Feeding humans, she's serious

Chapter 180 "Usurping the Throne in Anger"

On the other side, Gu Fanyin, who escaped from the embarrassing scene, hurried back to the world of cultivating immortals before the night broke.

Since they wanted to cheat death, Yunqiong Temple was naturally not suitable to stay any longer. Not all of those acquaintances who appeared in groups could keep secrets.

Usually it's fine, but now, she has more important things to do.

Thinking of this, Gu Fanyin pondered for a moment, then knocked on a familiar door.

"Fairy Fanyin?" The person who opened the door looked stunned, "Have you returned safely?"

As soon as the voice fell, some sluggish people realized that they had said something nonsense, and everyone was standing in front of them. There was no point in asking this kind of question...

"I'm not……"

The disciple looked annoyed and wanted to open his mouth to make amends, but as soon as he started to speak, he was interrupted by the cold-faced woman in front of him.

"Let's talk after we go in," Gu Fanyin nodded and walked in despite the latter's subconscious avoidance.

"Something doesn't seem right..." The young disciple who followed closely muttered a few words in a voice that was not loud enough to be heard. The gloomy temperament of Fanyin Fairy... was about to turn into reality...

And the sleeves still smell of blood...

"Don't worry, it's not a problem," Gu Fanyin ignored the young disciple's complicated gaze and just walked around the path to the deepest courtyard with a calm expression, then knocked on the door.

"Come in." An overly cold voice came from inside. Gu Fanyin paused, then opened the door unceremoniously and walked in.

Hearing the noise, Wuwu, who was running his mind, opened his eyes. He couldn't help but glance back, and all he touched was an empty cold wind.

Even the little disciples who came with him left.

He got up, and his words were a little stiff: "Fairy Fanyin."

"...It's just one person this time?"

"You've been in a much better state recently?" Gu Fanyin didn't answer, but paused for a while with the hand holding the teacup, lowered his eyes, and quickly changed the subject.

It seems that this is a bit of an accident...

Wuwang's gray-blue pupils reflected the expression of the person in front of him who didn't want to talk too much, and had no intention of asking the bottom line.

He just calmed down and thanked Gu Fanyin: "Thanks to the cheat book sent by Fairy Fanyin, coupled with the tempering in the secret realm, it is no longer bothering me now."

"Ah, it's not necessary, it's just an exchange of equal value." Gu Fanyin raised his hand and drank the tea in the cup.

Wuwang lowered his head slightly and sat down opposite.

Losing the malicious intrusion, his brows and eyes are much gentler, thinking that Gu Fanyin might have some needs here, so his words are more cautious: "I don't know this time..."

"Come and avoid," Gu Fanyin raised his eyes, without much emotion in his words, as if he was simply expressing: "By the way, the less people know about me, the better."

"Better not pass that door."

This kind of statement... Wu Wang moved his hand on the table, his face was a little hesitant: "If you block the news, you should ask the master."

"But... is something wrong?"

"Ah," Gu Fanyin went through the matter silently, and said calmly, "It's not a big deal."

"It's just that I need to maintain my status as a 'dead person'."


Wuwu's hand shaking when he picked up the tea cup.

He looked up at the plain and profound decoration of Jueming Temple, and his thoughts wrestled together, a little numb.

Death then...?
How much trouble did it take to get her to use this method——

Is it true that Fozong will not be demolished?

"It's not a big problem," Gu Fanyin, who sensed his thoughts, waved his hand, and simply asked him to lead the way to the Master Jingchen.

Now she is not in the mood to tease others at all, she just wants to get the troublesome thing on her body to its proper place, and then sleep well again.


There was another unbearable silence on the road, and Wu Wang's somewhat turbulent mood finally settled down until he sent him to his master.

However - Gu Fanyin poked his head out again three minutes later.

Wuwu: "?"

The woman with an indifferent expression walked sideways in front of him, which was completely different from the situation without delusions. She went in and explained her purpose, and even the time for explanation was shortened infinitely.

"Go and prepare a place for me."

Wuwu: "That's it?"

"That's it." Gu Fanyin paused, then thought of something, and added thoughtfully: "If you want to practice more easily, you can sit in my yard in your free time."

This sentence was a little strange, Wu Wu frowned, trying to see through her deep meaning with his eyes, but the effect was not very good, and he got nothing at all.

Fuzi, who was not very good at this, gave up. He frowned and stared at Gu Fanyin who turned to leave. The confusion in his heart grew like a vine.

Let's really think about it, the meaning in these words seems to be familiar.

But this... It seems that he doesn't need to do those things that lead to misleading people's future, right?
Is it...

"Wu Wang," the elder who walked out of the room interrupted his contemplation. The latter paused, and was about to say something when he was caught off guard by the next sentence of the master.

"How is your practice recently?" Master Jingchen still had that kind and amiable temperament, he raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder, "If there is any stagnation, you can sit in front of Fairy Fanyin more often."

"..." Wuwang was silent for a moment, then said with difficulty: "Is there something wrong with Jueming Temple?"

Jing Chen: "..."

Jingchen sighed and only said to let him try, but did not explain the whole story.


Gu Fanyin stayed in Fozong like this, as if he had been cut off from the world, he didn't contact others, and he didn't take the initiative to inquire about news.

There are only a few people who even know that she is here.

After ten days of idleness, she didn't even see anyone except Wu Wang who came to practice every day.

It's just a pity that even if he dies, life will not always be dull.

In the early morning of the 11th, as expected, Wuwu, who looked complicated, brought new news.

At this time, Gu Fanyin was still lying on the rattan chair basking in the sun, and felt something strange about Wu Wang's body, slowly got up from the comfortable environment, and then... yawned lazily.


Wu Wang: "From the devil world..."

"Is it Ning Zhi?" Gu Fanyin raised his eyebrows, and continued without any surprise: "He usurped the throne?"

"Not only that," Wu Wang looked at her with a rare and extremely rich expression.

Gu Fanyin was keenly aware of something bad. Before she could say anything, the next second, this bad news became true.

"It is said that the reason why Ning Zhi usurped the throne was because of the dead Taoist companion." The corners of Wu Wang's mouth twitched slightly, and those gray-blue eyes fell on Gu Fanyin, full of indescribable words, "...Because the previous Demon Lord killed her, I am so angry. And usurp the throne."

Gu Fanyin: "..."

Gu Fanyin: "..."


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