time to meet his face.

The two of them were so close that they could hear each other's breathing.Moreover, Ji Yanli's eyes as deep as ink were clearly enlarged in Shen Qing's eyes, and she seemed to be able to see her shadow in his pupils.

Shen Qing blinked.

good looking.

Too beautiful.

Ji Yanli is worthy of being the male protagonist in the novel. When he is so close, his face looks flawless, like a work of art.

"What are you doing standing still?"

Shen Qing reacted and raised his eyes to meet Ji Yanli's half-smiling eyes.

She took a small step back, then looked at Ji Yanli with a smile, "Third Master?"

Ji Yanli raised his eyebrows, "Why didn't I notice you were so stupid before?"

Shen Qing didn't realize what the quarterly banquet meant, but she saw that he had already walked to the pile of wood blocks.

Not long after, he already had several strange-shaped wooden blocks in his hand.

Shen Qing took two steps closer.

The banquet ceremony has quickly assembled several strange-shaped wooden blocks.

The assembled thing looks like a house, with a little person placed in the house.

The banquet was playing with the little man at will, and the things inside suddenly moved, as if a mechanism had been triggered. Several embroidery needles suddenly shot out of the small wooden house, turning the little man into a hedgehog instantly.

Shen Qing was amazed.

"How did you do this?" Shen Qing's eyes were bright, "This looks like a mini machine room?"


Seeing that she liked it, Ji Yanli also had a smile on his face.

He took out some small parts from the wooden blocks and quickly assembled them. Shen Qing looked at another machine room.

Shen Qing was dumbfounded and felt that these wooden blocks were very delicately made.

"Is this all done by Third Master?"


Ji Yanli handed the organ room in his hand to her, "It's a person I know. He happens to be a descendant of the Luban family. He has some ingenious ideas and has built an organ tomb for a wealthy family before. This is a big deal for him. It’s not difficult.”

Hearing what Ji Yanli said, Shen Qing admired him very much.

She looked at the strange-looking mush, "Did he make all of these?"


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