Little Junior Sister Society fears but draws sword

Chapter 212 It's all an illusion

The disciple who was too excited because of meeting the others felt that his field of vision became shorter after taking a few steps.

It was as if a few inches had been cut off from his legs, which made him very uncomfortable.

He lowered his head following the feeling and saw his legs sinking into the swamp, layers of mud rolling up his legs.

It was very slow and not heavy at all, so he didn't notice it immediately.

And now, his calves were submerged in the swamp.

He could continue to walk forward, but he couldn't feel the existence of his legs. It was as if his body was divided into two parts, one part disappeared, but he could still use it normally.

What's going on here?
Why doesn't anyone say anything to my companions?
He raised his head in confusion and found that everyone was still standing where he was. The powerful Senior Sister Lu in his heart was not far away from him, looking at him with a speechless look.

From that look, he saw a faint sigh.

It's like comforting a dying person, gentle, helpless, and sad.

He's going to die.

When this idea roared in his mind, he finally broke away from that weird state, and the pain from his legs overwhelmed him.

His body could no longer maintain balance and was teetering. A scream was squeezed out of his throat, and his forehead was dripping with cold sweat.

He could feel that his legs were being eaten, and his mouth was opening and tearing at his flesh.

Faintly, he heard the sound of chewing.

Delicate and endless.

When he realized this, there was this chewing sound even in his mind.

Is there something in his head?
Something was eating his brain.

"Save me, save..."

Before dying, he made his own voice, so weak and painful.

In his widened eyes, the darkness from death is encroaching on the last territory.

Lu Yun stood not far away, her eyebrows raised and wrinkled. In the dark and humid swamp, the mud turned into a huge mouth of the abyss, waiting all the time.

With one oversight, the call of the abyss can no longer be resisted.

In front of Lu Yun, the disciple was completely covered in mud and turned into a mud doll that was no different from the surrounding ones.

The whole process is actually very fast.

Lu Yun was the first to discover the problem, but her shouts could not reach the other party's mind.

She can't save each other.

Lu Yun does not feel sorry for herself.

After the ghost wall was broken, the sudden sound of fighting attracted everyone's attention.

What they were thinking about was how to get out of here, thus ignoring the dangers around them.

Yao Huai reminded him promptly, but some people still fell into the trap.

The result of being tricked is to become one of those clay dolls.

"Be careful."

Lu Yun reminded, meeting Yao Huai's eyes, Lu Yun nodded lightly.

He raised his hand, and the sword energy scattered around the clay dolls suddenly condensed into flying blades. The moment Yao Huai made a sound, he stabbed the heads of the clay dolls with unstoppable momentum.


"Do not look back!"

Yao Huai's voice was roaring, and all the disciples instinctively obeyed his orders.

But not everyone can react.

Lu Yun stretched out her hand and gave the shocked Zhai Xing a hand. The warm fingers made Zhai Xing break out in a cold sweat.

She didn't dare to look back, but from the corner of her eye, she saw a pile of mud emerging from the necks of the mud dolls whose heads had been chopped off, like a fountain.

The mud quickly formed a head, and the clay puppet was complete again.

The resurrected clay doll opened its empty and lifeless eyes.

She could clearly see that there was something moving in those eye sockets, like some unknown creature. They replaced the human brain and controlled the clay puppets to try to keep them.

The quiet swamp is completely revitalized.

The clay puppets let out sharp roars, and the sound pierced their ears, making people panic in pain.

Lu Yun did not let go of Zhai Xing's hand and continued to move forward with him.

Han Jiangxue slashed out with a sword, and a sneak attack clay puppet beside him was chopped into two ends, and then recovered again in his breath.

These clay dolls look like immortal monsters.

Ordinary attacks are useless against them.And this kind of dead object is also not deceived by illusions. The disciples of Wuxiangchu can only use the transformed weapons to start fighting hand-to-hand.

The curses were high and low, mixed with some despair.

Only after Zhai Xing was able to act on his own did Lu Yun let go.

Without Lu Yun's reminder, Zhai Xing also started to deal with the clay puppets around him.

It was only a few hundred meters away from the edge of the swamp. With the speed of Lu Yun and Yao Huai, they could easily leave.

But after they leave, these disciples will definitely suffer.

"Go first."

She pushed Zhai Xing, and Yao Huai's figure appeared next to her.

"Can you control them?"

Lu Yun didn't turn sideways and asked Yao Huai.

"Yes, five breaths."

The mud splashed on the clay doll fell on the hem of his clothes. At this moment, Yao Huai no longer looked like a handsome young man, and looked a little embarrassed.

"it is good."

After the exchange was completed, the Huanyan Flower emitted a misty light.

Lu Yun used her spiritual sense to capture that Yao Huai's power was affecting the nearby space.

Confusing the fake with the real, she heard Yao Huai's murmur.

In this space that was temporarily controlled by Yao Huai, he issued an order to make the clay dolls stand still for five breaths.

So Lu Yun raised her sword and thrust it into the swamp.

Hanjiang's snow-white sword blade looked even colder in the mud.

A powerful cold air spreads outwards with Lu Yun as the center, and Hanjiang Snow, born under the Hanshan Mountain, creates a kingdom of ice and snow here.

The falling snowflakes fell on the clay dolls, and the extreme cold froze them.

Click, click!
The clay dolls are crystallizing, leaving behind a frosty white color on this dark swamp.

With the help of Hanjiang Snow, Lu Yun, who was temporarily frozen in all directions, stood up and coughed a few times.

But this time, the spiritual energy in his body was almost drained.

The arm was pulled by Yao Huai, and following the opponent's strength, the two figures flickered on the ice, and everything froze wherever they passed.

In this frozen world, everyone stepped on the ice and successfully reached the other shore.

Behind him, the ice shattered and the clay puppet returned to normal, causing wild waves.

The manipulated clay puppet tried to step out of the swamp, but when it reached the edge, it restrained itself and stopped.

As if being absorbed by something, the clay puppets began to retreat slowly.

"What the hell?"

There was a sound of surprise, and Lu Yun looked at their feet.

What they were on now was hard ground that was rare in the swamp.

The surface is covered with a white substance, which looks like a carpet of fungi if you look closely.

Lift your feet and you can feel the stickiness.

Looking around, the entire foothold is covered by this fungus carpet. The slender hyphae poke out from under the fungus carpet, which looks very soft and harmless.

But if it was really harmless, why would those clay dolls just give up the pursuit?

"The sound of fighting is gone."

While some people were rejoicing, Zeng Jin swallowed his saliva and struggled to explain his findings.

He looked at Yao Huai and then at Lu Yun, and found that the two of them were not surprised.

Apparently, they discovered the problem here earlier.

"What do you mean?"

Someone asked incomprehensibly.

"Can you feel the presence of other people besides us here?"

Looking forward, the ground surface has a flesh-white, mushroom-like texture, and there is no trace of other human beings in the place occupied by this carpet.

What I just heard is illusion.

They just fell from one trap into another.

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