"It's going to the fairy gate!"

Dengxianmen is a gate between the cultivation world and the immortal world. After the monks have passed the catastrophe, the light of receiving and guiding will descend from Dengxianmen.

As long as you go to the fairy gate across the country, you will go to the fairy world.

The existence of Dengxianmen means that the fairyland is real, but for some unknown reason, that door does not seem to be opened.

And those who ascended remained static in that special space. This feeling was like a bunch of sleeping beauties waiting for them to save.

In that period of memory, the golden door was majestic and vast, but just recalling it, one can feel the insignificance of human beings in front of that door.

"Then that means, just by opening that door, we can..."

In the middle of Wuxiangchu Tian's words, he saw the eyes of the rest of them. They had the same guess.

How can I open the door?

"I'm going back to the Holy Land."

Pei Geli's expression was dignified. If such a big event happened, there would definitely be some guidance from the Holy Land.

Maybe the master has divination it out.

After being told by Pei Geli, everyone was anxious to go back and find someone to discuss.

On the Tibetan Sword Sect's side, Yuntian didn't move.

The vortex disappeared long ago, but Lu Yun still disappeared.

Ah Li obviously didn't mean to talk too much, she stretched her waist, her brows and eyes were lazy: "Since the matter here is over, this deity has also left."


The voice fell, and the person was gone.

The rest left one after another, and Ji Hongxi stood there for a long time before saying, "Master, you go back first, I'll wait here for Junior Sister."

Yun Tian had to go back and report this matter in person, and he couldn't be careless.

There is also his matter, after such an incident, the secrets of his body may not be concealed, now that he goes back, he may have to be interrogated, why not stay here and wait for the younger sister.


Yun Tian hesitated, they didn't know about Lu Yun's situation, could they get results later.

"Master." Ji Hongxi's voice was very calm: "You should know that I stayed at Wentian Peak back then because of Master."

"But now, I have more important people to wait for, so it doesn't matter to me whether I go back or not."

He thought he was born as a demon, and when he followed Yun Tian to hide the sword sect, he was looking for death and watching jokes.

I don't know that the identity has been concealed for these years, but it is enough.

"Could it be that if I don't go back, Master, you won't recognize me as an apprentice?"

He was joking.

"You are my apprentice for the rest of my life, Yuntian."

Yun Tian stared at Ji Hongxi, he saw the unchanging stubbornness in his apprentice's eyes, he could only sigh: "Wait for your little junior sister to come back safely, write me a letter."

Before that, he had to go back and settle the matter so that his two disciples could go home without any worries.

"it is good!"

Watching the other party leave, Ji Hongxi sat cross-legged on the ground, Liuli's blood was stuck on the ground, he closed his eyes, and began to wait like an old monk in meditation.

And Lu Yun, who was missed, will still be in that dream.

From the beginning, she knew that this dream was alive, and as the master of the dream, Nanshan had the power to control this dream.

The moment Nanshan disciple woke up, Lu Yun was expelled from that body, and continued to exist in a strange form.

If you want to describe it, it looks like a wandering soul, just floating around like that.

She can see everyone's actions, but they can't see themselves. When those people left the dream, she was left here.

The dream is still going on, but the dreamer only has himself.

This time, Lu Yun followed Nanshan and returned to the small mountain village.

"Sister Lu!"

Taotao, who was still in shock, rushed over, but was avoided by the man.

Taotao looked at the man suspiciously, and the clever Taotao found that sister Lu looked at her with strange eyes.

She was devastated and didn't know what happened.

"My name is Lu Zi."

The last name is Lu and the first name is Zi. This is the real name of this body.

When Lu Yun occupied this body, the soul belonging to Lu Zi was asleep. After waking up, she vaguely remembered something, but everything outside was unfamiliar.

Even when facing Nanshan, Lu Zi was more rigid and respectful than before.

I don't understand why Sister Lu changed Taotao's name and didn't ask again.

Back in the small courtyard, the village, which had been so noisy during this period, regained its calm. Strange people left, but the changes did not stop.

Taoist Nanshan stayed here. He lived a leisurely life, teaching people in the village how to practice, and helping Lu Zi reintegrate into the world.

Nan Shan never mentioned the difference between Lu Zi and Lu Yun. Perhaps he knew from the very beginning that they were two different people.

And all that Nanshan did was for Lu Yun, but unfortunately it still failed.

Although the new meridian in Lu Zi's body had grown, it could not be used.

Not being able to cultivate seems to be Lu Zi's established destiny, even if Nanshan does his best, he can't change it.

On the contrary, Nanshan himself spent too much mind and energy on this matter, and his body was aging day by day.

In just one month, he changed from a person like a banished fairy to an old man with white hair and chicken skin.

This is the price against the heavens. Regarding this change, Nanshan is calm, but Lu Zi is worried every day.

In the village, Nanshan lived a leisurely life, like an ordinary old man, cleaning up the wasteland in the morning and returning home with a moon lotus hoe.

The days are passing day by day, and it is approaching the period when Nanshan Taoist's catastrophe is coming.

The closer to that date, Lu Zi became more restless.

She wants to cultivate immortality and live forever.

During this time, she could occasionally remember what Nanshan did to allow her to practice, and he hoped that Nanshan could continue to help him find a way.

"If you want to live forever, there is another way."

One day, Nanshan said such words to Lu Zi, and Lu Yun stood beside him.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Nanshan seemed to glance towards him.

"What way?" Lu Zi was pleasantly surprised, she obeyed her heart and said: "I am willing to pay any price."

After seeing the overwhelming abilities of those monks, how could he be willing to be an ordinary mortal?

Today's Taotao is better than her.

"Are you really willing to pay all the price?" Nanshan's retorted question was too meaningful, but Lu Zi didn't notice it, and just nodded.

"Qi Ling." Nanshan said: "If you are willing to become Qian Qiu Zhong's Qi Spirit, as long as Qian Qiu Zhong still exists, your lifespan is theoretically unlimited, but at first you will be asleep, and one day in the future, you will will be awakened."

"But whether this time is decades or hundreds of years, I can't guarantee it."

The small Qianqiu clock was placed on the table, and Nanshan stared at the Qianqiu clock, as if he had seen Qianqiu through this small clock.

In that world, his apprentice should be living well.

"it is good!"

Lu Zi chose this path, and Nanshan... helped the other party.

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