Little Junior Sister Society fears but draws sword

Chapter 214 Mushrooms must learn to disguise

Chapter 214 Mushrooms must learn to disguise

"If you believe those things, you might as well think about who your 'companions' are?"

The voice belonging to Lu Yun was as cold as snow falling in the sky.

That kind of coldness hit his soul, making Zeng Jin look at where Lu Yun was pointing.

Right at your feet.

He remembered that his blood was dripping here, but there was only a flesh-white carpet left here, and the blood seemed to be licked away, clean.

Dangerous thoughts flashed through his mind, causing Zeng Jin to struggle again.

As a human being, why would he want to be companions with fungi?

"Sister Lu...?"

He shouted, his voice was dry and unpleasant, and something was blocked in his throat.

He raised his head and covered his throat, coughing eagerly, one after another, and his back bent.


As Lu Yun spoke, she slapped Zeng Jin on the back with her palm containing spiritual power, causing Zeng Jin to open his mouth wide and spit it out.

A small bloody mushroom appeared in the blood.

And in front of Zeng Jin, the blood was quickly absorbed by the carpet.

His body felt much more relaxed and his mind was clear again, but the hyphae on his body were still there.

He was hit.

Lu Yun didn't need to say anything else. Zeng Jin quickly swallowed some detoxifying pills, spit out a few mouthfuls of blood, and the hyphae completely disappeared from his body.

"Sister Lu, thank you."

Zeng Jin was still afraid.

If Lu Yun hadn't discovered something strange about himself, he wouldn't have really become one of those companions, lying under the carpet of bacteria and turning into nutrients for these fungi.

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at a few gray-white mushrooms on the edge of the stone, and Zeng Jin felt lingering fear.

What he didn't notice was that his throat was swallowing a few times unconsciously.

It still smells so good, these years have passed by in a flash, leaving only a faint hint.

"Well, let's go."

After looking at Zeng Jin, Lu Yun pondered for a moment, took out Hanjiang Snow, sealed the mushrooms in ice, and then dug them out.

The human face on the mushroom is frozen in the ice, maintaining a weird and ridiculous state.

Putting it into the storage bag, Lu Yun moved to the back. During this period, his eyes crossed with Yao Huai's in the front. Both of them had a little sadness in their eyes.

Not finished yet.

Lu Yun could clearly feel this.

From the moment they stepped onto the fungus carpet, Lu Yun felt as if she had walked into the mouth of a monster.

The consequence of this kind of embracing behavior is that once these people are injured by those hyphae, the spores will take root in the flesh and blood.

Those voices would clamor for them to become one of a kind and to sacrifice everything for the king.

Lu Yun looked at her fingertips.

Before helping Zeng Jin, a piece of mycelium successfully attacked her and disappeared in a flash. It only left a small wound on her fingertip, and the wound disappeared in an instant.

There seems to be nothing wrong with my body.

But with the lessons learned from the past, Lu Yun knew that she was in a state of being influenced by that "king".

And now, what she was thinking about was whether those who left here, whether they were demon cultivators or human cultivators, were also parasitized by spores.

If this is the case, can those beings... still be considered human beings now?

While thinking, Lu Yun smelled the rich fruit-like aroma. When she turned around, she saw several tender yellow mushrooms growing in front of her.

The plump and lovely mushrooms are moist and juicy, and the flowing juice is very delicious at first sight.

A voice in her head urged her to go over.

Lu Yun obeyed, froze, pulled it up, and threw it into the storage bag.

The whole movement is smooth and smooth.

The vague murmur seemed to pause for a moment, and then fell into silence.But the silence only lasted a short time.

After walking a few steps, various mushrooms will appear.

Delicate pink, alluring bright red, mysterious purple, dreamy blue.

Each mushroom exudes a different aroma, tempting her to want to feast.

Lu Yun just resisted the attraction and threw the mushrooms into the storage bag.

She was thinking that the third senior brother must be very fond of these strange things. With these things, he might be able to refine elixirs that can restrain these fungi.

Ignoring the complicated voices in her mind, Lu Yun's mood remained as still as a mountain.

In the dantian, the lurking fragments shimmered, seeming to appreciate the strength of Lu Yun's state of mind.

The sword energy spread horizontally and vertically, smashing a few mushrooms and waking up a few people.

After observing for so long, Lu Yun discovered that as long as he did not eat the mushrooms growing here, he could awaken the part of the human mind.

Furthermore, those with a strong state of mind will not be so easily tempted by those mushrooms as long as they stick to their true intentions.

But appetite is one of the desires.

They all came from ordinary humans, and the smell of these mushrooms evoked their memories of tasting delicious food when they were still mortals.

Their taste buds become more sensitive and their stomachs are hungry, urging them to eat a full meal.

Lu Yun and Yao Huai are not omnipotent. After all, some people can't resist the temptation of appetite and grab a mushroom and put it in their mouth.

The man let out a satisfied moan.

The happy smile on his face is almost frozen.

His body was changing, like a melting candle, becoming limp and boneless.

No one had time to do anything. The disciple's body turned into a pile of flesh. Before the bloody scene could last long, mycelium sprung up from the ground, pierced into the corpse, and began to eat.

The body of an adult becomes invisible within a few breaths.

The fungus carpet is still clean. If it weren't for the clothes that fell on the ground and were disgusted by the fungus, no one would be sure whether there is really a person here.


Who is swallowing.

Zeng Jin was startled when many people looked at him, and he shook his head wildly.

"I, no, I didn't want to eat, I wasn't scared."

Yes, he was scared, how could he feel hungry.

Wang said that disguise is also one of the skills that mushrooms should learn.

There are predatory natural enemies in nature, so you need to pretend to be harmless so as to confuse more enemies.


The corners of Yao Huai's mouth twitched, and a few hyphae sprouted from the fists hanging in his sleeves.

Lu Yun cut off the hyphae on her fingertips for the tail-back needle.

The two looked at each other with expressionless faces.

Simply speaking, the surface area covered by the fungus carpet is not very large.

About a quarter of an hour later, they saw the normal color of the surface and... the people who were confronting them.

After sweeping over, Lu Yun recognized the identity tokens of the Bodhi Cave disciples, so those who were confronting the Bodhi Cave were naturally those demon cultivators.

The demon cultivators with pale faces and blood-red lips sneered in front of the Wuxiangchu disciples who came over.

"You righteous sects are really despicable. Why, you can't defeat us, so you call for help?"

Sarcastic words cannot irritate people.

Lu Yun stepped into the normal land and looked back. The attraction of the carpet seemed to have lost its effect on them.

Even after seeing the various mushrooms growing in clusters, Lu Yun no longer had the strong desire to eat.

So is it safe?
This thought came to her mind.

(End of this chapter)

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