On the street, Feng Yuyao was walking with Sheng Zi, Song Xiao was also there, the three of them were chatting, and the atmosphere seemed to be good.

When passing by the teahouse where Lu Yun was, Shengzi suddenly looked up at Lu Yun.

The four eyes met, Lu Yun nodded her head as a greeting, her eyes were placed elsewhere, a little lazy, her eyes were misty, and she could not see the depth.

"It's Junior Sister Lu."

Feng Yuyao also saw Lu Yun, this scene was somewhat familiar, like the day when she met Wenren.

Speaking of Wenren, the other party had inquired a lot about Lu Yun from her some time ago.

Feng Yuyao, who couldn't tell whether she was jealous or sour, spoke softly.

"Do you need me to introduce the Holy Son?"

Seeing that the other party paid too much attention to Lu Yun, Feng Yuyao asked.

"Need not."

Shengzi shook his head, his eyes fell back on Feng Yuyao, his purpose of going out of the mountain had been achieved.

The master said that the one who breaks the catastrophe is in the Tibetan Sword Sect.

But for who it is, the master asked himself to find it, saying it was a practice.

In his opinion, Feng Yuyao is blessed by heaven, and such a person should be born to break the situation.

The three walked away together, and Lu Yun didn't care about the mere episode.

She was lazy for a few days, and then it was time for the questioning meeting. She wanted to wait for the final result, but Ji Hongxi asked her several times to watch him beat the crowd in person.

In Dou Daoyuan, many people gathered.

The ring-shaped Dou Dao Temple is surrounded by steps, and there are many people sitting there. Lu Yun is hidden in the crowd, but she is not conspicuous.

The disciples from each faction who can come to the Tibetan Sword Sect have been screened once in the sect, and the three from each sect are all powerful people.

At the waiting seat, you can see the auras touching and probing each other, stirring up the wind and clouds in the sky above Dou Daoyuan.

The competition started early, and the disciples of Wuxiangchu and Bodhi Cave faced each other on the stage.

It is said that it is a place of no thought and no thought, everything in this world is in the hands of the disciples of the no thought place, and it changes in thousands of ways, and a flower can become a world.

Illusion is natural, and the fake is confused with the real.

What everyone saw was that the disciples of the Bodhi Cave fell into an illusion, and were inseparable from a fight with a tree demon.

Although the Bodhi Hand in the Bodhi Cave can move mountains and seas, it is a bit stretched to face this kind of illusion where the entity is not known.

In the battle of opening the door, the disciples of Bodhi Cave were defeated very quickly.

He was trapped in the illusion until he was exhausted and failed to find the weakness of the illusion.

This is a disgrace to the Bodhi Cave disciples.

With a froze face, the disciple stepped down.

Ridiculous laughter sounded from the spectators, most of them were disciples of the Tibetan Sword Sect, and they were naturally happy to see the rest deflated.

Ji Hongxi was in the third game.

Interestingly, he met the disciple of Lishuijian who was trying to overwhelm Lu Yun at the door that day.

"Lishuijian disciple Qu Ren met Daoyou Ji."

After a few days of hard work, the other party seemed to have adjusted, and looked at Ji Hongxi with a smile.

In terms of appearance, the two are on par, both are monstrosities, making many female disciples look at it with their faces in their hands, blushing and beating heartbeats.

But compared to Ji Hongxi's wanton flair, Qu Ren's face is more feminine.

"Ji Daoyou, please give me more advice."

Qu Ren spoke quickly, with his chest straightened out, he found Lu Yun in the crowd, with hatred in his eyes.

It was because of his lack of preparation that day that he was humiliated by the other party.

When he took down the eldest disciple on Wentian Peak, he wanted to see if the disciple who walked through the back door could hold his head up.

Yes, during the announcement, Lu Yun happened to be involved in the affairs of Wujian Town and made meritorious service, so Lu Yun was given a spot.

The relationship between Lu Yun and Ali has not been revealed.

Feeling the targeted gaze, Lu Yun didn't care much.


"You're right, I should teach you a lot."

Ji Hongxi laughed alluringly, the red dress that had never changed its color was dancing on the high platform, he sneered.

"Just a fool like you, I don't even need to draw a sword to teach you a lesson."

This kind of insult made the people from Lishuijian look ugly, but Ji Hongxi just said it.

The figure was as dazzling as a red leaf on the high platform. Ji Hongxi slapped it with his palm, and when he saw the whip thrown by the other party, he grabbed it with disdain.

"It's ridiculous for a big man to play with a limp whip."

The map was shot, and many people who used whips as weapons showed strange expressions.

With Qu Renna's face flushed from humiliation, Ji Hongxi pulled the whip and kicked again.

"What the hell, dare to bully my little junior sister."

Qu Ren wanted to hide, but when the kick came, Qu Ren discovered that no matter which direction he retreated, the opponent would kick him.

And this kick finally landed on Qu Ren's hip.

He staggered on the stage and almost fell, but it was Ji Hongxi who grabbed the whip and dragged him back.

"I haven't played enough, why are you running?"

When is he going to run away!

The head occupied by the anger was a little clearer, and Qu Ren threw out a whip, taking the opportunity to distance himself from the opponent.

He looked at Ji Hongxi with a particularly apprehensive expression.

From the very beginning, the opponent was pressing him to fight, and even the respite this time was given by the opponent.

"Ji Hongxi, you..."

Before he finished speaking, he punched him in front of him.

Ji Hongxi, who punched, had an extremely sinister expression, his lips were curled up, his peach blossom eyes were shining brightly, his long eyebrows fell into his temples, and he was unrestrained and unrestrained.

In his hands, Qu Ren is like a plaything.

The opponent's whip was in his hand, and it would break if he pulled a piece of grass.

This is crushing, naked crushing.

Many spectators felt pity for Naquren, but those in the waiting seats looked at Ji Hongxi with a strong fighting spirit.

Ji Hongxi, the number one in the previous generation, many people have suffered in his hands.

Many people in various sects want to challenge Ji Hongxi, but Ji Hongxi likes to stay in the Tibetan Sword Sect and rarely goes out of the sect.

Coincidentally, they are seriously analyzing Ji Hongxi's strength.

The scene on the stage is indeed in line with what Ji Hongxi said to Lu Yun about showing off his supernatural power.

Everyone on Wentian Peak is protecting their weaknesses.

Looking at Qu Ren who was almost rolled into a ball by Ji Hongxi, a soft smile bloomed in his eyes.

She looked around, admiring those people's admiration for her senior brother, but unexpectedly found that the holy son looked at her senior brother in a very wrong way at the waiting seat.

That is not the joy and anticipation of seeing someone who is evenly matched, that is exploration, disgust, and killing intent.

The murderous intent disappeared in a flash, but Lu Yun caught it.

Thinking back carefully, there is no intersection between the two, and it is impossible for my senior brother to offend this newly born holy son if he offends anyone.

So why?
Lu Yun thought of Ji Hongxi's life experience.

The smile on Lu Yun's face fell, and across the crowd, she met his eyes again.

This time Lu Yun didn't look away.

The girl's eyes, like a knife or a sword, pierced through the crowd, and came straight to Pei Geli, turning the wind into a blade, and the cold air biting the bone.

On that clear and beautiful face, there were cold eyes, and an undercurrent had already arisen.

Pei Geli was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that the other party must have sensed his killing intent towards Ji Hongxi.

Is she actually that sharp?

"Brother, what's wrong?"

Someone asked, Pei Geli shook his head.

When looking at the past again, Lu Yun's eyes fell on the high platform, focused and serious, as if the hostility he felt was an illusion.

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