Little Junior Sister Society fears but draws sword

Chapter 152 Returning to the Ancient Barbarian Mountains

Why is it Yuanhai again.

But if you want to cross the deep sea, apart from possessing the four gods and beasts, you can only board the ghost ship with the Wangchuan Stone, which is only available among ghosts.

During this year, the major sects sent disciples to enter the ghost beasts, but their actions all ended in failure. Not to mention Wang Chuanshi, those people couldn't even enter the depths of the ghost beasts.

I heard that there is still an elder-level figure falling inside.

Ji Hongxi stays here and doesn't get much news, but the outside world hasn't made much progress this year.

"One more thing."

Seeing Lu Yun's pensive expression, Ji Hongxi's face became more solemn.

"Meng Lin is missing."

The second senior brother, Meng Lin, went to Zhonglu to perform a mission a year and a half ago, and news came back in the early days. Before they entered the Nanshan Tomb, they could no longer contact Meng Lin.

After Yuntian returned, he also sent disciples of the Tibetan Sword Sect to look for Meng Lin, but found nothing. The only thing he knew was that the last place he showed up was Zhonglu Yinhun Village.

The ghost village is also known as the mass grave, where a special school of ghost cultivators live. These ghost cultivators need death energy, so they wander around the mass grave and gather into a small village.

It's very exclusive there.

Lu Yun was a little anxious, but before going to the second senior brother, she had to go back to the sect to report. With the senior brother in this situation, and still running around at will, the Tibetan Sword Sect may not be able to protect people anymore.

"But before we go back, we have to go somewhere."

Lu Yun stroked the imprint of the bisheng vine on her left wrist, feeling a little headache.

She also didn't expect that there would be such a big change in the Nanshan Tomb, and it took a year to enter and exit.

And what she had agreed with Agusu was one month later.

Now that the matter has come to this point, they can only go to the Ancient Man Mountain Range to have a look first. After all, since they have made a promise, even if something happens, they should give an explanation.

When the two left Huayun City, they did not cause any movement.

After the two left, the barrier that had been covering the Nanshan tomb disappeared.

After rushing for several days, Lu Yun has been consolidating her cultivation.

When he reached the Ancient Man Mountains again, the spiritual power in Lu Yun's body was fully functioning.

Outside the dense mountain forest, fresh air blows towards the face.

Looking around, the lush forest forms a sea of ​​forests, with ups and downs, and it is easy to lose your way when you are in it.

Lu Yun walked to the edge of a tree, and according to the previously agreed method, she cut the bark of the tree into a specific pattern, which was the totem of the Qingmu clan.

The companion creature of the Aoki clan is Aoki, and Aoki is the king of trees, able to control the movements of the trees in the entire ancient mountain range.

What Agusu meant was that once she felt this totem, she would pick them up immediately.

Lu Yun was not in a hurry and walked nearby.

Strangers are not allowed to enter the Ancient Man Mountains, except for the two of them, there is no human habitation.

There is no silence in the mountain forest where there is no sound, the wind blows the leaves, and the insects in the bushes are chirping.

Occasionally there are birds perched overhead, singing joyful songs.

But Lu Yun waited for half an hour, but did not see Agusu appear.

The two looked at each other and had the same thought.

Aoki Clan probably had an accident.

"Go ahead."

Anyway, go check it out.

Fortunately, Ji Hongxi still remembered the route when Agusu sent them out.

As soon as he entered the mountain forest, as he went deeper, the familiar feeling of being suppressed by cultivation reappeared.

On Lu Yun's wrist, the bisheng vine totem exudes a cool air, which makes the spiritual power in her body very stable.

Therefore, Ji Hongxi was still the only one who was tortured.

Faced with Ji Hongxi's dissatisfaction, Lu Yun simply used Qi as an indicator to constantly adjust the direction of progress.

It wasn't until the sun was high that they touched the place where they were chased by the orcs.

The battle marks were naturally covered early in the year, where several downed trees had sprouted new saplings.

This place is already the territory of the Qingmu Clan, but there is still no one around.


The two covered their figures and approached the Aoki clan carefully.

There were no obstacles along the way, and even some plants at the junction did not touch them.

It's like, those plants turned into ordinary plants, no longer affected by the power of the Aoki clan.

Fortunately, they saw the familiar thorn forest, which was the entrance of the Aoki Clan.

Those tall and slender thorns are covered with sharp barbs, deterring all those who try to approach here.

When Lu Yun was thinking about how not to disturb the thorns, the thorns moved, and a faint voice came from inside.

The two jumped onto the tree and covered their figures with the dense canopy. When they looked down, they saw two men coming out.

Tall and muscular figure is very predictable, bare upper body, the ferocious orc totem can be seen clearly at a glance.

It's an orc!
Didn't the two races not deal with each other? How could they be here.

"Tsk, I said you heard it wrong, how could there be someone here."

"The girls of the Qingmu clan are all locked up by us, what are you afraid of?"

One of them laughed, in a casual tone.

"It's safer to look at it."

"After all, those girls are insidious and cunning. They can't say they are hiding something behind them. Be vigilant. After a few more days, it will be the day of sacrifice."

"When the patriarch comes over and merges the two fire pits, our orc clan will be able to take down the Shanshui clan. When the three clans merge, our ancient barbarian clan will definitely rise again."

The expression on this man's face was one of fanatical admiration. While speaking, the totem on his arm emitted a dim light.

"Hmph, let me tell you, it's only the ladies of the Qingmu clan who think that those monks from the outside world can save us."

"People who are not of my race must have a different heart, and I don't understand this kind of truth."

"Tsk tsk, it's not that they made a deal with humans before, but those humans never came back. Sure enough, outside monks are not credible."

"The merger of the three clans is the general trend."

"Okay, let's go in."

After whispering for a while, the two turned around and went in. Behind them, the speed of the thorn forest closing seemed to slow down a lot.

The relaxed two did not notice this, but Lu Yun and Ji Hongxi took the opportunity to sneak into the thorny forest.

The sharp thorns pierced into the skin, leaving traces easily.

The spiritual power covered the surface so that the body was not pierced.

Among the dense thorns, with the help of the tiny light, Lu Yun saw that the two people were moving away from here.

It wasn't until the two of them disappeared completely that Lu Yun struggled to push through the thorns and walked out, and then pulled out Ji Hongxi whose cultivation had been suppressed to the early stage of foundation establishment.

The dense red marks on the two of them looked like lepers.

Lu Yun couldn't hold back and smiled.

Quickly scanning the surrounding area, they couldn't see anyone from the Aoki clan, and the two of them didn't directly enter the Aoki clan's tribe, but bypassed it.

According to those two people, the Beast Clan wanted to merge the firepit of the Cyanwood Clan, and the firepit was the core of a tribe, so she wanted to go there first and discuss what to do next.

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