A bunch of pills were stuffed into Lu Yun's mouth, feeling Lu Yun's breathing gradually stabilized, Taoist Nanshan buried his head on Lu Yun's shoulder, almost choking.

"Yun'er, Yun'er, Master is sorry for you."

"Yun'er, Master promises you that he will find that chance for you."

Dao Dao Fifty Days Yan four nine escapes to one, this one, he must grasp for his disciples, otherwise how to explain what he saw.

The delirious Nanshan Taoist made up his mind in this small room.

And when Lu Yun woke up again, her injuries had recovered, and she was lying dry on the bed.

Standing up, the room was silent.

She looked towards the edge of the bed, and Taoist Nanshan was lying on the bed and fell asleep, with his side facing Lu Yun, that perfect fairy-like face seemed to be the same as before.

But Lu Yun knew something had changed.

With Nanshan's cultivation base, he should know the other party as soon as he opened his eyes. This kind of other party is still sleeping soundly, and Lu Yun didn't disturb the other party.

She still remembered what happened before she fell into a coma. Taoist Nanshan at that time seemed to want to use his cultivation to forcibly open a path for herself so that she could practice.

But it was obviously a failure, and it almost cost her her life.

Some monks with poor qualifications have the opportunity to change their qualifications after receiving the empowerment of great spiritual power, and Lu Yun is no longer in this range.

Even Lu Yun herself was very curious, whether this body could be a real abandoned person.

You know, in all the records, there is no one like her who can't store a single bit of spiritual power in her body.

Trying to call Han Jiangxue, Lu Yun looked at her empty palm and sighed.

It's been a long time since she felt the helplessness of being at the mercy of others at any time.

"Yun'er, wake up."

Taoist Nanshan woke up, his face was the same as usual, but there was a sharp edge of frost in those two-way gentle eyes, which made it painful to scratch.

But in the blink of an eye, the other party smiled softly and stroked her head.

"Yun'er, it was Master's fault that almost killed Yun'er, did Yun'er ever blame Master?"


Lu Yun shook her head, she wisely didn't mention the other party's loss of control.

"Yun'er, you are precocious enough, you probably noticed something, but it's good to trust Master one more time, Master will never harm you."

"Even if you travel to every place in this world, at any cost, Master will definitely find a way for you to cultivate."

"If I violate this oath, I will be destroyed in that day's calamity."

The last sentence draws the power of the soul and harmonizes with the way of heaven, which is the most terrifying vow of the soul in the cultivation world.

But Taoist Nanshan spoke too fast, and Lu Yun had no chance to stop him.

After the vow was finalized, Lu Yun took a deep breath.

She grabbed the opponent's sleeve, opened her mouth, and really wanted to ask, whether Taoist Nanshan died under the catastrophe because of this soul oath.

A sentence, blocked in the throat and unable to spit out.

There was a scorching hot spot on her wrist, Lu Yun took a look, it was the imprint of Qian Qiuzhong.

The scorching mark is preventing her from telling the other party's final ending.

"it is good."

"I trust Master."

She reluctantly responded to the other party, curling her fingers under the quilt and exerting force, the tingling pain in her palm kept her rational.

After Taoist Nanshan left, Lu Yun leaned on the bed and gasped for breath.

She grabbed her collar, feeling the powerlessness of a mortal body, and guesses flooded her heart.

Could it be that Nanshan Daoist's success was due to his mortal apprentice who failed to cross the catastrophe.

With the strength of Taoist Nanshan, he has traveled all over the world, but he really can't find a way to let his apprentice step into practice.

You know, even if it's just poor aptitude, as long as you can draw qi into your body, then the soul oath is considered complete, and there are so many immortals in ancient times, how could there be no way at all.


She pressed the imprint that appeared on her wrist, and called the name.

Naturally no one responded.

But she really wanted to ask Ah Li why she sent herself into this person's body.

This is the dream of Nanshan Taoist, and it is also the time experienced by Nanshan Taoist, which means that everything happened in reality.

This "Lu Yun" also exists.

Does Ali know?

Too many questions made Lu Yun's head tingle. She covered her head, closed her eyes with pain, and forced herself into the deep darkness.

The city lord succeeded in crossing the tribulation, and he will ascend in a few days. The city lord was happy and feasted on the guests.

Taoist Nanshan did not continue to watch the scene, but left Yuyang City quietly with Lu Yun.

The master and apprentice were the same as before, walking and stopping, most of them were Nanshan Taoists looking for various treasures and opportunities for Lu Yun.

With a mortal body, Lu Yun followed the opponent and broke into many places. There are many opportunities in those caves, but none of them belonged to Lu Yun.

It's like, the sky doesn't recognize the existence of Lu Yun, so any benefits don't belong to Lu Yun.

In the beginning, Taoist Nanshan still interacted with some monks and inquired about various news, but after hope and disappointment again and again, Taoist Nanshan walked alone, and there was only one Lu Yun who served him.

In a blink of an eye, the little girl who used to be swayed in Nanshan Taoist's arms has grown into a young girl.

The woman, beautiful in appearance and delicate in appearance, is as lovable as a ceramic doll.

No matter how good a mortal can be, if he can't cultivate, he is also a waste for a monk.

The ten years in the dream were slow and long, and it was a novel experience for Lu Yun.

Now the two are in a small mountain village, which is a village of mortals. The master and apprentice are like gods, and they caused a sensation when they came here.

The village head moved out a courtyard for the two to live in.

Lu Yun stood at the door, watching the Nanshan Taoist walking out with a sweet smile: "Master, be careful, I will wait for Master to come back."

"it is good!"

Taoist Nanshan didn't look back, he strode towards the mountain not far from the village, where there is a legend that there is a plant of fairy grass, eating it can wash the essence and cut the marrow, and improve the talent.

They waited here for more than a month, and now things are about to mature, and the place to go is too dangerous, Nanshan Taoist is going to go alone.

Watching the other party leave, Lu Yun picked up a wooden stick in the yard, weighed it a few times, and began to dance the sword in the yard.

Although she can't practice, it is still possible to simply practice martial arts like a mortal. The sword moves are like dragons rising and falling in this yard, looking very majestic, but Lu Yun knows that the other side is a disciple of the first level of Qi training, and she has to do it herself. lose.

No matter how powerful a martial artist is, he can't match a monk with a low cultivation base.

After finishing a set of sword skills, Lu Yun wiped the sweat from her forehead with a wry smile.

She didn't know how long this dream would last. For ten years, she just lived as a mortal, and she would experience life, old age, sickness and death.

Thinking about it is really... desperate.

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