Chu Shuang's attitude pleased the demon cultivator. He smiled strangely and drew his bow again.

The long and pale fingers of the sleeves were tightened with force, and the veins were looming in the flesh, creating a feeling of weakness.

The blood in the opponent's breath became more and more intense, and Chu Shuang finally caught a trace of something wrong.

"You are hurt?"

She asked in a low voice, her voice filled with happiness, and she secretly winked at her junior sister.

"So what, it's still easy to crush you to death."

The demon cultivator smiled arrogantly and shot out an arrow. In such a short distance, it reached Chu Shuang's face almost instantly.

Grabbing the arrow, he forcefully drove Chu Shuang back a few steps.

She let go of her hand, and the arrow was broken, leaving a trace of blood in her palm. The arrow was very powerful.

Chu Shuang did not dare to take it lightly. Arrows came one after another quickly. Chu Shuang clearly felt that each of these arrows was more dangerous than the last.

The whip was raised, and an arrow flew away. The next one came through the air and hit Chu Shuang accurately. If she hadn't dodged at the last moment, her heart would have been penetrated.

Chu Shuang groaned and endured the severe pain to pull out the arrow.

Li Xinwan, who was skimming the formation, couldn't find a chance to make a move. In the end, the opponent was both arrogant and cautious enough.

"What are you doing, kill him!"

Song Hang, who was standing far away, was shouting. The kick from the demon cultivator just now almost crippled him. He couldn't fight at all now.

The eyes that were scarlet due to anger were full of resentment towards the demon cultivator.

"Don't forget that Master asked you to protect me."

In the name of his master, he watched with cold eyes as his senior sister was imprisoned. Not only that, but he kept retreating as if he wanted to escape.

"Boss Qian, what should I do?"

Now that man refuses to get out of the way, their caravan is trapped here. Brother Wu walked up to Boss Qian and asked in a low voice.

Even though it was a very low voice, it was still easily caught by the demon cultivator.

He looked at Brother Wu with a half-smile, his eyes full of contempt for ordinary mortals.

It's ridiculous that the ants still want to struggle.

So he did it.

An arrow shot out, split into thousands, and the arrow rain fell again.

But this time, the rain of arrows targeted the entire caravan.

The defensive formation temporarily constructed by Chu Shuang made a sound of being overwhelmed under this intensive attack.

Brother Wu's pupils shrank and he shouted for people to avoid him.

The escort hid behind the carriage at the moment when the formation was completely broken.

But those arrows seemed to be able to be tracked, and they drifted to the top of their heads at a turn, then fell again.

With extremely fast speed, several people in the caravan were caught without noticing.

One of them had his thigh directly pierced, and his blood was flowing without Qian. He fell to the ground and screamed, looking at Boss Qian with eyes full of the fact that he didn't want to die.

"damn it!"


The formation of the escort was learned from the mortal army. It can advance, attack, retreat or defend. In the past, the dangers encountered during the trading process were all relied on this method to support them.

But formations aimed at mortals are full of loopholes in the eyes of monks.

The first wave of arrows was barely resisted, leaving Zheng Tie standing next to Lu Yun with a bloody wound on his waist.

Zheng Tie was also a man. His face was covered in cold sweat in pain and he didn't even cry out.

With one hand covering the wound and the other holding a big knife, he even had time to smile at Lu Yun.

"Miss Lu, if you have a chance later, run away if you can. You don't have to stay with us here."

In this business, they have to be trustworthy, and they have to be beaten to death.

But Lu Yun was different. It was just a chance encounter. It would be good if she could have a chance to leave here.

Compared to the embarrassment of Zheng Tie and others, Lu Yun was much more relaxed and had no wounds on his body. Of course, this was also the result of the deliberate care of Zheng Tie and Feng Hong.She was obviously one of the top performers in the escort team. Perhaps because of her status as a woman, these people regarded her as a vulnerable group and still protected her at such a time.

"Why die when you can live?"

She asked, looking up not far away.

A new round of arrow rain is already being prepared, and this time, the guards cannot withstand it.

The weak moans were interspersed with Qian Hua's howls, and his words of not wanting to die contained curses for the incompetence of the escort team.

"Why are you so useless? What do you do with the money? You are a bunch of trash."

"Dad, I don't want to die."

"Go, let's go!"

Qian Hua's shout alone reached a team.

At the critical moment of life and death, human nature is twisted into an invisible monster. The moment the monk let go, Qian Hua rushed forward and hit Zheng Tie's body.

With the help of Zheng Tie's cover, Qian Hua ignored Boss Qian's warning and ran straight out of the protective circle.


Brother Wu reached out and grabbed the person, trying to get him back, but he didn't know that Qian Hua had made up his mind to leave.

Facing Brother Wu's obstruction, a dagger slipped from his sleeve and stabbed Brother Wu.

Brother Wu escaped quickly enough, but he could only watch Qian Hua running in the direction he came.

"Qian Hua, you idiot!"

Accompanied by Boss Qian's anger, the rain of arrows has come.

The formation was interrupted, and the current situation was equivalent to Zheng Tie rushing to the front.

Looking at the dense arrows, Zheng Tie's face was almost frozen with deathly silence. He raised his hand and waved the knife, without looking back, he just shouted.

"You go!"

If he could resist for a moment, he would have given his brother a chance to escape.

"Zheng Tie!"

Brother Wu shouted at the top of his lungs.

Gritting his teeth and enduring the taste of iron in his mouth, he had to protect the caravan and retreat.

But how could the demon cultivator give these fish in the net a chance to escape?

The arrows carrying spiritual power easily suppressed people in place, unable to move, as if they were playing a trick. As long as they tried to leave, an arrow would be nailed to their feet.

Those who reacted slowly had their insteps pierced by arrows and were pinned to the spot, wailing miserably.

Another slash, after splitting an arrow with difficulty, Zheng Tie sighed in relief as he watched the unavoidable attack.

Chu Shuang used a whip, but Chu Shuang, who was targeted, saw Zheng Tie dying, and all he felt was the sadness that was beyond the reach of the whip.

An arrow magnified in Zheng Tie's pupil.

This arrow will penetrate his head and scatter his brain to the ground.

After a moment of stiffness, his body will collapse weakly, splashing dust, and then blood will flow under his body until the ground is completely soaked.

He will die with regret.

At the moment of death, Zheng Tie thought absentmindedly.


A soft sigh rang in his ears. Zheng Tie's shoulders were held down. With a gentle movement, his body, which was locked by the pressure of the demonic cultivator and could not move, returned to Brother Wu and others.

Someone supported him, and there were some people's inquiries in his ears.

Zheng Tie looked at the figure standing in front of everyone in a daze.

The usually visible green clothes are not gorgeous, but wrap around a slender and tall body, as unshakable as a mountain.

The girl stood with a sword in hand, a slight look of helplessness in her eyebrows.

I just want to experience the world of mortals and encounter these troubles. (End of chapter)

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