Little Junior Sister Society fears but draws sword

Chapter 204 Disciple with no ambition

Someone else came.

The people in the caravan followed the visitor's instructions and covered their ears.

Lu Yun looked at the person coming from the sky.

The clothes are different, but everyone wears the same token, and a golden flower is carved on the blue and white token.

The flower has double petals, the golden petals are folded inward, and the stamens inside are crystal clear.

There is spiritual power in the token that makes that flower appear to be alive.

The Huanyan Flower is a spiritual flower cultivated without thinking.

I heard that the illusion technique practiced by Wuxiangchu's disciples was born from this illusion flower.

True and false are just like illusions without thinking, difficult to distinguish.

After seeing these people, Lu Yun was no longer anxious.

She said, even if the people in the Fierce Demon Palace were very careful and intercepted and killed only mortals, there is no airtight wall in this world.

Now it can be regarded as the territory of Nanyang. It is not the first time that this kind of thing has happened. If the Nanyang sect has not responded at all, it would be unreasonable.

But this place is at the junction of Dongzhou and Nanyang, and it is not good for anyone to intervene too much, so this gave the demon cultivator an opportunity to take advantage of.

"We are disciples of Wuxiangchu, you don't have to worry."

It was a woman's voice, cold, and what she saw when she looked over was a face made of ice.

The woman made a backhand seal, but she didn't see anything done, and the surrounding environment changed.

Still in the canyon, the frightening Gu insects disappeared, and the flute sound that affected people's hearts could hardly be heard.

"No, are you all right?"

Zheng Tie swallowed his saliva and looked at Lu Yun subconsciously.

How could they have imagined that the person who helped them in the end was Lu Yun, whom they had always wanted to protect.

This good fate has yielded good results.

Facing Zheng Tie's inquiry, Lu Yun just shook her head.

Others may not be able to see it, but she can clearly see that the so-called disappearance of the Gu insects is just an illusion.

Their existence was temporarily obscured by illusions, which were not very clever and were only used to confuse the Gu insects.

To put it simply, the targets of these Wuxiangchu disciples are those who secretly manipulate Gu worms, and helping them is just a matter of convenience.

And how long this convenient kindness can protect them depends on fate.

After all, according to Lu Yun, these disciples who came from Wuxiangxu were no match for the man in the dark.

These people should be her contemporaries.

Guessing, Lu Yun did not reveal any more intentions for the time being, but occasionally stepped aside and crushed a few Gu insects that had broken through the illusion to death.

She watched the battle outside with her spiritual sense.

The use of illusion does not require close contact. You may be in the illusion before you know it.

However, the battle between these two sides is somewhat special.

The enemy is hiding in the dark and remains motionless. The illusion can't find a specific target, so it can only tentatively cover the surrounding area, trying to quietly pull people into the illusion.

The result of this is that, to outsiders, there is little movement on both sides.

In his spiritual consciousness, Lu Yun could see that the surrounding environment was changing little by little. The ultimate form of illusion was not to mix the fake with the real, but to make the fake become the real.

It has been heard that the place of nowhere thought is a huge illusion, and so far no one has been able to see what the real place of no thought looks like.

But there is time for this kind of temptation.

"Got you."

Lu Yun heard the woman say something, and then a stone somewhere on the canyon cliff came loose, and a man in green robe appeared there.

There was no blood on his pale face, and there were obvious bruises under his eyes. It looked like his whole body had been hollowed out.

Kidney deficiency.This was the first thought after seeing the man in green robe.

The suggestive gaze made the man in green robe look extremely embarrassed.

After being discovered, he did not hide away. He held a jade flute in his hand and looked at those people in Wuxiang with a sinister look.

"Just you little guys want to catch me? Dreaming!"

When the words fell, the flute played again.

The Gu insects that were relatively docile just now turned into crazy monsters. They gathered in the air, merged, and turned into a blood-colored monster, attacking the disciples who had no idea.

The speed was extremely fast, with a bloody storm.

Unlike sword cultivators who have extremely strong close combat abilities, for those who practice illusion, once they are approached by an enemy, it is equivalent to being captured without a fight.

So these disciples retreated quickly.

The figures of several people disappeared into the air, and the illusion covered the surrounding space, making it impossible for the man in green robe to find their whereabouts for a while.

Now that he had changed his hiding place, the man in green robe couldn't help but sneer.

"I just want to see if you can watch these losers die."

The blood beast diverted in the air, and arrived at the caravan and others in the blink of an eye.

Apparently the layer of illusion covering their bodies has been broken.

The blood beast opened its bloody mouth and bit it in the air, and the stinky smell hit their faces. Several people couldn't hold it in and rolled their eyes and fainted.

The moment the illusion was torn apart, most of the remaining people's legs were trembling.

Lu Yun took a step forward at this moment, holding the tail needle in his hand. His figure disappeared beside Zheng Tie like a ghost, and then reappeared inside the blood beast.

Lu Yun held her breath as the fishy smell took over her breath. The needle at the back of the tail easily tore open the blood beast's body, and the sharp dagger was like a scythe reaping death.

Large swaths of Gu insects withered around Lu Yun, turning into powder and disappearing.

With Lu Yun as the center, a huge hole appeared in the huge blood beast's body.

The torn blood beast could not maintain its animal form and turned into a Gu worm again.

Looking at a Gu worm that landed on her arm, Lu Yun crushed it with sword energy expressionlessly.

The other party's methods were not enough in her eyes.

The dagger was as fast as the wind in Lu Yun's hand. Lu Yun, who was holding the sword in his backhand, reached the green-robed man at the moment when his speed increased dramatically.

A sword pierced the opponent's heart. While the opponent was avoiding it, he grabbed it with another hand.

The five fingers are like steel, pressing the man so hard that he can't move.

The man in green robe didn't seem to expect that he would be caught so quickly, panic appeared on his face, and his voice was filled with panic.

"who are you?"

Faced with this question, Lu Yun still did not give an answer.

The sword intention turned into thin threads and wrapped around the man in green robe. The moment the opponent used Bleeding Escape, the sword intention condensed into a cage, imprisoning the man in it and cutting off his escape route.


In the face of absolute strength, whether it is a Gu insect or a blood escaper, they are all clown-like existences.

The man in green robe realized that he had provoked someone he shouldn't have provoked, his face turned gray and his body was full of deathly aura.

"What are you people from Fierce Demon Palace doing?"

While Lu Yun was asking, the disciples from Wuxiangxuan also appeared, and they looked at Lu Yun with complicated expressions.
He seemed to not understand how a random monk on the road could easily control the man in green robes.

The man in green robe, who was at a disadvantage, could no longer escape. He looked at Lu Yun fiercely, with unwillingness in his eyes.

The needle behind the tail was rotated on the opponent's neck, and a circular blood line appeared on the opponent's neck. The cut was not deep, and the artery was intact, but under the dripping blood, the man in green robe felt the dagger on his neck. The bloodthirsty atmosphere.

The owner of the sword seemed to be warning him, telling him to be careful about his next words.

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