"Tsk, how cruel!"

Even though he was prepared, Yao Huai felt cold all over when he saw this scene.

Sure enough, once you provoke fellow Daoist Lu, the end will be tragic.

But by saying this, Yao Huai was fishing for fish, and of course he had to teach him enough lessons at once.

Just when the disciples were miserable, the sound of slight footsteps sounded, it was Lu Yun who was leaving and returning.

She was still holding a few medicinal herbs in her hand, looking at the lively scene with curious eyes.

"Are these bugs difficult to deal with?"

Lu Yun's voice was clear and clear, like ice and snow braving the cold. It could be captured by everyone in this chaotic scene.

Hearing these words that were sarcastic or questioning, Zeng Jin's eyes turned red.

"Senior Sister Lu, are you kidding?"

Zeng Jin's expression was always saying that you should go ahead.

The transformed weapon was in Zeng Jin's hands, driving away those dark gold discs with difficulty, and had to take care of the soul-eating insects at his feet.

As more and more phosphorus powder fell, the soul-eating insects in the swamp turned their bellies, eager for a meal.

The pain from the soul made Zeng Jin's head throb. He endured the pain and stared at Lu Yun angrily.

After glancing at Zeng Jin, Lu Yun took out Han Jiangxue.

The snow-white long sword trembled slightly as it sensed its owner's thoughts, and a cold air fell into the world. Lu Yun stood there and swung out the sword.

The wind started blowing in the forest, bringing frost and snow.

The snow falling on the world easily freezes the dark gold discs in the sky. The crystal ice wraps the dark gold discs' beautiful bodies and turns them into statues with eternal marks.

Those dark gold discs couldn't get even half a step closer to Lu Yun.

As for the Soul-eating Insects in the swamp below, they were strangled by Lu Yun's sword energy and they didn't dare to even get close, let alone touch them.

Carrying the Ling Han Sword Intent, Lu Yun walked back to the team and came to Zeng Jin.

"is it hard?"

she asked, genuine confusion in her tone.

The eyes without any emotion were as clear as ever, like clear lake water, reflecting the filth of the world.

"You... are so weak."

Straightforward words are more lethal than shouting. In front of Zeng Jin, Han Jiangxue appears again, so they see the rumored snow falling on the world.

The flying snow in the sky brought with it the cold air that could wipe out life, and fell on this land. The cold wind blew, and some people shivered in the cold.

Zeng Jin saw that the soul-eating insects that were driven crazy by the attractants were evacuating as if they were seeing natural enemies, trying to get away from here.

The dark gold saucer above the head, the part that escaped the freezing, fluttered its wings and flew into the sky, its wings shining golden in the sun, became a lost dream.

Zeng Jin was in a daze.

He saw the people in front of him calmly sheathing their swords, and the crisis that they thought was too difficult to deal with was easily resolved in Lu Yun's hands.

The only embarrassment on her body was the sleeves stained by mud and water when picking herbs.

The girl's tall and slender figure is like a green pine standing proudly in the winter snow, without any twists and turns.

There was a moment of silence.

A snowflake fell on Zeng Jin's cheek, gradually melting with the body temperature.

The cold snow water seemed to soak into his bones, making Zeng Jin's body tremble uncontrollably.

He looked at Lu Yun, opened his mouth, and the sound he made was out of tune.

Seeing Zeng Jin looking stunned, Lu Yun raised her eyebrows and spoke to Yao Huai.

"Won't you be scared stupid?"

"Probably not."

The gazes between the two of them were not hidden. Lu Yun looked at the fear and admiration in those people's eyes and suddenly smiled wickedly.

"Ah, I forgot to mention that the Soul-eating Insect and the Dark Gold Disc were all brought here by me."

She focused her gaze away from the disciples who had ridiculed her before. If someone had observed carefully just now, they would have discovered that the ones who were most seriously injured were those who offended Lu Yun. "I just wanted to see how powerful you Wuxiangxuan disciples are, but the result is really... disappointing."

The long and rising tone is sarcasm with a special meaning.

Under that direct gaze, Zeng Jin felt not only embarrassment, but also a fire burning in his heart.

The flames were scorching and almost burned him to death.

He despises the weak and worships the strong.

When Lu Yun stood up from what he thought was a weak person to a strong one, in addition to being unwilling to be trampled on, he also had the desire to catch up with the strong one.

As for hatred.


The weak eat the strong, and the winner is king. This is how the world is, isn't it?

"Sister Lu, how could you do this to us?"

"Lu Yun, you are so vicious that you want to poison us."

"Senior Brother Yao, you invited me, you have to give us justice."

The facts announced by Lu Yun aroused the anger of some people. They tried to criticize Lu Yun, completely unaware that their senior brother Yao Huai had a laissez-faire attitude from the beginning.

Yao Huai, who was about to be lifted out, folded his arms and watched.

He stared at everyone with smiling eyes, but the words coming out of those beautiful lips were ruthless and cruel.

"As long as you can beat her, I will give you justice."

"Or shut up."

"What right does a weak person have to make demands just because I am your senior brother?"

"Then I ask you to die, will you go?"

The harsh words made some disciples stare in shock. They had never seen Yao Huai with such a harsh attitude.

Who doesn't know that Senior Brother Yao is the kindest person?


Someone spoke quietly, looking aggrieved and cautious.

"How can you do this?"

He questioned, venting his unhappiness.

He is obviously their senior brother, why should he defend an outsider?

"Why not?"

Yao Huai snapped his fingers, and the world around him changed again, and the dark gold disk that was supposed to disappear appeared in front of people.

Like butterflies flying in the team like a strong wind, they once again inflicted more injuries on these disciples.

"Then tell me whether these butterflies are real or fake."

Yao Huai's illusion skills are number one among Wu Xiangchu's disciples.

It is difficult for these disciples to distinguish between true and false in their highly skilled illusion skills.

Some people thought that Yao Huai would not hurt him, so he stood firm and did not dodge. As a result, his throat was almost cut by the sharp wings of the dark gold disc.

"Do you think you are powerful?"

"Just a bunch of idiots!"

"After staying in the sect for a long time and being flattered by those junior brothers and sisters, do you feel that you are the best in the world?"

"But you idiots who can't see through a single illusion and sit in a well looking at the sky, what right do you have to look down on others?"

Yao Huai waved his hand and all the butterflies disappeared, including the wounds caused.

Some gasped, others were shocked.

The sound of heavy breathing became the only main theme here.

The eyes of those people kept changing between Yao Huai and Lu Yun. Some of them bowed their heads with guilt, while others had blazing flames in their eyes. (End of chapter)

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