Chapter 139
This uncontested village is peaceful. On the third day after Nanshan Taoist went up the mountain, Lu Yun was playing games with the little dolls in the village.

The crisp laughter of the children echoed, and one of the little girl dolls ran into someone accidentally.

The girl doll who fell on a buttock was picked up before she had time to cry.

"Don't cry."

Lu Yun gently comforted the little doll in her arms, and calmly distanced herself from the visitor.

Puzzled and wary eyes passed over those people, Lu Yun smiled politely: "I'm sorry, everyone."

"Are you guys passing by here? I've never seen you before!"

The girl's voice was like the spring breeze in March, falling under the shattered sunlight, its gentleness was unbelievable.

"Yes, we are travelers, and we came here to find someone."

The man who was hit by the little girl Taotao said, he looked at Lu Yun with searching eyes.

"Looking for someone? I don't know who you are looking for, I know everyone in the village."

Lu Yun plays the innocent little village girl in the mountain village, with a pair of almond eyes, as if she has convinced these people.

"Find a Taoist."

"Taoist?" Lu Yun said outside, "There is no Taoist in our village."

"Did you find the wrong one?"

She pointed to a hilltop: "Turn over here and you will find Sili Town. There may be some Taoist you are looking for."

She answered the conversation naturally, put Taotao on the ground, and patted the dust on her buttocks.

"is it?"

The visitor didn't seem to believe it, and said again: "We have traveled for a long time, can you let us rest here for one night?"

He looked at Lu Yun expectantly, and behind him, those people also started talking.

"Yes, little girl, can you find us a place to rest, we can give you money."

"Yeah, we're really tired."

A group of four people, dressed in ordinary clothes, looked like a traveler.

"Then I'll ask the village chief, you are waiting for me at my house now."

Signaling Taotao and the others to leave first, Lu Yun took them to her home and went to the village chief.

Her footsteps were brisk, but the few people standing at the gate of the small courtyard looked at Lu Yun without letting go of their vigilance.

"The latest trace of Taoist Nanshan is near here. Do you think that little girl is lying?"

"Who knows, but I said Zhu Xing, where is your elder?"

The person called Zhu Xing smiled with some difficulty: "I don't know, I got separated after I came in, Junior Sister Qin, where is Elder Qin?"

After Zhu Xing answered, he turned his words to the only woman among the four.

"My master is rushing over."

Qin Ningya nodded, her expression was cold, and she frowned at Zhu Xing's ingratiating smile, obviously not liking it.

"Ah, so, don't we have to rely on Elder Xu?"

Among the four, there was only one elder, Elder Xu from Bahuang Mountain, one of the five sects of official magic, and the disciple who came with Elder Xu was Fan Yuanzhou.

Fan Yuanzhou glanced at Zhu Xing, and said with contempt: "You and I, Bahuang Mountain, are acting together, and you are not afraid of going back and explaining."

"Treat it especially at special times. After all, no one knows when this dream will end, so we should find Taoist Nanshan first."

Zhu Xing seemed to take a step back and smiled awkwardly.

They have been looking for traces of Nanshan Taoist since they started, and they have been looking for ten years.

"Hmph, I don't know where that group of people are. We might as well arrive first this time, and we'll ask someone later."

Fan Yuanzhou pursed his lips, his expression extremely bored.

They didn't wait long, when Lu Yun came back with an apology on her face: "I'm sorry, everyone, we don't have any vacant houses in our village for you to rest."

"However, the village chief said that there is a dilapidated house over there, which can still shelter from the wind and rain. You guys don't dislike it. You can rest there tonight."

In the direction pointed, there is indeed a small house, but no matter how you look at it, it is a dilapidated house.

Seeing Lu Yun's sincere expression, Elder Xu, who had been silent all this time, nodded, as if he had decided on this matter.

"Thank you."

Zhu Xing smiled, took out something and handed it to Lu Yun, it was a villain made of gold.

Seeing the villain who appeared suddenly, Lu Yun widened her eyes. She looked at Jin Zi and then at the person who came: "Are you the fairy in the legend?"

"The kind that can fly, the village chief grandpa told us before that there are many immortals outside the village."

She jumped up and down, enthusiastically inquiring about the news.

"Yes, we are immortals, haven't you seen immortals in your village?"

With Nanshan Taoist's cultivation base, it is not unreasonable to be called an immortal.

"never seen it."

Lu Yun shook her head.

She recognized the identities of these people, but the rest of them came in with their original appearance, so it was easy to distinguish.

She is an exception, and in front of this group of demon cultivators, she must not let these people realize her identity.

Now she is a mortal ant who can be crushed to death with one hand.

"Thank you."

Seeing that they couldn't find any news about Lu Yun, the four of them bid farewell to the place where they stayed.

Standing at the gate of the courtyard, Lu Yun squinted at the backs of those people.

The people who had fallen into the dream were all chasing after them, and it seemed that this dream would not last for too long.

Fortunately, she and Nanshan came to the village as herbal pickers, and Nanshan didn't show his cultivation, so he should be able to deceive.

I don't know what happened to the master and senior brother, she has no way to contact them now.

That night, as Qin Ningya said, her master, Elder Qin, also arrived at the village. Compared with the gentleness of the four during the day, when that person came, his powerful spiritual sense swept across the entire village.

There is no practitioner in the whole village, so naturally nothing can be found.

Lu Yun, who couldn't sleep all night, got up to play with those children as usual, but stopped practicing sword.

Traveling through the village with the children, she saw that those people had no intention of leaving and were still looking for Taoist Nanshan.

Wiping the sweat from her forehead, Lu Yun sat down against the tree trunk with calm eyes, and a handkerchief was handed over. Lu Yun raised her head and saw a strange man jumping down from the tree.

"Hello, pretty girl."

The moment the rambunctious voice sounded, Lu Yun looked at the person in front of her. Although her appearance had changed, she still had the familiar peach blossom eyes, and she almost couldn't control her expression.

What is she playing, big brother?

"Many, thank you, you are..."

She took the veil, but didn't wipe off her sweat, but looked at him curiously, and then said with a sense of enlightenment: "Are you the same as those people?"

"Those people, who are they?"

Ji Hongxi squatted beside Lu Yun, his tone was a little playful, he hadn't had time to inquire, how could he feel that the news came to his door.

"Those people who came yesterday can fly. Maybe they are gods. They are still in the village now."

Lu Yun conscientiously guided her senior brother in the direction.

(End of this chapter)

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