"Miss Lu..."

Brother Wu looked moved. He never expected that Lu Yun would be the one to stand up in the end.

Although Lu Yun's current situation is the best, how can she deal with the demon cultivator who is obviously trying to kill them.

He tried to say something, but saw Lu Yun wave his sword lightly.

The air seemed to freeze, and the fierce sword energy swept upwards, colliding with those arrows.

The powerful spiritual power shattered the arrows in the air, and with a dull impact, the arrows turned into fragments and fell to the ground.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the entire canyon was almost frozen, leaving only the strong wind floating, and everyone looked at the woman.

Then they all saw that the long sword made of ordinary iron was cracking inch by inch in Lu Yun's hand.

After this infusion of spiritual power, the mortal sword could not withstand the force and broke.

As the fragments fell, they were caught by Lu Yun's sleeve and thrown out with his backhand.

The palm-sized fragments struck back in the direction of the demon cultivator with overwhelming force.

The Demon Cultivator, who had been able to play with ease just now, and even played tricks on everyone, suddenly changed his face at this moment. He retreated crazily, raised his bow and shot an arrow, and several arrows were shot out.

The fragments and arrows collided together, and the arrows that the demon cultivator had placed high hopes on turned into powder all over the sky without even touching it.

The demon cultivator's eyes widened in fear, blood flowed from his body, and he added several layers of defense to himself in the blink of an eye.

But this still couldn't stop Lu Yun's attack.

Click, click!
Everyone heard the sound of something breaking, mixed with the sound of some flesh and blood being cut.

Blood was flying, the jade crown on his head was shattered, and the demon cultivator's hair was covered with wounds. The blood soaked him into a bloody man.

He looked at Lu Yun in horror, with an uncontrollable tremor in his voice.

"Senior, I was wrong. Please, please let me go."

The flowing blood gathered at his feet, and the strong smell of blood occupied people's breath. Amidst the demon cultivator's begging for mercy, countless gasps were heard.

One move, just one move!
Those people looked at Lu Yun's back with awe and inquiry.

Who would have thought that there would be such a powerful monk hiding in a mere caravan.

Standing at the gathering point of all eyes, Lu Yun's expression remained unchanged. She looked at the demon cultivator and walked slowly over.

"Why do you want to intercept and kill us here?"

Although demon cultivators act without scruples, killing these useless ordinary people is not even fun, and most of them don't bother to do it.

After all, who can get pleasure out of squeezing an ant to death?

And this person is obviously waiting here specifically.

"No, it's not me. I'm just following orders."

He struggled to formulate the words in his dry throat. Seeing Lu Yun so close at hand, the demon cultivator was trembling with fear.

Under the other person's gaze, he could hardly resist the urge to kneel down.

He wants to run!
But his intuition told him that if he dared to move, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Huh? Whose orders are you taking?"

Lu Yun asked curiously.

In the entire canyon, there were only two people asking and answering questions. Chu Shuang stood a few steps away from Lu Yun, looking at Lu Yun with strong desire in her eyes.

When did she become so powerful?

"They are from the Fierce Demon Palace."

"With this canyon as the starting point, everyone who steps here will be intercepted and killed."

Mo Xiu spoke quickly, fearing that Lu Yun would end him if he didn't get what he wanted.

"Fierce Demon Palace?"

"What do they want to do?"

Although there were many mortals present, they all knew the reputation of the Fierce Demon Palace.

As one of the five sects of the Demonic Way, the Fierce Demon Palace has the most notorious reputation. Its disciples are cruel and cold-blooded, and get whatever they want by killing.

Among the five demon sects, it is also the most infamous one.

"I, I don't know."

"I only know that they have blocked all ground routes leading to the poisonous swamp." Most of the monks travel by treasure ships. For example, the most important thing for the divine array sect is the teleportation array, and those with high cultivation levels can tear through the void and travel through space. .

There are very few people like Lu Yun who choose to travel by land.

Mortal monks belong to two lines, which will not intersect unless necessary.

It seems that the Fierce Demon Palace has not blocked the airspace, otherwise it would have attracted the attention of the Nanyang Gang Sect.

"What's in the Poison Swamp?"

Lu Yun asked again.

She thought that that thing was probably related to "mortals".

The poisonous water swamp is located on the boundary of Nanyang, but it is not very fast from Dongzhou. It can be reached by going through the canyon and taking a slightly deviated route.

The original route of the caravan would not pass through there.

This person is staying here, he would rather kill him by mistake than let him go.

"I, I don't know either."

"And senior, I'm just a gatekeeper. There are more people waiting in front."

He is a foundation-building monk who can kill mortals. If he encounters such an unexpected situation, he can only let people go.

It's like fighting a level BOSS, and there are people guarding the level ahead.

They were determined not to let anyone get close to the poisonous swamp, even if they broke the rules and attacked mortals.

Seeing Lu Yun meditating, the demon cultivator may have felt that Lu Yun was shaken. He rolled his eyes and took out something to crush while Lu Yun was not paying attention to him.

In the blink of an eye, the wounds on his body started to bleed again.

The blood turned into blood mist and enveloped him. He spat out a mouthful of blood, and his whole body gradually became illusory in the blood mist.

This is blood escape, and it is also the best escape method for the disciples of Fierce Demon Palace. The figure of the demon cultivator is disappearing.

The look he looked at Lu Yun was once again filled with sinister color.

"You can't run away."

No one who knows the truth can escape!

Eyes full of evil thoughts fell on Lu Yun. Lu Yun didn't take it seriously, and she wasn't prepared to let him leave.

Taking a step forward, a short sword appeared in his hand.

The jet-black dagger is like a king reaping secretly, easily penetrating the illusory blood mist and reaching the most fundamental soul.

When the opponent's air and blood escape is about to leave, the tail needle will end the opponent's life.

A huge head just fell off and rolled to the ground. Blood sprayed from the neck. Lu Yun waved his sleeves to isolate all the blood.

The scene was quiet again for a moment.

Even Chu Shuang, who had been observing Lu Yun, couldn't see clearly how Lu Yun took action.

She has never seen the tail needle, and she has not yet been able to identify Lu Yun.

However, after the demon cultivator died, Chu Shuang did not continue to hold on, but let her limp body lean against Li Xinwan.

Not far away, Song Hang was peeping at Lu Yun.

At the mouth of the canyon, Qian Hua, who had escaped, stood stunned.

He moved his steps, as if he wanted to come back, but he thought about how he had insulted Lu Yun before.

For a time, Qian Hua's complicated emotions put him in a dilemma.

Lu Yun was not prepared to argue with Qian Hua.

Now that her strength was exposed, she didn't cover it up anymore. She raised her toes, stepped on the cliff, and reached the top in a few jumps.

On both sides of the cliff, blood pooled and corpses piled up.

Many people died here, and the strangeness I felt after entering the canyon was explained.

"He is a man who steals the sky."

Chu Shuang said as she reluctantly followed.

This group of robbers was indeed waiting here, but unfortunately they died in the hands of that demon cultivator.

Diantian can be regarded as a local snake around here, with a bit of reputation, and the people in Fierce Demon Palace really don't leave anyone behind in order to prevent the news from leaking out. (End of chapter)

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