Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 250 250 The heart fed the dog

She knew the hearts of those brothers.

In this world, not all people can sacrifice small favors to fulfill great righteousness.

There are so many villains in TV series who do evil things, but there are also a few loyal followers who are even willing to die for the villains.

In the eyes of others, Hongjun may be a traitor who betrayed the country.But in the eyes of these brothers, it doesn't matter whether they are traitors or not.

The important thing is that Hongjun is their brother and he has saved their lives.They had a life-long friendship.They couldn't help but watch Hongjun die.

If Hongjun hadn't discovered the identity of the spy, but instead instigated the brothers to follow him in treason, the brothers might still have feelings for him, and even lose his favor in their hearts.

But this is not the case now.Not to mention that brother, even if it was Shen Qing, even if Hongjun was a spy, she could never hate him.

To her, Hongjun is a relative, a brother, and a friend.However, if she goes today, it will be against the meaning of the quarterly banquet.

Shen Qing sighed softly.

She couldn't figure out what he was thinking.

"Shen Qing, let me beg you."

The brother suddenly knelt down with a thud, "Brothers are all being punished heavily now, and I have no choice. You are the third master's most trusted person, and the other third masters will not make exceptions, but you are different. If you come forward, Hongjun Brother will definitely be saved. Shen Qing, please let me beg you."

The brother banged his head several times at Shen Qing.

Shen Qing was in a state of confusion as she watched the brother bang his head several times again.His head was bloody.

She was startled and quickly walked over to help him up, "Ah Wu, what are you doing?"

Ah Wu grabbed Shen Qing's sleeve and begged again, "Shen Qing, I'm begging you, please save Brother Hongjun. Brother Hongjun has the best relationship with you in this season's mansion. Are you really Can you bear to watch him die?"

"From now on, my brother's life will be yours."

He wiped his face and said in a sad voice, "If you don't come forward, I'm worried about the third master, he may not live for a few days."

Shen Qing's heart trembled.

Is this forcing him to see Hongjun?

She looked tense, pursed her lips, and turned her head again to take a deep look at Ji Yanli's room.

"Shen Qing?"

Ah Wu called out.

Shen Qing's eyes moved and she said, "Okay, I'll go with you."

Ah Wu was stunned for a moment, and then he was ecstatic, "Shen Qing, did you agree?"



Ah Wu burst into tears with excitement, "Brother Hongjun is saved."

"Let's go."

Shen Qing turned around and glanced at Ji Yanli's room one last time. Finally, she pursed her lips and left Ji's Mansion at night, heading straight to Hongjun's cell.

The study on the third floor.

The banquet was standing at the window, looking at the black shadow sneaking towards the outside under the moonlight.

Inside the room, someone from ANBU was reporting something in a low voice.

The banquet raised its eyes and glanced out the window again. In the blink of an eye, the black shadow had blended into the night. It was quiet outside and nothing could be seen.

Ji Yanli pursed his lips, and after a moment, he withdrew his gaze as if nothing had happened, and the emotions in his eyes turned deep.Shen Qing and Ah Wu went to the prison where Hongjun was imprisoned.I don’t know how many twists and turns along the way, I finally got to the place.

Ah Wu prepared the medicinal materials in advance and was carrying them on his back now.When Shen Qing and the others entered, they were stopped by the prison guards.

There was a new brother guarding the door, but the previous brother was still being punished.

However, Shen Qing had Ji Yanli's permission to see Hongjun before.So this time, after Shen Qing muttered a few words, the brother let her in.

However, Ah Wu was stopped outside the prison, and the brothers guarding the cell did not allow him to enter.Ah Wu had no choice but to give the medicine he brought to Hongjun to Shen Qing.

When Shen Qing went in, Hongjun was sleeping on a simple mattress.His face was pale, and he really looked like he was seriously ill.

Shen Qing felt very uncomfortable watching this.

Hongjun was so high-spirited back then.However, now he seemed to have lost his energy, his face was pale and decadent, and he looked completely different from before.

"Brother Hongjun."

Shen Qing patted his iron door with his hand, but Hongjun on the other side did not move, as if he had fallen asleep.

Shen Qing couldn't help but feel a thump in her heart.I quickly patted the iron door a few more times, but fortunately, Hongjun finally made some movement.

His body was weak and he felt weak when he stood up, looking limp and without strength.

He raised his eyes and saw that the person coming was Shen Qing. Then he reluctantly cheered up and said with a frown, "Shen Qing, why are you here?"

"I'll come see you."

Shen Qing saw his appearance and knew that he had no strength.I don’t want to talk too much.He only gave him the medicine in the package that Ah Wu was carrying.

"Brother Hongjun, this is the medicine Ah Wu and the others brought to you. Take the medicine."

Hongjun smiled bitterly, "With the way I look now, wouldn't it be better if I could die of illness in this prison? Why bother?"

Shen Ting frowned.

There was an incredible guess in her mind.Logically speaking, even if Hongjun's original wound has not healed, it has already recovered to [-]% to [-]%.

But now he is so ill that his old injuries have recurred.Could it be that he originally wanted to die, so he deliberately worsened the wounds on his body?

If that's the case, what difference does it make whether you give him medicine or not?
Shen Qing paused.

She raised her eyes to look at Hongjun, and suddenly said, "These medicines were obtained by Ah Wu and his friends with great effort. Because I gave you the medicine, I was punished by the third master."

"If you die, it will be over. But if you die, you will make those brothers who care about you sad."

Hongjun originally wanted to die just as Shen Qing thought.However, Shen Qing's words shocked him and made him feel a little at a loss.

He looked worried, "Ah Wu and the others were punished by Third Master?"


Shen Qing said angrily, "They bribed the guards privately and came to see you in disguise every day, just for fear that you might suddenly die in the cell one day."

"I didn't plan to come. It was Ah Wu who knelt down to beg me, smashed his head, and even threatened to give me his life. I was forced by him to have no choice, so I took the risk to come in to deliver medicine to you."

"It's okay if you don't value your own life, but for the sake of the brothers who are still worried about you, please take good medicine."

"Also, it's not easy for me to deliver medicine to you once. If you really treat your body like a joke, just treat it like a brother's wish and feed it to a dog."

Hongjun was stunned when he heard this.

After a moment, he shook his head and smiled.However, Shen Qing turned around and left without hesitation.

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