"Senior, what should we do now?"

Looking at the tragic dead bodies all over the floor, Chu Shuang looked at Lu Yun's respectfully.


Just as Lu Yung spoke, he suddenly turned around and the tail needle came out of his hand, throwing it directly towards Brother Wu and others who were unaware of it below.

The dagger flew across like a shooting star and reached the finish line in the blink of an eye. A bug flying towards Brother Ang's heart was killed by Lu Yun.

The pin behind the tail was nailed to the ground, and Lu Yun recalled it on the way down.

"Who, come out!"

Her voice was cold and cold, with murderous intent.

"Haha, little girl, which family are you from?" The deep laughter echoed in the canyon, like a sharp blade scraping across the skin, causing pain.

But the man didn't come out.

The moment the faint flute sounded, Lu Yun increased his speed and headed in a certain direction, where a strong demonic energy was rolling.

"Really sharp."

"Let me guess, Lishuijian? No, although you have a nice face, I can't stand Lishuijian."

"It's not from Bodhi Cave. Those idiots probably haven't found anything yet?"

"God formation gate? No idea?"

"Well, it doesn't look like you know how to form, and you don't seem to know how to perform illusions. Maybe you're not from Nanyang's sect."

"No, no, you are from Dongzhou."

The man kept talking and the flute stopped playing. With these disturbing words, it is easy to disturb people's hearts.

Lu Yun had no reaction to these sonic attacks.

Attacks against the soul, under her extremely strong sword heart, could not shake her at all.

Letting the opponent continue to guess, Lu Yun had already locked onto the opponent's location, and the needle behind his tail came out like a ghost, easily tearing open the opponent's neck.

Lu Yun, who sealed her throat with a sword, had a dark light in her eyes. She didn't feel the joy of winning, but quickly withdrew.

The sound of flutes all around became much louder.

And the corpse collapsed in front of Lu Yun, turning into bright red bugs the size of fingernails, dancing in the air in groups.

The buzzing sound was very weak, but like a sharp needle, it easily penetrated the eardrums and reached the depths of the mind.

"Ah, no, don't..."

Amidst the miserable shouts, Qian Hua, who was separated from the main force, fell to the ground and rolled over, clutching his head.

Rich blood flowed from the other party's body, and he instantly turned into a bloody man Qian Hua, and his wailing voice began to fall silent.

"Dad, I don't want to die, save me, save..."

He stretched out his hand in the direction of Boss Qian, his eyes full of despair and regret.

The fear of death condensed in the pupils, and the eyeballs turned rapidly and bulged.


The eyeball exploded, and the minced meat was sprinkled on Qian Hua's cheek and flowed freely. Everyone could see that something was bulging under Qian Hua's skin.

One, another.

They greedily absorbed nutrients from human flesh and blood to strengthen their bodies, while the parasitized Qian Hua's body twisted like maggots, twitching on the ground.

Everyone watching knew the torture he was in now.

Qian Hua was speechless. A large amount of blood spread out under his body. In this bright red, Qian Hua's body stopped twitching.

Faced with the death of his son, Boss Qian's body was in a state of shaky condition. He held on, without saying a word, but he could tell from his red eyes that he was not feeling well.

At this moment, the Gu worms crawling under the skin broke out of their cocoons and joined the large army under the control of the sound of the flute.

At this moment, the sky is filled with Gu insects.

They flew above the crowd, changing their formations in response to the sound of the flute.

Lu Yun, Chu Shuang and others had already gathered together. Looking at the dense crowd of Gu insects, Lu Yun looked gloomy.

"Blood Demon Gu."

She spit out these three words.Blood Demon Gu is also one of the most dangerous weapons in the Fierce Demon Palace. This kind of Gu appears in groups. How strong the group can grow depends entirely on the strength of the owner who raises them.

There will be a female voodoo in every group of voodoos. Unless the mother voodoo is killed, the voodoos will not disappear.

Once contacted by these bugs, the voodoo bugs will lay eggs in the flesh and blood, hatch and break out of the cocoon.

The whole process can be accomplished in just a few seconds.

Scanning those Gu insects, the existence of the mother Gu could not be seen among the insects of the same size. Not surprisingly, the mother Gu should be on the person hiding in the dark.

Chu Shuang took out a talisman and stuck it on her whip, shook it, and the whip burst into flames.

For these sinister things, it is best to use fire to restrain them.

It's a pity that her skills are not biased towards the fire element, and she can only use foreign objects to assist.

"Awan, Song Hang, accompany me to fight."

The successive incidents made Awan's face turn pale, and the arrogant Song Hang stayed quietly in the team like a quail.

This meeting was called by Chu Shuang, but he just pretended not to hear it, lowered his head and trembled all over.

He fears.

He dare not.

He cannot die.

All kinds of dark thoughts passed in his mind, Song Hang gasped, and remained silent while Chu Shuang shouted again.


Seeing Song Hang's scared look, Chu Shuang was speechless at this moment.

She was silent, pretending not to notice, standing next to Lu Yun with the weapon in hand, frowning at the Gu insects.

"Why don't they take action?"

The flute sound controlling these Gu insects has always been there, but the Gu insects did not attack them, and the person who liked to talk in the dark made no sound.


Lu Yun spit out one word.


What are you waiting for?
Chu Shuang was still about to ask when she saw Lu Yun's cold side face and a pair of gloomy eyes.

Time flows in the canyon, except for the sound of the Gu insects flapping their wings above the head, there is only the strong wind passing through the canyon.

I don’t know if it was an illusion, but as time went by, the wind became stronger and stronger.

"Haha, you are so patient."

"If you don't come out, don't blame me for leaving no one behind!"

After all, the demon cultivator hiding in the dark lost his patience, and the sound of the flute suddenly turned violent.

The Gu insects above came out in full force, covering everyone like the sky and the earth.

The flames rose, and the whip danced like air.

The talisman paper was consumed quickly. Chu Shuang enchanted his whip one by one, relying on the flame to temporarily resist the attack of the Gu insects.

Li Xinwan was cooperating with Chu Shuang's attack. Compared to Song Hang's incompetence, Li Xinwan was able to fight back.

Lu Yun still held the tail needle. She did not attack with all her strength, but only eliminated some fish that slipped through the net.

Thanks to the efforts of the three people, the protected caravan was temporarily safe.

Perhaps he was aware of the difficulty Lu Yun and others were having. The flute played again, and the tone changed from high to low. After listening to it for a long time, it always felt a bit sad.

The sound of the flute entered people's hearts leisurely, catalyzing the irritability and fear in people's hearts.

Someone in the team couldn't help but take a step out of Lu Yun's protective circle, and in the next second, he was wrapped in a Gu insect and devoured.

Compared to Qian Hua's misery, the person in front of him died more simply. The flesh and blood all over his body was turned into blood and eaten to cultivate the Gu worms. What was left was nothing but a blood-stained white bone.

"Cover your ears."

The booming sound exploded in the air, like the fury of thunder, dispelling those weird flute sounds, Boss Qian took back his half-stepped foot, and his eyes were full of joy after the disaster.

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