Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 249 Chapter 249 Please save him

"At first, in order not to worry us, Brother Hongjun kept enduring it and pretended that nothing was wrong."

The brother paused, "But a few days ago, Brother Hongjun's injury may have relapsed too seriously, so he didn't hide it, and we discovered it."

Shen Qing frowned.

The brothers who guard the cells are also the ones who arrange the quarterly banquets. Logically speaking, the quarterly banquets cannot be so harsh.


The identity of Hongjun's spy is already a certainty.

Shen Qing raised his eyes and glanced at the brother.

There was something fishy about this matter, but the brother's anxious look didn't seem to be fake.

Shen Qing thought for a moment, then raised her eyes and said, "Let's do this. I'll ask the Third Master for advice on this matter. If the Third Master agrees, I'll ask a doctor to treat Brother Hongjun."

"No way."

Before Shen Qing could finish speaking, the brother shook his head and said, "If the Third Master knows about it, the Third Master will not be able to hide our bribery of the guards."

"By then, I'm afraid the brothers won't be able to stay in this season's mansion any longer. The Third Master doesn't like the brothers to make their own decisions."

Shen Qing was stunned.

She thought for a while and replied, "I have noted this down. You go back and rest. Leave this matter to me."

When the brother heard this, he felt slightly relieved and said, "Shen Qing, I want to thank you on behalf of Brother Hongjun."

"You're welcome, Hongjun is also my brother."

After Shen Qing waited for the brother to leave, she pursed her lips and glanced at the room on the third floor that was still lit.

She thought about it and headed towards the third floor.

Shen Qing went to Ji Yanli's study, and Ji Yanli really didn't rest.It was so late and he was still dealing with official business.

Shen Qing knocked on the door when he entered.

Hearing the sound, the banquet ceremony raised his eyes and saw Shen Qing standing at the door.

"Come in."

The banquet ceremony paused and saw that Shen Qing was still wearing his workout clothes. He couldn't help but frown slightly, "The workout is just over?"


The banquet ceremony was silent for a moment, and then said in a low voice, "The war is approaching, so you must pay attention to rest."

He paused and then said, "You don't have to be too worried or nervous. As long as I'm here, nothing will happen to you."

Ji Yanli's tone was harsh but a little soft, and Shen listened and felt his heart warm.

"it is good."

She blinked her eyes and said with a smile, "As long as Third Master is here, I am not afraid of any monsters."

Seeing that she still had time to laugh, Ji Yanli unknowingly opened her eyebrows and put a smile on her face, "You are quite eloquent."

Shen Qing raised the corners of her lips and said with a smile, "Third Master is so complimentary."

After Tongji Yanli said something, Shen Qing did not forget the business and asked tentatively, "Third Master, Hongjun has been detained in prison. I wonder what Third Master plans to do with him?"

Ji Yanli raised his eyebrows slightly and raised his eyes to look at her.Shen Qing felt a little uncomfortable looking at last season's banquet.

Probably feeling that her question was a bit abrupt, she explained again, "I just met the brother who used to be with Brother Hongjun and had a few words."

"He was worried that Hongjun's old injuries had not healed, and the environment in the cell was not suitable for recuperation. He was worried that his old injuries would relapse."

"Yeah." Ji Yanli looked away and responded lightly.

Shen Qing said this just to test whether Ji Yanli knew about the recurrence of Hongjun's old injury.Little did he know that he just responded lightly.

What kind of answer is this?
There wasn't much in the quarterly banquet, and Shen Qing didn't dare to ask any more questions.

When she was racking her brains to find an excuse to see Hongjun, she heard Ji Yanli's unhurried instructions, "You don't have to worry too much about Hongjun. Keep him in a cell." It has its own purpose.”

Shen Qing had some concerns in her mind and asked tentatively, "Then...can I go see him again?"

"There's no other meaning. I'm just worried that he'll get sick again and die in prison, so I want to give him some medicine."

Ji Yanli glanced at her lightly, and then coldly uttered two words, "No."

Shen Qing silently closed his mouth.

The banquet ceremony was rejected outright, and she had some concerns in her heart.

It seemed that even if Hongjun died of illness in prison, Ji Yanli would not allow others to see him.

But it's strange, if that's the case, why are the guards in the prison more lax than usual, and why are some of the brothers who used to follow Hongjun bribed the prison boss.

You know, this rarely happens.

Those cell leaders were all brothers who followed Ji Yanli through life and death. They regarded Ji Yanli as their boss. When Ji Yanli climbed up, they also followed the rising tide.

Is it possible that Ji Yanli deliberately set things off for Hongjun's brothers so that they could take care of Hongjun, who was still injured?

Shen Qing frowned.

Of course, this does not rule out the possibility that some brothers who are jealous of money are really bribed because of their ability to make money.

Should she go and take a look?
Shen Qing struggled for a long time.

The banquet ceremony told her not to worry about Hongjun's affairs, but the brother's anxious eyebrows always appeared in her mind.

If Hongjun is really a Japanese spy, it would be a shame for her to die.But even if he died, he couldn't die from this illness.

Moreover, Hongjun was still her former brother.

Apart from anything else, she should take a look at the brotherhood between Hongjun and her.If he really died of illness in prison, she would regret it for the rest of her life.

Just when Shen Qing was wondering whether to go, the brother saw the opportunity and came over again the next day.

His words became more anxious, "Shen Qing, it's not good. Brother Hongjun...he's in a coma."

Shen Qing's heart suddenly pounded, and she grabbed the brother's clothes and asked urgently, "What's wrong with Hongjun?"

The brother was choked up when he spoke, "One of our brothers went to see him today. Brother Hongjun seems to be in a coma."

The brother said and suddenly knelt down, "Shen Qing, please save brother Hongjun. Today some brothers couldn't help but ran to the third master to plead for mercy. The third master knew about the brothers' bribery of the prison boss. The brothers and the brothers who were on guard were all punished by the third master."

Shen Qing was stunned.

"What do you mean, the third master already knows about Hongjun's injury, but he doesn't agree with you sending medicine to Hongjun?"


The brother lowered his eyes and said, "What Third Master hates most in his life are betrayers. We also lost our minds because of our impatience."

"I know that Japanese people are hateful, and I also know that spies are shameful. But Brother Hongjun has been with us through life and death for so many years. If we are allowed to watch him die of illness in the cell, we can't do it."

The brother said, his eyes suddenly red, "We have been following Brother Hongjun. Brother Hongjun saved us many times before when we were on missions. Even if he made a big mistake, we can't really do it." I watched him die."

Shen Qing's face moved, and the corners of his lips moved.

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