It was Zeng Jin who finally broke the confrontation.

"Wuxianchu disciple Zeng Jin, thank you Senior Sister Lu for your guidance."

He looked directly at Lu Yun, with suppressed excitement on his face. The successive blows did not dampen Zeng Jin's confidence in climbing up.

He cupped his fists and saluted Lu Yun solemnly, willingly and respectfully.

"Disciple Zhai Xing, thank you Senior Sister Lu for your guidance."

Zhai Xing followed closely behind. Even though he knew the truth, Zhai Xing had to admit that he could not remain calm in the situation just now.

On the other hand, Lu Yun controlled everything that happened and ended. This kind of magnanimity and strength were beyond their reach.

Even if they didn't want to admit it, they had to admit that even if they were disciples of the same generation, Lu Yun's achievements had long been beyond their reach.

More voices of thanks rang out, and those disciples either actively or passively bent over.

Among the intermittent voices, some people may be depressed after being hit, while others work hard and will go further in the future.

Yao Huai used Lu Yun's hand to let them clearly see the differences between people.

The arrogance of being disciples of the nine major sects was pulled out of the hearts of these people at this moment.

What about the disciples of the nine major sects? They are superior to tens of millions of people, and some people can easily crush them.

Only those on the same level are qualified to be opponents, and now, they are just chasing a speck of dust behind the Lingling sword energy.

Lu Yun put away Han Jiangxue and looked at the dark head with a faint smile in her eyes.

Monks have always been arrogant.

Competing with heaven and others also requires this arrogance, but the premise is that you have to clearly understand where you stand.

Such people who are so ambitious and self-righteous will eventually lose sight of everyone in the world of cultivation.

And Lu Yun just let them know clearly what the gap is.

She crushed a few pills, and the mild medicinal properties blended into these people's bodies, healing the damage caused by the poisonous insects just now.

"Get up."

"If you want to thank me, thank you Senior Brother Yao."

If it weren't for Yao Huai, why would she cooperate with this incident?

However, Lu Yunxiao had a profound meaning when he used himself to train Wuxiangchu disciples.

Speaking of which, she had never really faced Yao Huai's illusion skills. This senior, who was as famous as her senior brothers, was the mountain to be surpassed in the next step for Lu Yun.

Sensing Lu Yun's fighting spirit, Yao Huai responded.

He said, "I'll wait for you."

After such a shock, the team became much more at ease.

They followed Yao Huai obediently and continued to dig in. Yao Huai was relaxed, but Lu Yun was surrounded by many disciples, asking questions.

Lu Yun, who was among the crowd, had a dull face, looking at Yao Huai's evil smile, she could only pretend to be dead.

The environment of the Poisonous Swamp is not static. To a certain extent, the further you go inside, the more vibrant it becomes.

Large areas of brightly colored poisonous flowers are growing, and the rich and beautiful colors cover the entire field of vision. In addition to being stunning, the strange fragrance entices the mind, making people want to indulge in it.

Lu Yun picked up a poisonous flower with a sword. The uprooted poisonous flower did not die, but struggled in Lu Yun's hand.

The twisting roots are like living creatures, with a faint blood-pink color.

In the sea of ​​flowers, Lu Yun saw some white corpses. This swamp covered with poisonous flowers contained many dead souls.

Darkness surged in the shadows, as if there were pairs of eyes staring at them secretly, which made their hair stand on end.

Looking at the roots trying to pierce into his own flesh and blood, Lu Yun condensed her sword energy and cut off the restless roots.

"Am I right? There must be corpses underneath. It's really disgusting."

Under the beautiful sea of ​​flowers, there are many dead souls.

The sea of ​​flowers spread out in front of them became a roadblock for them.This poisonous flower looks kind and gentle, but is actually a cannibal. Once it steps into the sea of ​​flowers, those roots will turn into the strongest weapons until it sucks the prey clean.

They stood on the periphery, sighing at the miraculous craftsmanship of nature, but at the same time they were more wary of these things.

Everyone is discussing how to leave here.

Lu Yun stood next to Yao Huai, looking intently at the sea of ​​flowers. It looked calm, but Lu Yun felt a chill.

Like tarsal maggots, it clung tightly to her back, moving and swimming, bringing a sticky and cold touch.

There is no wind, the flowers are automatic, the fragrance of the flowers is like a dream, and the shadow of the sword flies by.

The sword in Lu Yun's hand quickly came out and struck somewhere in the sea of ​​flowers. Beside her, Yao Huai also took action.

There was movement, and the smell of blood was spreading.

There is someone in the sea of ​​flowers!

"how come?"

They were shocked that someone could survive in the sea of ​​flowers, until silhouettes appeared from the sea of ​​flowers.

After being discovered, they no longer covered their bodies, and the blood mist followed them like a shadow. The demonic aura on these people announced their identities.

"It's a demon cultivator!"

"Damn, we're found out."

After a moment of panic, perhaps due to previous training, they quickly reacted and got into position.

Following Yao Huai's movement, Wu Xiangchu's illusions overlapped and pressed against those demon cultivators.

The superposition of illusions is not the same as one plus one equals two.

Sometimes, as the master of illusion, he doesn't know what kind of illusion he can create with his companions.

Lu Yun did not take action again, but looked at the demon cultivators.

The faces were pale and indifferent, like mindless puppets, and there was a sense of numbness in the inorganic eyes.

It didn't look like a human look.

Under the influence of the illusion, some of the demon cultivators who were supposed to attack rebelled and broke the necks of their companions with their backhand.

There was a click, crisp and sweet.

The corpse fell into the sea of ​​flowers and was quickly covered by the wriggling roots beneath the sea of ​​flowers.

The pale pink roots seemed to be eating, swallowing everything. In the next moment, a new demonic cultivator appeared in front of people.

After fighting among themselves for a while, the number of those demon cultivators became quite large.

Lu Yun, who was standing with a sword, gave Yao Huai a look: "Cover me."

She stepped into the sea of ​​flowers over there, and the sword energy around her body roared out, crushing the roots that were trying to invade.

He quickly came to a demon cultivator, glanced across the demon cultivator's face, and saw a few twisting things in his cold eyes.

That's... a rhizome.

Han Jiangxue stabbed the demon cultivator in the neck, but the opponent nimbly dodged it, but Lu Yun was faster with the sword.

The Qingfeng stirred up bursts of light and shadow, and the sound of the sword never ceased.

After a few moves, the demon cultivator was unable to parry Lu Yun's attack. The surrounding demon cultivators noticed the difficulty of their companions and were about to rush to help.

"Senior Sister Lu, be careful!"

Zhai Xing shouted, while Yao Huai was extremely calm.

Fingers fluttered, pinches continued, the illusion changed again, and those demon cultivators who were close to Lu Yun disappeared in front of people.

Yao Huai imprisoned these demon cultivators in his own illusion, and Yao Huai, who was from God's perspective in his illusion, discovered the reason why Lu Yun rushed in.

There's something wrong with these demonic cultivators. (End of chapter)

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