The demonic cultivator who was supposed to be a "living person" remained motionless in the illusion and turned into a "dead object".

Yao Huai raised his head and saw Lu Yun in the sea of ​​flowers taking out Wu Zhuo, which was covered with a layer of green fire, and smashed it down gently, smashing the body of a demon cultivator.

Everyone saw that there was no flesh and blood in the demon cultivator's body, but only pink roots squeezed together.

After those roots were exposed, they paused in the air for a moment and then attacked Lu Yun.

Once the living creatures that enter here are parasitized by this flower, they will become their captives, with their roots replacing their bodies, and their minds and thoughts returning to nothingness.

These demon cultivators should be the people from the Fierce Demon Palace who came to explore the poisonous water swamp.

After all, this swamp does not recognize people. Those demon cultivators should have been exposed to the dangers they encountered. It is normal for a person to be damaged in such a confusing place.

It's just that under the control of the poisonous flower, the demon cultivator turned into a controllable vegetative state.

They sleep in the sea of ​​flowers all day long, waiting for the next wave of food to arrive.

And Lu Yun and the others are fresh food.

Surprisingly, this kind of flower can actually simulate the breath of a demon cultivator, so they couldn't distinguish it when they first encountered it.

With a sword, he cleared away the poisonous flowers around him. Before the roots could attack again, Lu Yun used Longying to return to Yao Huai's side.

After discovering the problem here, it can be overcome without force.

"I'm covering this place with illusions."

Yao Huai also noticed that after saying this, Yao Huai's pupils dilated slightly, he spread his hands, and his spiritual energy gathered into a fantasy flower.

Countless colorful rays of light flew out from the fantasy flower and landed on the sea of ​​flowers, instantly creating a layer of illusion.

On the surface, the sea of ​​​​flowers is washing away in the wind, and all the controlled "vegetative people" have stopped, as if they have shut down by default after failing to find the target.

After all, they are plants. Even if they have some intelligence, they cannot really compare with humans.

A slightly complicated illusion is enough to confuse these poisonous flowers for a period of time.


Yao Huai said and began to speed up.

Everyone flew over the sea of ​​flowers, and the charming fragrance came from the air, but no one stayed for this sweetness.

With the sea of ​​flowers falling behind them, everyone took a big step forward without any danger.

Before they had time to feel relieved, facing the strange and dangerous environment ahead, there was a little noise in the team.

In the black mud of the swamp, figures stood one after another.

At first glance, they looked like evil ghosts crawling out of hell. They were covered in mud and water, silent and with their heads lowered, unable to see clearly.

One after another, figures stood like stone statues, scattered in the swamp.

It was unclear whether the dark appearance was a human being or a monster. All that was felt in this environment was an eerie silence.

His breathing slowed down, Yao Huai made a gesture, and the crowd fell silent instantly.

Lu Yun stood on the edge of the swamp with a long sword in hand, using her spiritual consciousness to explore the truth of those things.

The appearance of the humanoids looked no different from theirs, and they even had tall, short, fat and thin bodies, but Lu Yun couldn't feel any aura of living people in these things.

Deadly and smelly, like a rotting corpse.

Even though so many of them broke in, these clay statues remained silent and looked particularly well-behaved, but the coldness they revealed was not reassuring at all.

Someone tried to walk into this swamp.

The spiritual energy flows through their legs, ensuring that they can walk smoothly on the swamp without being swallowed up.

Even though he was walking quietly, the disciple subconsciously slowed down his pace. He approached the clay doll and was on guard.

Keeping a reaction distance, he crossed the clay doll and walked further forward, but the clay doll remained motionless.

The disciple turned around and indicated that he could walk.

Everyone kept quiet and kept a little distance from each other, like the Silent Lambs, on the highest alert, starting to cross the swamp.This swamp is very big and there are many clay dolls standing there.

Only when they were actually inside did they realize how insignificant they were and how weird the clay dolls were.

Lu Yun walked past a clay doll and took a look at the clay doll's face. It was covered by the mud and could not see clearly what was under the mud clothes, but there were shadows of facial features.

"Do you feel that this distance seems much further than what we have seen before? We have been walking for a long time and have not reached there yet."

A disciple lowered his voice, and Lu Yun also received a message from Yao Huai in his mind.

The suspicion is unanimous.

This swamp seems to have no end. Once you step into it, there is no way out.

"If you don't touch these clay dolls, I always think there is something wrong with these things."

There is definitely a problem, but no one can guarantee what the consequences of contact will be.

Just like the existence of ghosts breaking into walls, it is actually explained in illusion. After all, using illusion to create this situation is an easy task for disciples of Wuxiangchu.

But they all agreed that this was not an illusion.

So, it should be caused by the natural landforms here.

The Huanyan Flower in Yao Huai's hand reappeared, he closed his eyes, his expression was solemn, and there was no trace of panic on his face.

His greatest confidence is not himself, but the head of Wuxiangdi.

The other party is in this swamp, maybe observing their situation. The other party did not rescue anyone, which means there is a way to survive here.

What he has to do is to find out what's going on here.

Yao Huai's method is very simple. He treats this place as an independent space, and he plans to use his own illusions to seize this space and become the master of it.

One after another magic spells were shot by Yao Huai, and the Huanyan Flower floated in front of Yao Huai. After looking at its dreamlike appearance for a long time, it made people have the urge to stare at it forever.

Lu Yun withdrew her gaze.

She glanced past the clay dolls around her.

These clay dolls should not be placed here to scare people, otherwise they would be overkill.

As Yao Huai fought for control of the swamp, Lu Yun's sword energy turned into soft wind, covering the bodies of the clay dolls, condensing and not dissipating.

As long as Lu Yun is willing, those sword energy can turn into sharp blades in an instant.

Lu Yun gave herself a layer of protection.

"It's done!"

Zhai Xing's voice was a little excited.

The speed in Yao Huai's hands is increasing, and his eyes are getting brighter.

The space seemed to vibrate for a moment, and Lu Yun was in a daze for a moment. She looked around again, but there was no change. She was still in the swamp, and the clay doll was still there.

Has it failed?

Thoughts passed through her mind, and Lu Yun heard the sound of fighting not far away.

Looking up, you can see floating smoke and dust, and there are people there.

"Quick, let's go too."

A lot of people came to the Poisonous Water Swamp, but they were from different standpoints, that is, demon cultivators and human cultivators. Since there was a fight, it must have been an encounter between the two sides.

It cannot be said that the people from Bodhi Cave collided with those demonic cultivators.

The relationship between Wuxiangchu and Bodhi Cave is average, but in this case, you still have to go and support.

Everyone is fine with this.

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