Lu Yun, who was watching everything from the sidelines, found that Lu Zi had lost his wits at the beginning when he became a weapon spirit.

In the following days, Nanshan was teaching Taotao with all his heart.

Taotao is the most talented in the whole village. Taotao's parents wanted Taotao to be a teacher, but Nanshan Taoist refused.

As a wandering soul, Lu Yun couldn't communicate with anyone, but just wandered around, waiting for the days and nights to pass.

Until one day a few months later, she felt the uncontrollable power fluctuations in Taoist Nanshan, and the catastrophe was coming.

Lu Yun remembers recording the ending of the Nanshan Taoist, who chose to sit down the day before the catastrophe came.

In front of Lu Yun, the old Taoist walked towards the mountain before sunrise.

That step is like a mortal measuring the land, pious and fearless.

Behind him, there is a person following in the distance, it is the little girl Taotao.

As if tired from walking, Taoist Nanshan found a place to sit down. He leaned against the stone behind him and looked up at the sky with a faint smile in his eyes.

Lu Yun followed the other party all the time, and when she saw the other party, she silently uttered a word.

He was saying, "Teacher, see you in my dream."

Immediately, he closed his eyes, and the life force poured out from Nan Shan's body. In the blink of an eye, the other party seemed to be petrified, and there was no more life force.

While the mountains were shaking for a while, the surrounding ground was collapsing, and a large pit was formed, burying Nanshan's body in it.

A tomb appeared in place, covering everything in Nanshan, leaving only an ancient dream and a Qianqiu bell placed on the tomb.

Nanshan died, and the brewing catastrophe disappeared, but Lu Yun was still there.

She saw Taotao knelt and kowtowed in front of the grave, and then put away the Qianqiu bell. She saw that people in the small village erected the tombstone spontaneously.

There is no name or surname on the stele, just one sentence.

She heard that people in the village renamed the mountain Nanshan after discussion.

In the days that followed, Lu Yun followed Taotao, watching her grow up step by step, from a girl to a lovely girl, with sweet and moving dimples on her face.

When Taotao walked out of the mountain village, she knew more about Nanshan Taoists, but the outside world knew nothing about Lu Yun.

She watched Taotao take another path. The Kongchan Sect, which became one of the five sects of magic in later generations, was born in Taotao's hands.

Xiaoyun Village also became the later Huayun City through the changes of the years, and the people there have guarded the Nanshan Tomb for generations.

Times have changed, and there are multiple versions of the story about Nanshan.

Until one day, a group of people paid money in front of Nanshan's tomb, the dream was opened, some people couldn't wait to fall into the dream, and in it, Lu Yun saw her own existence.

The imprint of the Thousand Autumn Clock on the wrist disappeared at this moment, and Lu Yun's soul traveled through time and fell into it again.

"Junior sister, little junior sister, wake up."

The familiar voice was beside her ears, and when Lu Yun came back to her senses, she saw herself standing outside the Nanshan Tomb, with Ji Hongxi in front of her eyes.

Huang Liang Yimeng finally came to an end, and she... came back.

"Where's Ari?"

The memory of nearly a thousand years was stuffed in her mind, which stimulated her thinking to be very chaotic, making her unable to tell whether it was a dream or reality for a while.

She really wanted to ask the other party if that Taotao in the dream was Ah Li.

She also wanted to know if the fragments she saw falling from the sky in a glimpse one day in that dream were one of her natal swords.

"She left a year ago."

Ji Hongxi supported Lu Yun, his face, which should have been magnificent, had a rare sense of vicissitudes, as if he had aged a lot.

"a year ago?"

Did she actually stay in the dream for so long?

"Well, I've been waiting for you here for a year."

Looking around, the environment has not changed, except that there is an extra thatched cottage, which is Ji Hongxi's handwriting.

Rubbing between her eyebrows, Lu Yun, who returned to her own body, always felt that her soul would float out of this body at any time.

When a wandering soul has been around for a long time, the physical body is like a bondage.

When she struggled to adapt, the aura of heaven and earth was pulled, and Lu Yun's body turned into a funnel, frantically absorbing the aura around her.

She is about to advance.

Surprised for a moment, Lu Yun didn't hesitate, and instantly fell into a samadhi, drawing those auras into her body.

The cultivation base in the middle stage of foundation establishment directly rose with the tide, rising rapidly at a speed that Lu Yun had never imagined.

The realm easily crossed to the late stage of foundation establishment, but the momentum had not stopped. It was not until the foundation establishment was completed that Lu Yun intervened, abruptly stopping the growth of cultivation base.

For Lu Yun, it was already a great fortune to cross two small realms at once.

It's not beautiful to rush to the golden core in one go. After all, her body and soul have not yet re-adapted.

While Lu Yun was stabilizing his realm, Ji Hongxi stayed nearby as always.

And this time, it took half a month.

The turbid air dispersed from his body, and Lu Yun moved his body very easily.

She took out Wuzhuo, weighed it a few times, and sure enough, she felt that it was much lighter, and even the knife marks engraved in her mind were digested a lot.

Before long, she will completely control the move that is enough to split Huang Quan.

"Thank you, brother."

Lu Yun sincerely thanked her, and also discovered that Ji Hongxi is now at the early stage of Yuanying.

That's right, he wasn't the only one who was created in that dream.

"Don't be in a hurry to thank me."

Ji Hongxi's tone was weird, and amidst Lu Yun's doubts, she learned what happened in the cultivation world in the year she disappeared.

First, the Tibetan Sword Sect came to a conclusion on the matter of Yuntian accepting the reincarnation of the Great Demon as his apprentice.

Yuntian voluntarily accepts the discipline of the sect, and is still imprisoned in the Huoyan Mirror, one of the secret treasures of the Tibetan Sword Sect.

The Huoyan mirror is a mirror on the outside, but inside it is a small secret realm, but the secret realm is full of flames.

The flame will burn the souls of the people in it day and night, and this is the punishment of the Tibetan Sword Sect against those who have committed serious mistakes in the sect.

According to the rules of the sect, Yun Tian will stay in the fire mirror for another nine years.

"They sent a letter saying that they are waiting for you to come out and let you and I go back to the sect together."

Apparently what the sect meant was to still recognize Ji Hongxi as a disciple.

Even if the Great Demon is reincarnated, Ji Hongxi in this life is just Ji Hongxi. It is a choice whether to become the Great Demon again.

Now the devilish energy in Ji Hongxi's body has been condensed into devil bones by him. This is a natural material for cultivating devils, but Ji Hongxi has not switched to cultivation methods.

The sect leader Ouyang Wuwen used "whether he wants to study Ji Hongxi's magic body practice sect's kung fu will awaken the great demon" as an excuse, and forcibly kept Ji Hongxi under the crusade of various sects.

"When I go back, I have to go through the flame mirror."

When mentioning this, Ji Hongxi didn't take it seriously.

In addition to the matter of opening the sect, the world of comprehension has also undergone great changes.

The news brought out from Taoist Nanshan's dream was strictly sealed, and few people knew about it, but it was enough to cause turmoil among the high-level people in the cultivation world.

Fortunately, the Holy Land gave the prophecy in time.

"The method of doing it is by the shore of the deep sea."

Lu Yun raised her eyebrows upon hearing this.

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