Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 248 Chapter 248 Something happened to Hongjun

The banquet ceremony responded, "I originally planned to give it to you on your birthday. However, due to the war, I'm afraid these trees will be damaged, so it's better to give them to you in advance."

The banquet turned to her and asked her, "How is it? I like it."

Shen Qing smiled with crooked eyebrows and couldn't put it down for this carefully prepared gift.

She said sincerely, "The gift carefully prepared by Third Master is naturally the best."

Ji Yanli frowned slightly, a little dissatisfied with Shen Qing's answer, "Do you like it?"

Shen Qing said without thinking, "I like it. I like this gift from Third Master very much."

Only when a person tries his best to please another person will he care whether that person likes or dislikes him.

Shen Qing can feel the thoughtfulness of the quarterly banquet.

She probably felt that what she said was a little too straightforward. Shen Qing blushed slightly. She paused and then said, "The third master is also very powerful. Such a complicated thing can be installed in the hands of the third master in just a few minutes."

Ji Yanli looked as usual, glanced at her, and said lightly, "This is natural."

Several Anbu brothers who were hiding in secret to protect Ji Yanli were very surprised when they saw Ji Yanli and Shen Qing entering this dilapidated courtyard.

"Tell me, what are you doing here with Mr. San and Shen Qing?"

The brother who was questioned shook his head, "How can I know?"

He seemed to have remembered something, "But? I remember that Third Master asked my brother to invite Lu Ban's descendants to make something here. Maybe Third Master took Shen Qing to see that thing."

When he said this, the brother who asked the question became more and more curious, "What did you do?"

"How could I know?"

The brother who was being questioned looked at him angrily, "If you are really curious, why don't you ask Third Master? The left and right are for Shen Qing's use."

The brother was choked and didn't say a word. He just smiled and said, "If I ask the third master, the third master will not skin me. Maybe he will think that I have nothing to do all day."

He paused and then sighed, "Speaking of which, the Third Master is really kind to Shen Qing. I used to think that the Third Master was a ten thousand-year-old iron tree that couldn't bloom. I've been worried about this for a long time. I can see it now. I know that the thousand-year-old iron tree of Third Master can bear fruit."

Another brother rolled his eyes and said secretly, "Just arrange it for the third master. If the third master finds out, he will beat you up."

What he said was a beating was a real beating.

When the brother heard this, he immediately shrank his neck and said, "The third master can't hear it."

"Third Master can't hear it, but we can." The brother glanced at him, "You have to be careful that our mouths are not tight and we accidentally let something slip."

The brother immediately shut up.

He was right.

Shen Qing went directly back to Ji's mansion with Ji's banquet.

She originally wanted to go to the place where the draft soldiers were trained, but the banquet ceremony refused to allow it. She was told to let Jin Dai train for a few days and let her rest for a few more days.

Shen Qing was very moved.

The banquet ceremony was not mentioned, but she knew that he was doing it for her own good.

Her menstrual period is within these few days, and she might be here within a day or two.Her physical fitness is not good, and her aunt's stomach hurts terribly when she comes.

Shen Qing returned to Ji's mansion and accompanied Ji Yanli to handle official duties.

After processing, come out and wander around.When the brothers knew she was back, they all gathered around and asked questions.She would also tell them some interesting stories about training the draft soldiers.

In the afternoon, some of them heard from someone that her birthday was coming soon, and they all rushed to give her birthday gifts.

Everyone knows that the war may have started on Shen Qing's birthday.At this moment, I don’t know if they have discussed it or not, but they all came over to give gifts.

Shen Qing was quite flattered, and she couldn't help but feel a warmth in her heart.

In this strange world, she also has relatives and friends.

Very novel.

In the evening, after Shen Qing had dinner, he went to his usual training place and started exercising.

She trained until late, and her clothes were soaked with sweat.

Maybe because she knew that the war was coming, or maybe she felt a little nervous subconsciously, when she was training those grassroots soldiers, she would train until very late every day before going to bed.

She has always believed in the truth that if you sweat more when training, you will bleed less when fighting.So working out in a sweat will make her feel extra at ease.

When Shen Qing was about to go back, it was already very late.

There weren't many people in the yard at this moment.Shen Qing was about to go back to the room when she found a brother in front of her who winked at her anxiously.

Shen Qing knew that brother. He used to work for Hongjun. Now that Hongjun was arrested, the brothers under him were assigned other jobs.

What did he mean by winking at himself?
Looking at her anxious look, maybe something happened to Hongjun.

Seeing Shen Qing stunned, the brother was so anxious that he quickly came over in a few steps and mysteriously pulled him down to the side of a tree.

Shen Qing: "..."

There was no one around except her in the huge Ji Mansion. I really didn't know what he was doing by being so mysterious.

Shen Qing was pulled aside by him. The brother seemed to know the doubts in Shen Qing's heart, so he explained, "There are hidden stakes in Ji's Mansion. After Brother Hongjun's accident, we brothers still didn't believe that he had taken refuge." He killed the Japanese. So he wanted to rescue him, but the Third Master was suspicious."

Shen Qing understood instantly, "So, someone is watching you?"


The brother looked around in panic and said, "Don't worry, the people following you have been chased away by me."

Shen Qing felt that what this brother was doing was a bit inappropriate, but he had already been dragged to this point, and he couldn't say anything. He just asked, "Then why are you looking for me?"


The brother didn't dare to be verbose and said directly, "Shen Qing, something happened to Hongjun."

"After the cargo ship was robbed and killed that day, the third master was seriously injured. Now he has not fully recovered from his injuries, so he is being held in a cell."

"The cell is humid and the environment is poor. Not long after Brother Hongjun entered, the wound began to worsen. Now he is very ill. I want to get some medicine for Brother Hongjun, but the guard refuses."

When the brother said this, his eyes showed anxiety, "If this continues, Hongjun will definitely die in the cell."

Shen Qing was still calm at the moment and did not immediately believe what the brother said.

She frowned, "Since Brother Hongjun is in a cell, how do you know he is sick?"

The brother didn't look panicked. He said frankly, "Actually, on the first day that Brother Hongjun was imprisoned, several of our brothers bribed the guards, and the brothers took turns to visit Brother Hongjun every day."

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