Little Junior Sister Society fears but draws sword

Chapter 208 The attack of poisonous insects

How tough these people are can be proven by their strength.

Lu Yun used a poison pill, which was harmless to the human body and colorless and odorless. However, to some poisonous insects, it was like the light in the dark and the nectar in the honeycomb, bright and sweet.

In order to have a good meal, they will follow the smell and come here.


Lu Yun looked at the tiny bubbles that began to emerge from the swamp, and then looked at the disciples who were still arguing and had no reaction at all, Lu Yun raised her eyebrows.

If this was a disciple of her Hidden Sword Sect, she would have struck out with her sword.

But it cannot be compared like this.

In Liu Ru's words, the Hidden Sword Sect has a being like her who is involved in life and death and never wants to stop for a moment. The other disciples all set her as their goal and work hard.

Under her guidance, the disciples of the Hidden Sword Sect became even more outstanding than in the original text. Coupled with the sword cultivator's sensitive perception of the outside world, in this environment, the disciples of the Hidden Sword Sect can react very well.

Thinking about this, Lu Yun missed the disciples of the Hidden Sword Sect a little bit.

Lu Yun didn't remind him. Zeng Jin and others didn't know about this movement. Yao Huai would definitely find out that the other party was thinking about watching a good show.

"Hiss... what is it?"

A man who was following Zeng Jin and trying to "argue against" Lu Yun but failed suddenly cried out in pain.

He looked down and found something biting his ankle.

Looking at the wound, there was blood, but it was not black.

If it were any other place, the disciple would have been happy to see this wound, but now, his face began to turn pale.

In the poisonous swamp, being hurt by poison is not terrible. After all, who wouldn't prepare some antidote pills in a place like this.

But here, if you encounter something non-toxic...

"Fuck, what the hell, my feet!"

"Did you see it? I didn't see anything!"

"Me too."

"Damn, what the hell, it hurts!"

It hurt, even if it was just a small wound, it hurt so much that their whole bodies became weak and their souls were trembling.

"It's the Soul Eater."

Zhai Xing's expression was solemn. She glanced at Yao Huai and saw that the other person's expression had nothing to do with him. He obviously didn't bother to take action.

But this also gave Zhai Xing some confidence.

Soul-eating insects are indeed non-toxic to the human body to a certain extent, but this thing is aimed at the power of the soul.

Taking a bite is equivalent to stealing a little bit of your soul. Although it is just a bite, the damage caused is negligible.

But it can't resist so many soul-eating insects.

Someone has discovered that the bugs hiding in the mud are long and thin, seemingly transparent, and cannot be seen without looking carefully.

As these bugs bite them, the bug's body changes to a milky white color, causing the wound to become more painful.

Everyone's heads were buzzing, and one or two of them were cursing.

This thing usually lives in the depths of swamps, how could it appear here?

However, Zeng Jin and others were not panicked.

This kind of bug is actually easy to deal with. As long as the body surface is covered with spiritual power, it can effectively prevent those bugs from biting.

Sure enough, when everyone used spiritual power to protect their bodies, those bugs could only come back in vain when they bumped into them.

"That's it?"

Someone sneered: "It's not a big deal."

As he finished speaking, something floated to his nose, like finely divided phosphorus powder. Before his brain could react, he took a breath.

After those things fell into the lungs, they exuded a sweet fragrance that made people, no, insects smell it, and moved their index fingers.

Rustling, dense sounds sounded, coming from above the head. Someone looked up and exclaimed.

"My God, what is this?" A group of pale golden butterflies appeared above them at some unknown time. The butterflies were fluttering their wings, and the edges of their wings showed a dark golden color. As they fluttered, phosphorus powder fell down.

In the sunlight, the wings of these butterflies look like golden veils, which are particularly beautiful and dreamy.

But no one appreciates the beauty.

"It's a dark gold disc."

Dark Gold Disk, one of the overlords of the poisonous swamp, has no interest in humans and only feeds on soul-eating insects.

However, because the Soul-Eating Insects lurk deep in the swamp, they are difficult to detect. In order to capture prey, the phosphorus powder on the Dark Gold Disk evolved into a food attractant that can attract the Soul-Eating Insects.

And this time, this food attractant will be inhaled into the bodies of these people.

"No, it's coming again!"

"Senior Brother Zeng, what should we do?"

Several people who gathered around Zeng Jin subconsciously sought Zeng Jin's help.

They hurriedly drove away the soul-eating insects.

Even spiritual power cannot block the emanation of that strange fragrance. The attractants and humans merge into one, which causes them to turn into the most delicious food in the eyes of these soul-eating insects.

The insects that were already ready to move in the swamp ended their initial testing and began to attack crazily.

They pounced forward, and on their slender body and head, you could see a mouth full of fine fangs.

The mouth bit everyone's body surface, and at the moment they closed their mouths, they tore off a small part of their spiritual power passport.

one, two...

Countless soul-eating insects rushed out from below, treating them as the richest food, and began to prepare for eating.

Some disciples couldn't bear it and wanted to escape from the air, but the dark gold disks above were also watching with eager eyes.

Just because Dark Gold Disc doesn't eat humans doesn't mean it's harmless to humans.

Their wings are extremely sharp and can easily cut through the body of a foundation-building monk.

While escaping, a disciple collided with a dark gold disk. The butterfly's wings moved slightly, and a bone-deep wound appeared on the disciple's arm.

The disciple screamed and fell back.

There is no way in the world.

For a moment, many disciples were at a loss.

"What are you doing in a daze, do it."

Zhai Xing scolded, very disappointed with the slowness of some of the disciples.

Flowers that have been in the greenhouse for a long time are faced with the violent storm of the outside world as soon as they come out, and they are unable to even basic resistance.

The illusion was condensed into weapons, and Zhai Xing was killing those soul-eating insects.

As long as they don't take the initiative to attack, Dark Gold Disk and them should be able to live in peace. These butterflies are also waiting for the soul-eating insects to be consumed.

So they just need to use all their strength to deal with these soul-eating insects.

A large number of soul-eating insect corpses fell into the swamp. At the moment when they were about to sink, the dark gold disc above surged.

Countless butterflies passed through the queue in overwhelming numbers.

They have no ill intentions towards these humans, but the inadvertent fluttering of a butterfly's wings can cause horrific injuries to some disciples.

Screams continued one after another, and the damage caused unintentionally by the dark gold disk made some disciples relax their use of spiritual shields. This also caused those soul-eating insects to swarm in like cats that smelled a fishy smell.

For a while, there were screams one after another.

In this tragic situation, no one noticed that an umbrella was opened in the sky, blocking all movement here.

The brilliance of the curtain umbrella was restrained to the extreme by Lu Yun.

Seeing the unlucky appearance of those disciples, she held her tail needle and occasionally threw out a sword energy to ensure that those disciples would not really die here.

A lesson? Of course, it must be given enough to be unforgettable.

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