Little Junior Sister Society fears but draws sword

Chapter 213 The temptation from mushrooms

Chapter 213 The temptation from mushrooms

They know that the poisonous swamp is very dangerous, and countless people have lost their lives here.

But they never expected that the creatures here have evolved to such an extent that they can use this illusion to attract prey.

Lifting the foot, a piece of mycelium was involved.

Looking at the soft and harmless mycelium, everyone felt unsure.

The only good thing is that their path forward has not deviated.

So the question is, the corpses of demon cultivators can be seen in the sea of ​​flowers and swamps. In this land invaded by fungi, where did the corpses of those demon cultivators go?

"Damn, this thing is growing."

Zeng Jin let out a low cry, and everyone looked over and saw the hyphae at his feet elongating rapidly, like a soft dodder flower, clinging to Zeng Jin's body.

Zeng Jin, who was confused by this weak appearance, was attacked the next second.

He was stabbed in the calf, leaving no trace.

Zeng Jin crushed the hyphae and checked his body again. There was nothing unusual.

Yao Huai walked over and clasped Zeng Jin's arm. His spiritual power invaded and probed the other person's body, but he also found no changes.

"Brother, I, I'm fine."

Zeng Jin whispered, obviously his body was fine, but he still felt a chill in his heart.

"Cough cough."

He coughed a few times and felt his throat was a little itchy.

"Brother, let's get out of here quickly."

This place was so strange. If he stayed any longer, he felt like he would melt here.

"Well, let's go."

Making a decisive decision, Yao Huai led the team away. This time Yao Huai stopped his casual attitude.

The further you go inside, the more dangerous it becomes. In this unknown territory, stay in awe and don't be careless.

"Cough cough."

Zeng Jin, who was following in the middle of the team, coughed a few more times. I don't know if it was an illusion, but he always felt that there was something foreign in his throat.

I want to cough, but I can't.

Zeng Jin rubbed his throat and stared at his surroundings with vigilance.

The kind of fleshy white, continuous mycelium on the surface of the ground, swaying on the carpet.

Zeng Jin took a few more glances and felt the urge to get involved.

It would be nice to turn into a fungus.

he thought.

The pace slowed down.

After coughing a few more times, Zeng Jin touched the corner of his mouth, and a little blood seeped out.

Zeng Jin wiped it off indifferently. The residual smell of blood in his mouth made Zeng Jin feel a little hungry.


very hungry.

His nose moved, and there was a faint smell of meat in the air.

It's strange, hasn't he already gone off grain, how could he be hungry?

Zeng Jin, who was lost in thought, had fallen to the end of the team.

Zeng Jin, who was troubled by hunger, glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw several beautiful little mushrooms growing under a rock not far away.

The milky white umbrella cover looked like milk, and the sweet smell made Zeng Jin's stomach gurgling.

He swallowed, the pain in his throat forcing him to absorb some water.

Those mushrooms look delicious.

Zeng Jin's eyes lit up and he felt that he had found a good solution.

He wouldn't bother his teammates with such a trivial matter. With this thought in mind, he quietly distanced himself from the team and walked to the stone.

He squatted down, looked at the palm-sized milky white mushroom, and smelled the perfect smell of milk mixed with meat. Zeng Jin stretched out his hand, with the desire to eat in his eyes.

"Zeng Jin!"

Just as his palm was about to touch the mushroom, there was a cry.

Zeng Jin remembered that the voice belonged to Senior Sister Lu, and he also remembered that he should hate Senior Sister Lu.

He turned his head impatiently and waved his hand in the direction of Senior Sister Lu.Only then did Zeng Jin see that a lot of hyphae were growing on his hands. The slender hyphae looked a bit furry, like countless small mouths sucking nutrients from the air.

Because of Zeng Jin's movements, the hyphae shook and released spores.

Spores that were invisible to the naked eye floated in the direction of Lu Yun, and Zeng Jin showed a wonderful look in his eyes.

Ah, if he could turn Senior Sister Lu into a being like himself, Wang would definitely be very happy.

Hey, who is the king?

I don't understand.

Well, I don’t think about it anymore. In short, I just need to listen to the king and find more companions.

But before looking for a companion, you have to eat well.

Zeng Jin looked at the mushrooms again and felt that the mushrooms were a little bigger and more fragrant.

Because of hunger, he roared in his throat, and something was surging fiercely, trying to break out of the ground.

"Zeng Jin!"

There was another shout. This time Zeng Jin didn't look at Lu Yun and went straight to grab the mushroom.

Sword light spread everywhere, the spores floating towards Lu Yun were crushed, and spiritual power surged. Lu Yun took a step forward and threw out the tail needle in his hand.

As swift as wind and thunder, he arrived in front of Zeng Jin in the blink of an eye and inserted himself between Zeng Jin and the mushrooms.

The sword intent with murderous intent shrouded Zeng Jin. Faced with an extreme sense of crisis, Zeng Jin blinked in a daze and saw that the milky white mushrooms in front of him turned into a gray color like dead flesh.

On the top of the mushroom canopy, facial features sprouted, resembling those of living people.

Those features roared and seduced.

"Eat, eat quickly."

"The king is waiting for us."

"Listen to the king, don't disobey the king's orders, and help the king find more companions."

Voices swirled in his mind one after another, making Zeng Jin instinctively want to follow those gibbering voices and take action.

Well, he is a human, why should he listen to a mushroom?


He is... human.

Shocking light exploded in his eyes, and his whole body seemed to suddenly wake up. Zeng Jin's eyes widened, and he saw hyphae sprouting from his fingertips.

The mycelium almost came into contact with those mushrooms.

He saw that the mouth organs on those mushrooms had been opened, expecting him to fall into the trap.

His shoulders were pulled outwards, and his whole body was pulled to stand up.

"Are you awake?"

Lu Yun looked at Zeng Jin's fearful expression and signaled everyone not to come over for the time being.

"Me, what's wrong with me?"

Zeng Jin spoke with a vibrato, lifted up his sleeves, and saw that his arms were covered with hyphae.

These hyphae seem to be living things. If you listen carefully, you can hear the hyphae talking.

They were calling to his fellow man.

"You are controlled by mycelium."

Lu Yun cut the opponent's arm open, and while the blood rolled down, strips of mycelium spread out from his body.

Those hyphae covered the wound, but within a breath, the wound healed.

This speed of healing is impossible for people who have advanced to this level of cultivation without the assistance of external objects.

Zeng Jin's eyelids twitched.

He knew that it was caused by the hyphae in the body.

If you have these hyphae, if you allow yourself to become a member of these fungi, will you always have this powerful self-healing ability?

Maybe one day I can surpass Senior Sister Lu and Senior Brother Yao.

No, these two people are nothing. One day, I will follow the king to leave here, enter the human world, and become the only king.

Joy burst out from Zeng Jin's eyes, and he lowered his head subconsciously, not wanting Lu Yun to see the look in his eyes.

The temptation from mushrooms made him no longer want to be a human being.

(End of this chapter)

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