Feeding humans, she's serious

Chapter 181 "She's Not Dead"

Vaguely aware of how outrageous the rumors were, Gu Fanyin's eyelids twitched: "What then?"

"How did 'I' die?"

"Because I was revenged by the former Demon Lord," Wuwang replied immediately, "It is said that someone in the Demon Realm witnessed your dispute, and then saw Ning Zhi holding your corpse in the Void Refining Land."

Gu Fanyin: "..."

Very good, very round.

It's just that it seems a little unreasonable.

Gu Fanyin was silent, and accurately grasped the blind spot: "Then what's the matter with Ningzhi?"

It's totally reasonable to remove him, right?
"You Moxiu ran into him holding your body and weeping."

Gu Fanyin: "..."


"So he is the man behind the scenes who used you to usurp the throne," Wu Wang paused again, and then repeated the conclusion in as calm a tone as possible: "...but he regretted it after you all died together."

Gu Fanyin: "..."

Cut off the beginning and end of this development, and finally switch her and Ning Zhi's roles, although it is weird and somewhat reasonable.

At least trying to "die together" and regretting... Ning Zhi is a perfect match.


Gu Fanyin was silent for a moment, with no fluctuations in his tone: "With all due respect, the two of them together can't beat me."

"Well, maybe this isn't important anymore," Wuwang looked at her and silently added, "This statement has been spread throughout the world."

"The Canglan Sect and several other sects are already preparing for the funeral."

A brace.

Gu Fanyin pinched her eyebrows, and for a moment she didn't know what to say.

Maybe it's time to see him—

With this thought in mind, she got up from the wicker chair, walked around Wuwang and walked out.


On the other side, Ning Zhi also set foot on the realm of immortal cultivation again. He was now the Demon Lord. Almost as soon as he made a move, those who stayed behind began to become alert.

After a stick of incense, the news that Ning Zhi was in Yunqiong Palace flew to various sects like snowflakes.

Just a wall away.

Sect Master Chi Xiao, who had rushed over early, held the epee, and with a sharp eyebrow, he was about to knock the door open.

"Wait—" Qian Qiuxue, who came alone on behalf of the Canglan Sect, narrowed her eyes for a moment, seeing that she couldn't stop her, she simply drew her sword to block it.

"Zheng—" The two sharp weapons collided, and Sect Master Chi Xiao was stunned, looking at the young junior with firm eyes in front of him, he finally let go of his hands.

And Qian Qiuxue was not as relaxed as she seemed.

She rubbed her wrist that was a little sore from the sudden bump, her eyes fell on the door that was still secured, and she let out a barely audible sigh of relief.

"What exactly do you Canglan Sects want to do?" Sect Master Scarlet Xiao looked at the empty back of her, and kept lowering his already serious tone, as if asking for a crime: "Why, do you want to protect the Demon Lord now?"

"Even though Ning Zhi had a close relationship with you in the past, but now——he is the Demon Lord, an enemy standing opposite the world of cultivating immortals!"

"Everyone gets it and kills it!"

After finishing speaking, Sect Master Chi Xiao turned his eyes away from her and landed on the disciples following behind him.

Those disciples were still holding their own weapons in their hands, and after hesitating for a moment, they rushed to follow suit:

"Yeah yeah……"

"What good things can Mo Xiu have..."

"Ning Zhi, he won't even let Fairy Fanyin off—"


"So?" Qian Qiuxue turned her head and swept their eyes, looking at these companions who had more or less been sheltered by Ning Zhi in the secret realm, she couldn't hide her disappointment: "Is there any evidence for these?"

"Ning Zhi just returned to Yunqiong Palace."

"And you, how is it different from those demon cultivators to block the door with a knife when you hear a little rumor like this?"

He kept talking about Moxiu - but when Ningzhi protected them, he also used Moxiu.

Qian Qiuxue couldn't accept it.

She held her own sword, with a firm expression, and directly blocked the door without giving in.

"Is this the attitude of your Canglan Sect?" Sect Master Chi Xiao tightened the hilt of his sword tightly. He could see that Qian Qiuxue's behavior was not a bluff, and even—for a moment, he was captured by the young sword cultivator in front of him. Overwhelming in momentum.

"The Canglan Sect is actually working with the Demon Cultivator..."

His words came to an abrupt end here.

Feeling the same thing, Qian Qiuxue turned around, and after a moment of pause, the two eyes met in the air.

The closed door was opened, and the thin Ning Zhi stood at the door with a numb expression.

He didn't seem to cause any disturbance because of these comments. From the beginning to the end, he just calmly swept over the menacing crowd, and said indifferently: "It's so noisy."

"What are you talking about?!" Sect Master Chi Xiao's eyes widened, and he looked at Ning Zhi even more unkindly, "This is the world of cultivating immortals! How dare you, a Demon Lord, be so rampant—"

"So what?" Ning Zhi pointed to the Yunqiong Palace behind him, and his calm tone was sharp like a thorn: "You are the ones who are not welcome in this place."

"Why, you finally can't hide your ugly greed, and you want to taint her things while Fanyin is not around?"

"Gu Fanyin is dead—" Sect Master Chi Xiao had blue veins on his forehead, raised his heavy sword and pointed at Ning Zhi, wishing to use this crime to beat him to the ground, "It's all because of you!"

"I knew from the first moment I saw you that you were a disaster—"

"Who said she was dead?"

Ning Zhi raised his head expressionlessly, and the strong murderous aura on his body almost instantly became real.

Sect Master Akasaka: "You—"

"Watch me answer!" Ning Zhi approached suddenly, grasped the sharp point of the knife, and repeated without hesitation: "Who said she's dead?"

"She's not dead." Turning a blind eye to the blood seeping out of his hands, Ning Zhi lowered his head, and a few words of ridicule reached their ears along the flowing wind.

"Do you really think she is the same trash as you?"

"Even if you are all dead, she will not make any mistakes."


As he spoke step by step, cracks appeared in the originally sharp blade of the sword. Mixed with the blood that was constantly flowing, those tiny cracks spread faintly, and the cutoff areas also began to break apart.

"Ning Zhi!" Sect Master Chi Xiao was astonished, and his subjective feelings were stronger than those of other bystanders.

The hand holding the blade tightly in front of his eyes has already exposed the cold bones, but since Ning Zhi took the initiative to hold the blade, this heavy sword that has been sitting on the suzerain all the way has begun to be out of control!
"You are such a lunatic," Sect Master Chi Xiao gritted his teeth, but unexpectedly, when he said this, his face tended to be calmer.

He looked at Ning Zhi through the blood, and there was a trace of ironic pity in his eyes: "You know the news of Gu Fanyin's death better than others."

"Gu Fanyin", "Death News"...

These words echoed repeatedly in Ning Zhi's heart.

The unhealed wound was pulled away again. Even though he was facing the sunlight, Ning Zhi's bottomless eyes were like monsters devouring everything, unable to reflect anything.

"I told you, she's not dead."

The icy voice fell, and the breath was exhausted. The epee that broke from it hit the ground, and the thick darkness that seemed to destroy everything swept over.

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