On the Tibetan Sword Sect's home court, Ji Hongxi stole the limelight.

After the abused Lishuijian disciple stepped down, he was carried away with only one breath left.

Surprisingly, Shangguanli changed from his usual low profile and cooperated with Ji Hongxi to overwhelm the disciples of all sects.

If each sect hadn't selected only one person, both of them would probably have gotten the quota.

When everyone was discussing whether the Tibetan Sword Sect would win the championship in this incident, the holy son Pei Geli showed the strength of the Holy Land.

In today's last match, Shangguanli was defeated by Pei Geli. Tomorrow the final five will be decided. At the end of the match, everyone is discussing tomorrow's battle.

It is night, the dense night covers the eyes, and the distant mountains form shadows.

Wen Tianfeng went up to the main building, Ji Hongxi was lying on the bed and sleeping soundly, her clothes were disheveled, there was still the smell of alcohol in the room, and the breath of the sleeping person was still insolent.

The window is half open, the moonlight peeps in, and the furniture in the room looks like many monsters in the haze, with hideous edges and corners.

A person appeared quietly beside the bed.

The man bent down and put his fingers between Ji Hongxi's eyebrows, moving carefully.

The moment her fingers were about to touch her skin, Ji Hongxi, who was lying on the bed snoring softly, opened her eyes.

There was no smile in those eyes as before, and the dark pupils were glowing with dots of red in this gloom.

A red light flashed from the depths, and the corners of Ji Hongxi's lips curled up, his voice was inappropriate.

"Hey, Master Shengzi came to me in the middle of the night without sleeping, is he going to climb into bed?"

"It's a pity, I don't like this one."

The smiling tone sounded like the closest relatives and friends, but the palms were stretched out fiercely, and they grabbed Ji Hongxi, with murderous intent pouring out.

Ji Hongxi didn't hold back as soon as he made a move, and Pei Geli's fierce moves made Pei Geli retreat steadily.

He frowned, staring at Ji Hongxi's solemn expression, but did not strike back.

"You have demon energy in you."

Pei Geli said what he believed to be the truth: "How could the Tibetan Sword Sect allow you to be admitted into the sect?"

The questioning voice carried the aloofness unique to the disciples of the Holy Land, like a fairy who is not out of the mundane world. Occasionally, after seeing the filth in the world, he can't wait to judge in the name of a fairy.

Just like those sanctimonious villains, they don't ask whether it is cause and effect, but only follow their own beliefs.

But are those beliefs really true?

Looking at the doubts on Pei Geli's face, Ji Hongxi was extremely sarcastic.

"Why, I have devilish energy in me, is Lord Shengzi coming to kill demons?"

Ji Hongxi's ridicule was too obvious, Pei Geli frowned.

There are not many disciples in the Holy Land, and the relationship between the brothers and sisters is close, and they never blush.

And as the Holy Son, he spends most of his time practicing holy arts in the secret realm of the Holy Land. Although he is smart, he is a novice when it comes to getting along with people.

But he could feel Ji Hongxi's disdain for him.

"I just want to investigate clearly. If you are accidentally polluted by demonic energy, I can help you get rid of that demonic energy."

He is deliberate.

As a front-ranking existence among the nine major sects, the Tibetan Sword Sect would definitely cause a sensation if it accepted a disciple who was tainted with demonic energy as a disciple.

Master said that everything now depends on the stability of the cultivation world.

That's why he wanted to make it clear secretly that if the other party needed help, he could do it himself.

"help me?"

Ji Hongxi was taken aback for a moment, but after trying to figure out what it meant, she couldn't help laughing.

"Thank you, Lord Son, for your kindness, but I don't need it, please."

Pointing at the door, Ji Hongxi's eyes darkened, there was already a murderous intent in it, if he dared to stay any longer, Ji Hongxi would really kill him.

After a moment of silence, Pei Geli turned and left.

His movements were very subtle, and he didn't disturb anyone all the way down the mountain, until he saw a girl standing with a sword at the foot of the mountain.

Lu Yun looked at Pei Geli's holy and innocent face, expressionless.

"Master Shengzi, the matter of my senior brother has nothing to do with you, let's not make an example."

Pointing the frosty white long sword far away, Pei Geli felt the same coldness and resistance as Ji Hongxi on the opponent.

Pei Geli lowered his eyes.

"I have no malice."

no offence?

There was a mocking look on Lu Yun's face. If there was no malice, the eyes she saw during the day could be an illusion.

"Before I came, I gave Ji Daoyou a divination."

"If you don't get rid of the devilish energy in his body, there will be twists and turns in the future, which may affect you."

That hexagram was extremely dangerous, but in the hexagram, Ji Hongxi was not the enemy, and the contradictory hexagram made him want to find out.

"Pei Shengzi, maybe before you learn divination, you should learn how to be a human being."

"This is Wentian Peak."

Lu Yun pointed to the mountain behind her: "If you were hostile tonight, you would have died at the hands of my master."

"So...you're welcome."

Lu Yun turned around and left, she was only here to warn Pei Geli.

Ask how many people on Tianfeng treat her like a family member, and she will never allow her senior brother to have any problems.

"He relies on the magic energy to practice, which will speed up his backlash."

Facing Lu Yun's indifferent back, Pei Geli said something.

The next moment, the sword was pointed at his heart, and Pei Geli also felt that he was being locked by something at this moment.

The threat came from Wentian Peak.

As the peak owner, Yun Tian must be watching him somewhere.

As long as he said such inappropriate words again, his head would fall to the ground.

"Pei Geli." Lu Yun called out the other party's full name, and there was a strange inquiry in her eyes: "How about I make a bet with you?"

"Tomorrow you will face my senior brother, and I bet my senior brother can beat you without the magic energy you mentioned."

Ji Hongxi possesses a devilish aura.

This devilish energy could indeed make Ji Hongxi more diligent in his cultivation, but Ji Hongxi never thought of using the devilish energy, instead he tried his best to suppress it in his body.

All Ji Hongxi's current glory is achieved by himself, and it is not something that can be decided by the other party's mouth and a word.

The people of the Holy Land claim to be knowledgeable about the past and the present, but it is ridiculous that the disciples they teach are so ignorant of the world.

Regardless of whether Pei Geli accepted the bet or not, Lu Yun went back, leaving Pei Geli standing where he was with a sad face, as if he had encountered some difficult problem.

The little story of that night did not come out to Wentian Peak.

Early the next morning, Lu Yun was dug out of the bed by Ji Hongxi.

"Let's go, watch the senior brother beat someone up."

Facing this overly enthusiastic senior brother, Lu Yun couldn't beat her and could only lie flat.

In the Dou Dao Academy, there were more people than yesterday, and there was a gamble, and it was noisy. As soon as Lu Yun came, he was entangled by some disciples.

"Senior sister, you bet on who can stand at the end."

Liu Ru blinked and asked curiously.

Since you want to fight, you must fight for the first and second.

Lu Yun glanced at the note and smiled. She can only say that her senior brother is really popular.

Quite a few people didn't even analyze the situation, and directly pressured Ji Hongxi without thinking.

Lu Yun took out a hundred spirit stones and pressed them on Ji Hongxi's body. Seeing this, Liu Ru followed suit.

"Senior Sister Lu, Senior Brother Yaji, do you want to follow?"

"Of course, hug your thighs, there is meat to eat."

Whispering, Lu Yun raised her eyebrows, why didn't she know when she became so prestigious in the Tibetan Sword Sect.

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