"Haha, isn't this great? After sitting in a well and looking at the sky for a long time, you need to see the world."

Standing still will be punished.

Looking at Lu Yun who had restrained his aura, Yao Huai narrowed his eyes and was very satisfied.

The other party knew his thoughts and deliberately cooperated with him. This made Yao Huai look forward to how these disciples of Wuxiangxu would suffer in Lu Yun's hands.

Self-confidence can only be stronger and more pure when you knock it down and pick it up again.

Lu Yun was reticent most of the time when it came to strangers, and she had a cold temperament. Except for Yao Huai and Zhai Xing who came up to her, she rarely took the initiative to talk to people.

On the way forward, the others carefully explored the surroundings, but Lu Yun occasionally left the team just to collect some poisonous weeds.

This wanton attitude has already caused dissatisfaction among some disciples.

Everyone is following the rules, so why are you the only one?

Lu Yun stepped on the swamp, and her spiritual power covered her feet, which allowed them to walk on the swamp as if they were on flat ground.

Even so, you still have to be careful. There are many poisonous insects hidden in these soft mud, and you will be infected if you are not careful.

After pointing like a sword and cutting into pieces a sneak attack of a poisonous insect, Lu Yun noticed movement beside her.

"Ah, I'm sorry, Senior Sister Lu, are you okay?"

Lu Yun looked at the crushed bug that fell at her feet, and then looked at the dirty things on her body. Lu Yun looked at the person who spoke with calm eyes.

He was a male disciple, I vaguely remember his name was Zeng Jin, and some people called him Senior Brother Zeng.

Just now, Zeng Jin deliberately lured a poisonous insect to her side. When she was about to take action, the other party quickly killed the poisonous insect.

All the liquid that caused the poisonous insects to splash was spilled on his body.

In addition to the mess on her clothes, there was also some bodily fluids on the back of her hands. In the poisonous swamp, almost everything contained toxins.

Even the body fluids of a bug are poisonous.

However, after a slight contact, the back of her hand turned a faint black-purple color. It was obvious that the poison was not light. If she was bitten directly, it would be very troublesome.

"Senior Sister Lu, it's all my fault. It's my fault. I didn't help you in time and you were poisoned."

Zeng Jin said this again, but no matter how he sounded, it sounded like he was mocking.

It seems to be saying that the number 1 of the peer group that I promised was so weak that I couldn't deal with the poisonous insects and even got myself poisoned.

Facing Zeng Jin's sneer eyes, Lu Yun used her spiritual power to force the poison out of her hands.

The dark blood fell into the swamp and mixed with the muddy water, making a corrosive sound.

This sound made some people look strange.

Listening to the movement of poison, people who are poisoned shouldn't be as relaxed as Lu Yun.

Zeng Jin also had some doubts in his eyes.

But after thinking about it for a moment, Zeng Jin gave up the possibility that the other party could easily suppress the toxin.

After all, he had observed that the other party had just taken a beat before taking action.

This kind of reaction speed is still a sword cultivator, and he is not afraid of being laughed at.

Hiding his pride, Zeng Jin wanted to apologize, but saw Lu Yun glance at him. The look was particularly cold, which made Zeng Jin stunned for a moment.

When she realized what she was doing, Lu Yun had already moved forward.

"Tch, he is indeed a strong-willed person."

Zeng Jin said, his tone sounded like he was showing off.

The so-called No.1, after being provoked by his little move, didn't even have the courage to come back. It was simply embarrassing.

"Senior Brother Zeng is amazing."

"Yes, yes, if you ask me, then Lu Yun's reputation is in vain."

They have never cooperated with Lu Yun, and everything about Lu Yun is just hearsay.In their eyes, they are peers and disciples of the nine major sects, so naturally they are all talented beings.

Even if there is a gap between them, how can it be different?

They said that Lu Yun could crush all his peers. After testing, they believed that the rumors were exaggerated.

Lu Yun, who was considered embarrassing, now approached Yao Huai.

Lu Yun knew the other party's idea of ​​using him to sharpen those disciples, and was willing to cooperate. The problem was.

"How much leeway do you want me to give you?"

She asked Yao Huai.

She is not a kind person. It is impossible for her not to fight back when those people make trouble for her. Asking questions is to give Yao Huai face and psychological preparation.

After performing a Cleansing Technique to make her body clean again, Lu Yun heard Yao Huai's voice.

"Ahem, it will be fine if you don't die or get hurt."

For monks, as long as they don't die, as long as there are no problems at all, they can recover as before by feeding them some elixirs.

"it is good."

Lu Yun expressed understanding.

Then in front of everyone, Lu Yun left the team again.

This time someone did not choose to endure it, but pointed it out.

"Senior Brother Yao, why did she leave again? Wouldn't she be able to alert the enemy?"

"That's right, who knows where those demon cultivators are hiding? It's so unruly for her to come and go so freely!"

"If you want me to see it, I shouldn't have brought her with me. I really don't think I'm very capable."

"If a person like this stays in the team, who will be responsible if something goes wrong."

When someone spoke up, others naturally followed suit, especially some people who, under Zeng Jin's hint, deliberately escalated the conflict.

"What are you talking about? Senior Sister Lu is different from us. She has a sense of proportion."

Zhai Xing, on the other hand, frowned and looked a little depressed looking at those disciples.

They started to think they were right after just a few words of instruction. These disciples had stayed in a place of no thought for so long that they had forgotten how cruel it was outside.

As long as they think about it carefully, Lu Yun's shadow can almost be found in some of the recent major events that have shocked the world of cultivation.

And Lu Yun, who got involved in these dangerous things, escaped unscathed every time and improved her cultivation. How can such a person be ordinary?

No brains, no eyesight.

This is Zhai Xing's evaluation of his brothers and sisters.

"Senior Sister Zhai, you really think of her as your senior sister. Don't forget that she is not someone we have no ambitions for."

"Maybe you just want to come in with us to get some benefits."

Regardless of whether the Suzaku remains are true or false, there will definitely be something to gain this time.

And this is on the territory of Nanyang, what does it have to do with her Hidden Sword Sect.

Everyone in the world says that swordsmen are warlike and unstoppable.

But in their opinion, only Lu Yun, a sword cultivator, could make waves here.

Their contempt for Lu Yun was based on their belief that "seeing is believing", but they didn't know that what they saw at this moment was Lu Yun's deliberate performance.

For Lu Yun, this was the cost of taking her into the poisonous swamp without thinking.

At this moment, Lu Yun, who was hiding in the dark, heard the arguments between those people.

She didn't waste much time, crushed a pill, and used her spiritual power to wrap it in the wind. Following the wind, the powder reached the disciple of Wuxiangchu.

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